

# Jaxon

**Jaxon** is an efficient and simple SAX-based JSON parser for Elixir, it's main goal is to be able to parse **JSON data of any size** with a **very small memory** footprint.

[Online documentation](

## :muscle:   Features

* **Event based parsing:** Parses data as it comes, no need to hold everything in memory, perfect for consuming large JSON streams of any size
* **Pausable partial parsing:** Pass a portion of your JSON and then resume parsing when you have the rest
* **No schema restrictions:** It only decodes JSON to Erlang terms

## :running:  To do

* **Reading with JSON path:** Make an Elixir stream from a list of JSON path expressions.
* **Better and more informative errors**
* **Unicode support in strings**
* **Benchmarking**
* **JSON encoding?**

## :rocket:  Installation

def deps do
    {:jaxon, "~> 0.1.0"} # or {:jaxon, git: "", ref: "master"}

## :thinking:  How to use

### Event-based parsing

decoder =
    |> Jaxon.update_decoder("{\"jaxon\":\"rocks\",\"array\":[1,2]}")

# every decode/1 call with return a different parsing event
iex> Jaxon.decode(decoder)

# For the passed binary, the events will be:

iex> Jaxon.consume(decoder)
{:key, "jaxon"},
{:string, "rocks"},
{:key, "array"},
{:integer, 1},
{:integer, 2},

### Partial parsing

This is very useful when you're streaming JSON from the network or disk.

iex> d = Jaxon.make_decoder()
iex> d = Jaxon.update_decoder(d, "{\"whoo")

iex> d = Jaxon.decode(d)

iex> {:incomplete, rest} = Jaxon.decode(d)
{:incomplete, "\"whoo"}

iex> d = Jaxon.update_decoder(d, rest <> "ps\":\":)\"}")
iex> Jaxon.decode(d)
{:key, "whoops"}

iex> Jaxon.decode(d)
{:string, ":)"}

iex> Jaxon.decode(d)

iex> Jaxon.decode(d)

### Possible events returned

{:key, binary}
{:string, binary}
{:integer, integer}
{:decimal, float}
{:boolean, boolean}
{:incomplete, binary}

## License

Copyright © 2018 Mohamed Boudra <>

This project is under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more details.