# Itunes.ex

Elixir wrapper for the [iTunes affiliate search API]( 

## Installation

  1. Add `itunes` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

    def deps do
      [{:itunes, "~> 0.1.0"}]

  2. Ensure `itunes` is started before your application:

    def application do
      [applications: [:itunes]]

## Usage

 [%Itunes.Artist{amgArtistId: 816977, artistId: 159260351,
   artistLinkUrl: "",
   artistName: "Taylor Swift", artistType: "Artist", primaryGenreId: 14,
   primaryGenreName: "Pop", wrapperType: "artist"}]}

Check out the [API Docs]( for more examples on how to use this.

## Limitations
- Currently only music-related APIs are implemented
- iTunes maximum result length is 200. Specifying anything over 200 will have no effect

## License