# iso8601
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*An ISO 8601 date formating and parsing library for Erlang*
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#### Contents
* [About](#about-)
* [Usage](#usage-)
* [Known Deficiencies](#known-deficiencies-)
* [License](#license-)
## About [↟](#contents)
The ``erlang_iso8601`` library was originally created by Sean Sawyer in 2011. In 2016, Sean handed off maintenance of the library to the [erlsci](https://github.com/erlsci) Github org at which point the project (and repo) was renamed to simply ``iso8601``, matching its Erlang app name:
* ``git clone https://github.com/erlsci/iso8601.git``
Thanks to Github's forwarding for project renames and moves, the following still work:
* ``git clone https://github.com/seansawyer/erlang_iso8601.git``
* ``git clone https://github.com/erlsci/erlang_iso8601.git``
## Usage [↟](#contents)
Add it to your `rebar.config` deps:
{iso8601, {git, "https://github.com/erlsci/iso8601.git", {tag, "1.3.2"}}}
Format a timestamp or calendar datetime tuple:
1> iso8601:format(now()).
2> iso8601:format(calendar:universal_time()).
Parse a date string or binary:
3> iso8601:parse(<<"2012-02-16T01:06:48Z">>).
4> iso8601:parse("2012-02-16T01:06:48Z").
Add 1 hour, 2 minutes and 3 seconds to a datetime tuple:
5> Datetime = iso8601:parse(<<"2012-02-16T01:06:48Z">>).
6> iso8601:add_time(Datetime, 1, 2, 3).
Subtract 1 hour, 2 minutes and 3 seconds from a datetime tuple:
5> Datetime = iso8601:parse(<<"2012-02-16T01:06:48Z">>).
6> iso8601:subtract_time(Datetime, 1, 2, 3).
Fractional times:
7> iso8601:parse("20120203T040506.50").
8> iso8601:parse_exact("20120203T040506.50").
Parse durations:
9> iso8601:parse_duration("+P6Y3M1DT1H1M1.1S").
[{sign, "+"}, {years, 6}, {months, 3}, {days, 1}, {hours, 1}, {minutes, 1}, {seconds, 1}]
10> iso8601:parse_duration("PT6M").
[{sign, []}, {years, 0}, {months, 0}, {days, 0},{hours, 0}, {minutes, 6}, {seconds, 0}]
## Known Deficiencies [↟](#contents)
* Does not support expanded year representation.
* Does not support intervals.
See the [open issues](https://github.com/erlsci/iso8601/issues)
for more info.
## Donating
A donation account for supporting development on this project has been set up
on Liberapay here:
* [https://liberapay.com/erlsci-iso8601/donate](https://liberapay.com/erlsci-iso8601/donate)
You can learn more about Liberapay on its [Wikipedia entry][libera-wiki] or on the
service's ["About" page][libera-about].
[libera-wiki]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberapay
[libera-about]: https://liberapay.com/about/
## License [↟](#contents)
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright © 2011-2014, Sean Sawyer
Copyright © 2012, Tristan Sloughter
Copyright © 2016-2021, Erlang-Aided Enrichment Center
[//]: --Named-Links--
[gh-actions-badge]: https://github.com/erlsci/iso8601/workflows/ci/badge.svg
[gh-actions]: https://github.com/erlsci/iso8601/actions
[tag]: https://github.com/erlsci/iso8601/releases/latest
[tag-badge]: https://img.shields.io/github/tag/erlsci/iso8601.svg
[erl]: http://www.erlang.org/downloads
[erl-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/erlang-%E2%89%A5R15B03-blue.svg
[logo]: resources/images/logo.png
[logo-large]: resources/images/logo-large.png
[logo-source]: https://www.flickr.com/photos/theilr/2164085293
[hex badge]: https://img.shields.io/hexpm/v/iso8601.svg?maxAge=259200
[hex package]: https://hex.pm/packages/iso8601
[hex downloads]: https://img.shields.io/hexpm/dt/iso8601.svg