# IO ANSI Plus

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Functionality to render ANSI escape sequences.
Clone of module `IO.ANSI` but supporting named Xterm colors.

## Installation

Add `io_ansi_plus` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:io_ansi_plus, "~> 0.1"}

## Notes

In addition to the 16 regular ANSI colors<sup>[*](#footnote1)</sup> and
their background counterparts, this package also supports the 256 Xterm colors
(foreground and background).

Most of these 256 colors were given names like:
- ![#00ffff](`:aqua`
- ![#87ff00](`:chartreuse`
- ![#d700ff](`:psychedelic_purple`

You can use color number atoms for the few colors that are unnamed:

alias IO.ANSI.Plus, as: ANSI
["Hello, ", :color163, "world!"] |> ANSI.format(true) |> IO.puts()
["Hello, ", :color163_background, "world!"] |> ANSI.format(true) |> IO.puts()

Any color can have multiple names, for example, `:moccasin` and `:navajo_white`.

For details, see file `config/persist_colors.exs`.

<sup><a name="footnote1">*</a></sup> Actually 8 colors and their "bright" variants.

## Customization

You can specify new color names by changing file `config/persist_colors.exs`.
<br>You would then need to run `mix deps.compile io_ansi_plus [--force]`
to make the changes effective.

## Shortcuts

The package also provides shortcuts to drop the `format` calls in the following

alias IO.ANSI.Plus, as: ANSI
["Hello, ", :brown, "world!"] |> ANSI.format(true) |> IO.puts()
["Hello, ", :purple, "world!"] |> ANSI.format(true) |> IO.write()
[:aqua, "Garry, your move:", :reset, " "] |> ANSI.format(true) |> IO.gets()

The above expressions can be respectively shortened to:

alias IO.ANSI.Plus, as: ANSI
["Hello, ", :brown, "world!"] |> ANSI.puts(true)
["Hello, ", :purple, "world!"] |> ANSI.write(true)
[:aqua, "Garry, your move:", :reset, " "] |> ANSI.gets(true)

## Examples
## ![examples](images/io_ansi_plus_examples.png)