# IntelHex

[![Hex version]( "Hex version")](

This is a library for loading, modifying and saving [Intel HEX
files]( This file format is frequently
used for firmware images on microcontrollers.

Here's an example use:

iex> hex = IntelHex.load!("./test/test.hex")

# Take a look at the first two 16-bit integers
iex> <<x::little-16, y::little-16>> = IntelHex.get(hex, 0, 4); {x, y}
{6146, 512}

# Change them to {1, 2}
iex> hex = IntelHex.set(hex, 0, <<1::little-16, 2::little-16>>)

# Check that it worked.
iex> <<x::little-16, y::little-16>> = IntelHex.get(hex, 0, 4); {x,y}
{1, 2}

# Save it to a new file
iex>, "new.hex")

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `intel_hex` to your list of dependencies
in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:intel_hex, "~> 0.1.0"}