# IO ANSI Table
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Writes data to `:stdio` in a table with borders and colors.
Can choose a table style to change the look of the table.
##### Inspired by the book [Programming Elixir](https://pragprog.com/book/elixir16/programming-elixir-1-6) by Dave Thomas.
## Installation
Add `io_ansi_table` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:io_ansi_table, "~> 1.0"}
You may _also_ define `io_ansi_table` as an included application, if only using
the [IO.ANSI.Table.write/3][write/3] function:
def application do
included_applications: [:io_ansi_table],
extra_applications: [:logger]
## Examples
alias IO.ANSI.Table
people = [
%{name: "Mike", likes: "ski, arts", dob: "1992-04-15", bmi: 23.9},
%{name: "Mary", likes: "travels" , dob: "1992-04-15", bmi: 26.8},
%{name: "Ann" , likes: "reading" , dob: "1992-04-15", bmi: 24.7},
%{name: "Ray" , likes: "cycling" , dob: "1977-08-28", bmi: 19.1},
%{name: "Bill", likes: "karate" , dob: "1977-08-28", bmi: 18.1},
%{name: "Joe" , likes: "boxing" , dob: "1977-08-28", bmi: 20.8},
%{name: "Jill", likes: "cooking" , dob: "1976-09-28", bmi: 25.8}
Table.start([:name, :dob, :likes],
header_fixes: %{~r[dob]i => "Date of Birth"},
sort_specs: [asc: :dob],
align_specs: [center: :dob],
margins: [top: 2, bottom: 2, left: 2]
Table.format(people, style: :light)
Table.format(people, style: :light_alt)
Table.format(people, style: :light_mult)
Table.format(people, style: :cyan_alt)
Table.format(people, style: :cyan_mult)
## ![light](images/light.png)
## ![light_alt](images/light_alt.png)
## ![light_mult](images/light_mult.png)
## ![cyan_alt](images/cyan_alt.png)
## ![cyan_mult](images/cyan_mult.png)
## Notes
For side-by-side tables, you can specify a negative top margin.
In addition to the 16 standard ANSI colors<sup>[1](#footnote1)</sup> and their
background counterparts, this package also supports the 256 Xterm colors (foreground and background).
Most of these 256 colors were given names like:
- <img src="images/00ffff.png"> `:aqua`
- <img src="images/87ff00.png"> `:chartreuse`
- <img src="images/d700ff.png"> `:psychedelic_purple`
For details, see file `config/persist_colors.exs` of dependency
The following 2 packages use `io_ansi_table` as a dependency to tabulate
data fetched from the web:
- [Github Issues][github_issues]
- [NOAA Observations][noaa_observations]
Invocation from a remote shell is now supported (courtesy of [milkwine][mw]).
Sorting on [Date][Date] columns or other struct types like [Version][Version]
is now supported.
<sup><a name="footnote1">1</a></sup> Actually 8 colors and their "bright" variants.
## Latest version
The latest version supports:
- sorting on multiple columns
- alternating row attributes
- alignment of column elements
- sort direction indicators
- negative top margin
- ANSI and Xterm colors
- invocation from remote shell
- sorting on [Date][Date] columns
[io_ansi_plus]: https://github.com/RaymondLoranger/io_ansi_plus
[Date]: https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Date.html
[Version]: https://hexdocs.pm/elixir/Version.html
[mw]: https://github.com/milkwine
[github_issues]: https://hex.pm/packages/github_issues
[noaa_observations]: https://hex.pm/packages/noaa_observations
[write/3]: https://hexdocs.pm/io_ansi_table/IO.ANSI.Table.html#write/3