# Instream
InfluxDB driver for Elixir
## InfluxDB Support
Tested InfluxDB versions:
- `1.7.11`
- `1.8.10`
- `2.0.9`
- `2.1.1`
- `2.2.0`
- `2.3.0`
- `2.4.0`
## Package Setup
To use Instream with your projects, edit your `mix.exs` file and add the required dependencies:
defp deps do
# ...
{:instream, "~> 2.0"},
# ...
### Testing
To run the tests you need to have HTTP authentication enabled.
The following environment variables are used to select some test suites and the InfluxDB version under test:
- `INFLUXDB_VERSION`: the tested InfluxDB version as `major.minor`, e.g. `"1.8"`, `"2.0"`, or `"2.4"`
- `INFLUXDB_V1_PORT_UDP`: the UDP port used for writer testing _(InfluxDB 1.x only)_
- `INFLUXDB_V1_SOCKET`: path to the InfluxDB unix socket _(InfluxDB 1.8 only)_
- `INFLUXDB_V2_TOKEN`: the authentication token used _(InfluxDB 2.x only)_
## Usage
### Connections
To connect to an InfluxDB server you need a connection module:
defmodule MyConnection do
use Instream.Connection, otp_app: :my_app
The `:otp_app` name and the name of the module can be freely chosen but have to be linked to a corresponding configuration entry. This defined connection module needs to be hooked up into your supervision tree:
children = [
# ...
# ...
Example of the matching configuration entry:
# InfluxDB v2.x
config :my_app, MyConnection,
auth: [method: :token, token: "my_token"],
bucket: "my_default_bucket",
org: "my_default_org",
host: "my.influxdb.host",
version: :v2
# InfluxDB v1.x
config :my_app, MyConnection,
auth: [username: "my_username", password: "my_password"],
database: "my_default_database",
host: "my.influxdb.host"
More details on connections and configuration options can be found with the `Instream.Connection` and `Instream.Connection.Config` modules.
### Queries
# Flux query
from(bucket: "#{MyConnection.config(:bucket)}")
|> range(start: -5m)
|> filter(fn: (r) =>
r._measurement == "instream_examples"
|> first()
# InfluxQL query
MyConnection.query("SELECT * FROM instream_examples")
A more detailed documentation on queries (reading/writing/options) is available in the documentation for the modules `Instream` and `Instream.Connection`.
## Series Definitions
If you do not want to define the raw maps for writing data you can pre-define a series for later usage:
defmodule MySeries do
use Instream.Series
series do
measurement "my_measurement"
tag :bar
tag :foo
field :value
More information about series definitions can be found in the module documentation of `Instream.Series`.
### Writing Series Points
You can then use this module to assemble a data point (one at a time) for writing:
data = %MySeries{}
data = %{data | fields: %{data.fields | value: 17}}
data = %{data | tags: %{data.tags | bar: "bar", foo: "foo"}}
And then write one or many at once:
MyConnection.write([point_1, point_2, point_3])
## License
[Apache License, Version 2.0](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)