# Islands Text Client
Text client for the _Game of Islands_.
It’s a game for two players, and each player has a board, which consists of a
grid of one hundred squares. The grid is labeled with the numbers 1 through
10 across the top for the columns and down the left side for the rows. Each
square is named by its coordinates of the form (row, column).
The players cannot see each other’s boards.
The players have matching sets of islands of various shapes and sizes, which
they place on their own boards.
| Island | Symbol | Squares | Shape |
| ------------------------------- | :----: | :-----: | :-----------------: |
| Atoll | A | 5 | ![atoll][atoll] |
| S-Shape | S | 4 | ![s-shape][s-shape] |
| L-Shape | L | 4 | ![l-shape][l-shape] |
| Square | Q | 4 | ![square][square] |
| Dot | D | 1 | ![dot][dot] |
The players can move the islands around as much as they like until they say
that they are set. After that, the islands must stay where they are for the
rest of the game.
Once both players have set their islands, they take turns guessing squares
on their opponent’s board, trying to find the islands. For every correct guess,
we plant a palm tree on the island at that square. When all the squares
of an island have palm trees, the island is forested.
The first player to forest all of her opponent’s islands is the winner.
##### Inspired by the book [Functional Web Development](https://pragprog.com/titles/lhelph/functional-web-development-with-elixir-otp-and-phoenix/) by Lance Halvorsen.
##### Also inspired by the course [Elixir for Programmers](https://codestool.coding-gnome.com/courses/elixir-for-programmers) by Dave Thomas.
## Usage
To play the _Game of Islands_, clone `islands_engine` and compile it:
git clone https://github.com/RaymondLoranger/islands_engine
cd islands_engine
mix deps.get
mix compile
Then, clone `islands_text_client` and compile it:
git clone https://github.com/RaymondLoranger/islands_text_client
cd islands_text_client
mix deps.get
mix compile
App `:islands_engine` must run on node `:islands_engine@<hostname>` where
`<hostname>` is either the full host name if long names are used, or the first
part of the full host name if short names are used.
### Short names
Start the engine using a short name:
cd islands_engine
iex --sname islands_engine -S mix
:observer.start # optional
Player1 starts a game from a different node with a short name:
cd islands_text_client
set "MIX_ENV=dev" && iex --sname client1 -S mix
Islands.Text.Client.start("Eden", "Adam", :m)
Player2 joins a game from yet another node with a short name:
cd islands_text_client
set "MIX_ENV=dev" && iex --sname client2 -S mix
Islands.Text.Client.join("Eden", "Eve", :f)
### Long names
Start the engine using a long name:
cd islands_engine
iex --name islands_engine@rays.supratech.ca -S mix
:observer.start # optional
Player1 starts a game from a different node with a long name:
cd islands_text_client
set "MIX_ENV=prod" && iex --name client1@rays.supratech.ca -S mix
Islands.Text.Client.start("Eden", "Adam", :m)
Player2 joins a game from yet another node with a long name:
cd islands_text_client
set "MIX_ENV=prod" && iex --name client2@rays.supratech.ca -S mix
Islands.Text.Client.join("Eden", "Eve", :f)
## Notes
When starting a game, a player can specify "auto mode" with a pause duration
(in milliseconds) between moves:
cd islands_text_client
iex --sname client1 -S mix
Islands.Text.Client.start("Eden", "Adam", :m, mode: :auto, pause: 5000)
Likewise when joining a game, a player can specify "auto mode" with a pause
duration (in milliseconds) between moves:
cd islands_text_client
iex --sname client2 -S mix
Islands.Text.Client.join("Eden", "Eve", :f, mode: :auto, pause: 3000)
The default mode is `:manual` and the default pause is `0` milliseconds.
Any combination of modes is possible for the two players.
## Video
This video shows a game initially in manual mode and then switched to auto mode:
[![Game of Islands - Video][video]][video-link]
[atoll]: assets/atoll.png
[s-shape]: assets/s-shape.png
[l-shape]: assets/l-shape.png
[square]: assets/square.png
[dot]: assets/dot.png
[video]: assets/video.jpg
[video-link]: https://photos.app.goo.gl/q2AvWisHL3Q6kcER9