
defmodule IO.ANSI.Table.Style do
  @moduledoc """
  Defines functions returning the properties of the configured table styles.

  use PersistConfig

  alias IO.ANSI.Table.{Column, LineType, LineTypes}

  @type attr :: atom | [atom]
  @type border :: String.t()
  @type t :: atom

  @styles get_env(:table_styles)
  @sorted_styles Enum.sort(@styles, fn {sty1, _}, {sty2, _} -> sty1 <= sty2 end)

  Module.register_attribute(__MODULE__, :inner_lengths, accumulate: true)
  Module.register_attribute(__MODULE__, :left_lengths, accumulate: true)
  Module.register_attribute(__MODULE__, :line_types, accumulate: true)
  Module.register_attribute(__MODULE__, :right_lengths, accumulate: true)
  Module.register_attribute(__MODULE__, :style_ids, accumulate: true)
  Module.register_attribute(__MODULE__, :style_lengths, accumulate: true)
  Module.register_attribute(__MODULE__, :types, accumulate: true)

  @doc """
  Converts a switch `argument` into a table style.
  E.g. `green-alt` in: `no tx -blt green-alt 11`.

  ## Examples

      iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
      iex> Style.from_switch_arg("green-alt")
      {:ok, :green_alt}

      iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
      iex> Style.from_switch_arg("lite")
  @spec from_switch_arg(String.t()) :: {:ok, t} | :error
  def from_switch_arg(arg)

  @doc """
  Converts a table `style` into a switch argument.

  ## Examples

      iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
      iex> Style.to_switch_arg(:green_alt)

      iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
      iex> Style.to_switch_arg(:lite)
  @spec to_switch_arg(t) :: String.t() | nil
  def to_switch_arg(style)

  for {style, _} <- @styles do
    @style_ids style
    @style_lengths inspect(style) |> String.length()
    arg = to_string(style) |> String.replace("_", "-")
    def from_switch_arg(unquote(arg)), do: {:ok, unquote(style)}
    def to_switch_arg(unquote(style)), do: unquote(arg)

  def from_switch_arg(_arg), do: :error
  def to_switch_arg(_style), do: nil

  @max_length Enum.max(@style_lengths)
  @sorted_style_ids Enum.sort(@style_ids)

  @doc """
  Returns the sorted list of all style IDs.

  ## Examples

      iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
      iex> length Style.styles

      iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
      iex> Enum.take Style.styles, 7
      [:bare, :barish, :cyan, :cyan_alt, :cyan_border, :cyan_mult, :dark]
  @spec styles :: [t]
  def styles, do: @sorted_style_ids

  @doc """
  Returns the dash of a given table `style` and line `type`.

  ## Examples

      iex> IO.ANSI.Table.Style
      iex> Style.dash(:dark, :top)

      iex> IO.ANSI.Table.Style
      iex> Style.dash(:dark, :row)
  @spec dash(t, LineType.t()) :: String.t() | nil
  def dash(style, type)

  @doc """
  Returns the borders of a given table `style` and line `type`.

  ## Examples

      iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
      iex> Style.borders(:cyan, :bottom)
      ["╚═", "═╩═", "═╝"]
  @spec borders(t, LineType.t()) :: [border]
  def borders(style, type)

  @doc """
  Returns the "border spreads" of a given table `style` and line `type`.

  ## Examples

      iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
      iex> Style.border_spreads(:plain, :bottom)
      [[0, 2, 0], [0, 3, 0], [0, 2, 0]] # borders: "└─", "─┴─", "─┘"

      iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
      iex> Style.border_spreads(:plain, :header)
      [[0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0]] # borders: "│" ,  "│" ,  "│"
  @spec border_spreads(t, LineType.t()) :: [Column.spread()]
  def border_spreads(style, type)

  @doc """
  Returns the "line types" of a given table `style`.

  ## Examples

      iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
      iex> Style.line_types(:light)
      [:top, :header, :separator, [:row], :bottom]

      iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
      iex> Style.line_types(:green_alt)
      [:top, :header, :separator, [:even_row, :odd_row]]
  @spec line_types(t) :: [LineType.t()]
  def line_types(style)

  for {style, %{borders: borders}} <- @styles do
    for {type, [left, inner, right, dash]} <- borders do
      @left_lengths String.length(left)
      @inner_lengths String.length(inner)
      @right_lengths String.length(right)
      @types type
      def dash(unquote(style), unquote(type)), do: unquote(dash)

      def borders(unquote(style), unquote(type)) do
        [unquote(left), unquote(inner), unquote(right)]

    @max_left_length Enum.max(@left_lengths)
    @max_inner_length Enum.max(@inner_lengths)
    @max_right_length Enum.max(@right_lengths)

    for {type, [left, inner, right, _dash]} <- borders do
      left_spread = Column.spread(@max_left_length, left, :left)
      inner_spread = Column.spread(@max_inner_length, inner, :center)
      right_spread = Column.spread(@max_right_length, right, :right)

      def border_spreads(unquote(style), unquote(type)) do
        [unquote(left_spread), unquote(inner_spread), unquote(right_spread)]

    @line_types {style, LineTypes.from(@types)}
    def line_types(unquote(style)), do: @line_types[unquote(style)]

    Module.delete_attribute(__MODULE__, :left_lengths)
    Module.delete_attribute(__MODULE__, :inner_lengths)
    Module.delete_attribute(__MODULE__, :right_lengths)
    Module.delete_attribute(__MODULE__, :types)

  def dash(_style, _type), do: nil
  def borders(_style, _type), do: []
  def border_spreads(_style, _type), do: []
  def line_types(_style), do: []

  @doc """
  Returns the "border attribute" of a given table `style` and line `type`.

  ## Examples

      iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
      iex> Style.border_attr(:green, :top)
      [:light_white, :green_background]
  @spec border_attr(t, LineType.t()) :: attr | nil
  def border_attr(style, type)

  @doc """
  Returns the "filler attribute" of a given table `style` and line `type`.

  ## Examples

      iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
      iex> Style.filler_attr(:mixed, :row)
  @spec filler_attr(t, LineType.t()) :: attr | nil
  def filler_attr(style, type)

  @doc """
  Returns the "key attribute" of a given table `style` and line `type`.

  ## Examples

      iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
      iex> Style.key_attr(:light, :row)

      iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
      iex> Style.key_attr(:light, :header)
      [:gold, :underline]
  @spec key_attr(t, LineType.t()) :: attr | nil
  def key_attr(style, type)

  @doc """
  Returns the "non key attribute" of a given table `style` and line `type`.

  ## Examples

      iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
      iex> Style.non_key_attr(:cyan, :row)
      [:black, :cyan_background]
  @spec non_key_attr(t, LineType.t()) :: attr | nil
  def non_key_attr(style, type)

  @attr_funs [:border_attr, :filler_attr, :key_attr, :non_key_attr]

  for fun <- @attr_funs do
    key = :"#{fun}s"

    for {style, style_map} <- @styles do
      attrs = Map.get(style_map, key)

      if Keyword.keyword?(attrs) do
        for {type, attr} <- attrs do
          def unquote(fun)(unquote(style), unquote(type)), do: unquote(attr)
        for type <- List.flatten(@line_types[style]) do
          def unquote(fun)(unquote(style), unquote(type)), do: unquote(attrs)

    def unquote(fun)(_style, _type), do: nil

  @doc ~S"""
  Returns a list of interpolated texts (for all styles) based on `template`.

  ## Examples

      iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
      iex> Style.texts("  - `&style`&filler - &note\n") |> Enum.slice(16..18)
      ["  - `:green_border`          - light green border\n",
       "  - `:green_border_padded`   - light green border with extra padding\n",
       "  - `:green_border_unpadded` - light green border without padding\n"]

      alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
      Style.texts("  - `&style`&filler - &note", &IO.puts/1)

  ## Interpolation placeholders

    - `&style`  - table style (e.g. ":light_alt")
    - `&arg`    - table style switch arg (e.g. "light-alt")
    - `&filler` - padding after &style or &arg
    - `&note`   - table style note
    - `&rank`   - table style rank (3 digits)
  @spec texts(String.t()) :: [String.t()]
  def texts(template), do:, &interpolate(&1, template))

  @spec table_styles :: Keyword.t()
  def table_styles, do: @sorted_styles

  ## Private functions

  # @doc ~S'''
  # Replaces interpolation placeholders of a table `style` in `template`.

  # ## Examples

  #     iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
  #     iex> template = "• (&rank) &style&filler ➜ &note"
  #     iex> sty1 = :green_border_unpadded
  #     iex> sty2 = :light
  #     iex> sty3 = :medium
  #     iex> {Style.interpolate({sty1, Style.table_styles[sty1]}, template),
  #     ...>  Style.interpolate({sty2, Style.table_styles[sty2]}, template),
  #     ...>  Style.interpolate({sty3, Style.table_styles[sty3]}, template)}
  #     {"• (210) :green_border_unpadded ➜ light green border without padding",
  #      "• (010) :light                 ➜ light colors",
  #      "• (020) :medium                ➜ medium colors"}

  #     iex> alias IO.ANSI.Table.Style
  #     iex> template = "• (&rank) &style&filler ➜ &note\n"
  #     iex> sty1 = :green_border_unpadded
  #     iex> sty2 = :light
  #     iex> sty3 = :medium
  #     iex> sty1_map = Style.table_styles[sty1] |> put_in([:note], "")
  #     iex> sty2_map = Style.table_styles[sty2] |> put_in([:note], "")
  #     iex> sty3_map = Style.table_styles[sty3] |> put_in([:note], "")
  #     iex> {Style.interpolate({sty1, sty1_map}, template),
  #     ...>  Style.interpolate({sty2, sty2_map}, template),
  #     ...>  Style.interpolate({sty3, sty3_map}, template)}
  #     {"• (210) :green_border_unpadded\n",
  #      "• (010) :light\n",
  #      "• (020) :medium\n"}
  # '''
  @spec interpolate({t, map}, String.t()) :: String.t()
  defp interpolate({style, %{note: note, rank: rank}}, template) do
    import String, only: [duplicate: 2, replace: 3, slice: 2]

    {style, arg} = {inspect(style), to_switch_arg(style)}
    filler = duplicate(" ", @max_length - String.length(style))

    # Ensure rank always 3 digits...
    # Erase for example trailing " - "...
    # Erase trailing " () "...
    |> replace("&style", style)
    |> replace("&arg", arg)
    |> replace("&filler", filler)
    |> replace("&note", note)
    |> replace("&rank", slice("0#{rank}", -3..-1))
    |> replace(~r/ +. *$/u, "")
    |> replace(~r/ +\(\) *$/, "")