# Intercom snippet
Intercom can be installed in your web app to help you chat to logged-in and logged-out users.
[Full configuration options can be found here](https://docs.intercom.io/configure-intercom-for-your-product-or-site/customize-the-intercom-messenger/the-intercom-javascript-api).
require Intercom
# Generate the full Intercom snippet
%{email: "your_data@example.com"}, # Key value pairs identifying your user.
app_id: "<your app id>", # Your app's identifier.
secret: "<your secret key>" # Your app's secret key. This enables secure mode https://docs.intercom.io/configure-intercom-for-your-product-or-site/staying-secure/enable-secure-mode-on-your-web-product
For example, this shows how to generate the web snippet in a [Phoenix](http://www.phoenixframework.org/) web app:
defmodule HelloPhoenix.PageController do
use HelloPhoenix.Web, :controller
require Intercom
plug :intercom
def index(conn, _params) do
# Intercom injectable via <%= raw @intercom %>
render conn, "index.html"
defp intercom(conn, _params) do
{:ok, snippet} = Intercom.snippet(
%{email: "bob@foo.com"},
app_id: "<your app id>",
secret: "<your secret>"
assign(conn, :intercom, snippet)
# Intercom REST API:
The Intercom [REST API](https://developers.intercom.io/) provides full access to Intercom resources. This library provides a thin wrapper over [httpoison](https://github.com/edgurgel/httpoison):
require Intercom.Client
hackney: Intercom.Client.auth("<app id>", "<api key>")