# IsoLang

IsoLang is a package for converting between ISO-639-1, ISO-639-2T, ISO-639-2B codes and the human readable name.

## Usage

iex> IsoLang.all()
  %IsoLang{alpha2: "aa", alpha3b: "aar", alpha3t: "", name: "Afar"},
  %IsoLang{alpha2: "ab", alpha3b: "abk", alpha3t: "", name: "Abkhazian"},
  %IsoLang{alpha2: "", alpha3b: "ace", alpha3t: "", name: "Achinese"},
  %IsoLang{alpha2: "", alpha3b: "ach", alpha3t: "", name: "Acoli"},
  %IsoLang{alpha2: "", alpha3b: "ada", alpha3t: "", name: "Adangme"},
  # ... etc...

iex> IsoLang.get("de")
{:ok, %IsoLang{alpha2: "de", alpha3b: "ger", alpha3t: "deu", name: "German"}}

Or search for matching languages using `IsoLang.find/2`:

iex> IsoLang.find("eng")
    %IsoLang{alpha2: "bn", alpha3b: "ben", alpha3t: "", name: "Bengali"},
    %IsoLang{alpha2: "en", alpha3b: "eng", alpha3t: "", name: "English"}

The names of the languages are translated via `gettext`: if you you need to display the names of languages in a specific language, you may add a dedicated `.po` file.

## Installation

def deps do
    {:iso_lang, "~> 0.1.0"}

## See Also

- <>
- <>
- <>