# iyzico Elixir Client
A minimal *iyzico* client.
###### Currently maintained by [@heybuybuddy](https://github.com/heybuybuddy/).
## Installation
[Available in Hex](https://hex.pm/packages/iyzico), the package can be installed
by adding `iyzico` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:iyzico, "~> 1.0"}]
## Documentation
[Available in HexDocs](https://hexdocs.pm/iyzico/).
You can also [download](https://repo.hex.pm/docs/iyzico-1.3.0.tar.gz) it to use it offline.
## Configuration
You may get your own *API key* and *API secret* from (https://sandbox-merchant.iyzipay.com).
Once you're ready to production, you will ultimately need to use production mode.
This is achieved by providing `:prod` parameter to `:world` key.
config :iyzico, Iyzico,
locale: "en",
api_key: "sandbox-qO7nc7SfZobKsgQq81r518pEnfg6FJQE",
api_secret: "sandbox-OFVrJ1h8QM8xq8BMTKBiZUa92JcD2B8g",
world: :sandbox,
base_url: "https://sandbox-api.iyzipay.com",
server_ip: {67, 43, 43, 43}
## Contribution
All contributions are welcomed as long as you follow the conventions of *Elixir* language.
## License