<img src='' height='60' alt='IP Finder'></a>
#  IPFinder elixir Client Library

The official elixir client library for the []( get details for :
-  IP address details (city, region, country, postal code, latitude and more ..)
-  ASN details (Organization name, registry,domain,comany_type, and more .. )
-  Firewall by supported formats details (apache_allow,  nginx_deny, CIDR , and more ..)
-  IP Address Ranges by the Organization name  details (list_asn, list_prefixes , and more ..)
-  service status details (queriesPerDay, queriesLeft, key_type, key_info)
- Get Domain IP (asn, organization,country_code ....)
- Get Domain IP history (total_ip, list_ip,organization,asn ....)
- Get list Domain By ASN, Country,Ranges (select_by , total_domain  , list_domain ....)

## Getting Started
singup for a free account at [](, for Free IPFinder API access token.

The free plan is limited to 4,000 requests a day, and doesn't include some of the data fields
To enable all the data fields and additional request volumes see [](

## Documentation

See the [official documentation](

## Installation
Add IPFinder  to your project's dependencies in `mix.exs`:
  defp deps do
      {:ipfinder, "~> 1.0.0"}

  def application do
    [ applications: [:ipfinder] ]
And fetch your project's dependencies:

$ mix deps.get

## Usage
Note: You can load IPFinder into the Elixir REPL by executing this command from the root of your project:

$ iex -S mix

## With `free` TOKEN

iex> conf =

# lookup your IP address information
iex> {:ok, auth} = Authentication(conf)

# print your ip

## Authentication

iex> conf ="YOUR_TOKEN_GOES_HERE")

# lookup your IP address information
iex> {:ok, auth} = Authentication(conf)

iex> auth
# print your ip
iex> auth.ip


## Get IP address

iex> conf ="YOUR_TOKEN_GOES_HERE")

# GET Get details for
iex> {:ok, ip} = getAddressInfo(conf,"")
# print data

## Get ASN
This API available as part of our Pro and enterprise [](

iex> conf ="YOUR_TOKEN_GOES_HERE")

iex> {:ok, asn} = getAsn(conf,"AS1")
# print data
iex> asn

## Firewall
This API available as part of our  enterprise [](
formats supported are :  `apache_allow`, `apache_deny`,`nginx_allow`,`nginx_deny`, `CIDR`, `linux_iptables`, `netmask`, `inverse_netmask`, `web_config_allow `, `web_config_deny`, `cisco_acl`, `peer_guardian_2`, `network_object`, `cisco_bit_bucket`, `juniper_junos`, `microtik`

iex> conf ="YOUR_TOKEN_GOES_HERE")

# lookup Asn Firewall information
iex> {:ok, fire} = getFirewall(conf,"AS1", 'nginx_deny')


## Get IP Address Ranges
This API available as part of our  enterprise [](

iex> conf ="YOUR_TOKEN_GOES_HERE")

# lookup Organization information
iex> {:ok, range} = getRanges(conf,"Telecom Algeria")

iex> range

## Get service status

iex> conf ="YOUR_TOKEN_GOES_HERE")

# lookup IP TOKEN information
iex> {:ok, status} = getStatus(conf)

iex> status

## Get Domain IP

iex> conf ="YOUR_TOKEN_GOES_HERE")

iex> {:ok, domain} = getDomain(conf,"")

iex> domain

## Get Domain IP history

iex> conf ="YOUR_TOKEN_GOES_HERE")

# domain name IP history
iex> {:ok, domain} = getDomainHistory(conf,"")

iex> domain

## Get list Domain By ASN, Country,Ranges

iex> conf ="YOUR_TOKEN_GOES_HERE")

# list live domain by country DZ,US,TN,FR,MA

iex> {:ok, by} = getDomainBy(conf,"FR")

iex> by

## Add proxy
iex> conf ="YOUR_TOKEN_GOES_HERE", "")

Sample codes under **examples/** folder.

## Contact

Contact Us With Additional Questions About Our API, if you would like more information about our API that isn’t available in our IP geolocation API developer documentation, simply [contact]( us at any time and we’ll be able to help you find what you need.

## License

[![GitHub license](](