# IssApi

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## Description

IssApi is a wrapper written in Elixir for [Open Notify]( It provides a way to tap in to
some of NASA's data via an API interface. It currently supports two different endpoints:

* [Current location of the ISS](
* [Number of people in space](

As of now the wrapper only supports the current location of the ISS, but will add the second endpoint 
at some point.

### Current Location of the ISS

The current location of the ISS is provided by the Open notify API in the following format:

  "message": "success", 
  "timestamp": UNIX_TIME_STAMP, 
  "iss_position": {
    "latitude": CURRENT_LATITUDE, 
    "longitude": CURRENT_LONGITUDE

The `UNIX_TIME_STAMP` is of type integer and will be parsed directly by the wrapper. The `CURRENT_LATITUDE` 
and `CURRENT_LONGITUDE` are of type float, but are presented as strings in the API. The `IssApi` wrapper will
parse these values to float directly so they can be directly used in the code without having to do anything

An example of what that would look like:

iex> IssApi.location()
{:ok, %{position: {35.9648, -143.0953}, timestamp: 1699027915}}

As shown above, the function will return a tuple where the first element will be either `:ok` or `:error` and the second
element will be the response. In case of `:ok`, the response will be a map with two keys. The first one is `position`, 
which will have a value that is a tuple. The first value of the tuple is the latitude and the second element is
the longitude. The second key is the `timestamp`. When an `:error` is returned, it will always return a tuple where 
the second element is another tuple with the error code and the value that caused the error.

## Installation

To use the library add the `IssApi` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:iss_api, "~> 0.1.2"}