
defmodule Iptrie.Iana do
  @moduledoc ~S"""
  Functions to access a local snapshot of the IANA IPv4/6 Special-Purpose Address Registries.

  See also:

  - [IPv4 Special-Purpose Address Registry](
  - [IPv6 Special-Purpose Address Registry](

  At compile time, this module builds an Iptrie.t using Pfx's local copy of the
  IANA special-purpose address registries, which can then be accessed using:

  - `Iptrie.Iana.get/1` to retrieve the list of prefixes and properties for IPv4 or IPv6 prefixes
  - `Iptrie.Iana.lookup/2` to retrieve a single or all properties for a given prefix, and
  - `Iptrie.iana_special/2`, which delegates to `Iptrie.Iana.lookup/2`.

  Running `mix iana.specials` will show the number of records and last update of
  these registries by Iana, as well as that of the local snapshot.  If the
  snapshot is out-of-date, it will be updated with the new information, in
  which case both Pfx and Iptrie.Iana module will need to be recompiled.

  ## Examples

      iex> Iptrie.Iana.lookup("")
         allocation: "1996-02",
         destination: true,
         forward: true,
         global: false,
         name: "private-use",
         prefix: "",
         reserved: false,
         source: true,
         spec: ["rfc1918"],
         termination: :na

      iex> Iptrie.iana_special("fc00::")
          allocation: "2005-10",
          destination: true,
          forward: true,
          global: false,
          name: "unique-local",
          prefix: "fc00::/7",
          reserved: false,
          source: true,
          spec: ["rfc4193", "rfc8190"],
          termination: :na

      # retrieve a single property
      iex> Iptrie.Iana.lookup("fc00::", :global)

      iex> Iptrie.Iana.lookup("fc00::", :name)


        |> Iptrie.put(Pfx.iana_special(:ip4))
        |> Iptrie.put(Pfx.iana_special(:ip6))

  @doc ~S"""
  Returns the list of IPv4 or IPv6 prefixes and their IANA special purpose address properties in a map.

  ## Examples

      iex> get(:ip4) |> length()

      iex> get(:ip4) |> hd()
      {%Pfx{bits: <<0, 0, 0, 0>>, maxlen: 32},
         allocation: "1981-09",
         destination: false,
         forward: false,
         global: false,
         name: "this-host-on-this-network",
         prefix: "",
         reserved: true,
         source: true,
         spec: ["rfc1122"],
         termination: :na

      iex> get(:ip6) |> length()

      iex> get(:ip6) |> hd()
      {%Pfx{bits: <<0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>>, maxlen: 128},
         allocation: "2006-02",
         destination: false,
         forward: false,
         global: false,
         name: "unspecified-address", 
         prefix: "::/128",
         reserved: true,
         source: true,
         spec: ["rfc4291"],
         termination: :na

      # get all non-globally-routed IPv4 prefixes
      iex> get(:ip4)
      ...> |> Enum.filter(fn {_, m} -> != true end)
      ...> |> {pfx, _} -> "#{pfx}" end)
        "", "", "", "", "",
        "", "", "", "", "",
        "", "", "", "",
        "", "", "", "",
        "", ""

  @spec get(:ip4 | :ip6) :: [{Pfx.t(), map}]
  def get(:ip4),
    do: Iptrie.to_list(@iana, 32)

  def get(:ip6),
    do: Iptrie.to_list(@iana, 128)

  @doc """
  Performs a longest prefix match against the local IPv4 and IPv6 special
  purpose address registries and Returns either nil, a property value or
  property map for given search prefix.

  ## Examples

      iex(16)> lookup("")
         allocation: "1981-09",
         destination: false,
         forward: false,
         global: false,
         name: "this-host-on-this-network",
         prefix: "",
         reserved: true,
         source: true,
         spec: ["rfc1122"],
         termination: :na

      iex(17)> lookup("")
         allocation: "1981-09",
         destination: false,
         forward: false,
         global: false,
         name: "this-network",
         prefix: "",
         reserved: true,
         source: true,
         spec: ["rfc791"],
         termination: :na

      # a non-existing property `:missing`
      iex> lookup("", :missing)

      iex> lookup("::ffff:0:0/96", :global)

      iex> lookup("::ffff:0:0/96", :name)

  @spec lookup(Pfx.prefix(), atom | nil) :: nil | map | any
  def lookup(prefix, property \\ nil)

  def lookup(prefix, nil),
    do: Iptrie.lookup(@iana, prefix)

  def lookup(prefix, property) do
    with {_pfx, m} <- Iptrie.lookup(@iana, prefix),
         do: Map.get(m, property)