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[Jaeger]( client library for Erlang.

This is an extension library of [passage](


A Running Example

Starts Jaeger in the background:

$ docker run -d -p6831:6831/udp -p6832:6832/udp -p16686:16686 jaegertracing/all-in-one:latest

Starts Erlang Shell:
$ rebar3 shell

% Starts `example_tracer`
> Sampler = passage_sampler_all:new().
> ok = jaeger_passage:start_tracer(example_tracer, Sampler).

% Starts a root span.
> RootSpan = passage:start_span(example_root, [{tracer, example_tracer}]).

% Starts a child span.
> ChildSpan = passage:start_span(example_child, [{child_of, RootSpan}]).

% Finishes the spans
> passage:finish_span(ChildSpan).
> passage:finish_span(RootSpan).

Browses the tracing result:
$ firefox http://localhost:16686/

Selecting reporter

By default 'compact' jaeger.thrift over UDP reporter is used. However it is
possible to select different reporter. Bellow is a configuration matrics for
available options:

| protocol | thrift_protocol | jaeger port | description                      |
| udp      | compact         | 6831        | accept jaeger.thrift over compact thrift protocol (default) |
| udp      | binary          | 6832        | accept jaeger.thrift over binary thrift protocol |
| http     | N/A             | 14268       | accept jaeger.thrift directly from clients |

The HTTP version is beneficial if you don't have jaeger agents deployed or your
spans are greater than max udp packet size (65Kb).
Otherwise it is better to use default.


- [OpenTracing](
- [Jaeger](
- [jaeger-client-go/](
- [Jaeger Client Library](
- [Jaeger default ports](