##Erlang, Distributable, In-Memory Cache

### Featruing: Pub/Sub, JSON-query, consistency support, and a simple, TCP interop. protocol.

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* Cache entries are Map, Key, Value, [TTL], [Sequence]
  * Maps represent a name-space for Keys - similar to the notion
    of 'bucket'
    in other caching systems
  * Maps, Keys and Values can be any Erlang term
  * TTL is time-to-live in seconds
* Consistency assist through sequence numbers: An alternative API
    allows for a sequence-number parameter on the put/x, evict/x,
    match/x and remove/x operations. Operations whose sequence
    number is lower than the current, per-map max are disallowed 
    thereby ensuring, for example, that stale puts do not 
    overwrite newer ones due to the newer one beating the stale
    ones to the cache.
*  JSON query support
   * Query by JSON: When Values are JSON, evict_match/2,
    evict_all_match/1 and values_match/2 will search or evict
    keys whose JSON value, at a location specificed by a java-style, 
    dot-path string, equals the given value. That is,
    jc:values_match(bed, "id.type=3") would return all values, in the given
    map (bed), where that value was a JSON object, id, with a "type":3
    at its top-level.
   * Ad-hoc, index support: In order to support faster
    operations, (2-3 orders of magnitude), each map can have up to four,
    dot-path, strings configured (or added at run-time) for which jc will
    provide index support.
   * Auto index recognition - Frequently used JSON querries will be
     automatically detected and indexing initiated.
* User controlled eviction
  * Map-level TTL: A job runs at configured intervals and removes
  items whose create-date is older than a map-specific, configured 
  number of seconds.
  * Item-level TTL: PUTS can include a TTL which defines when the
  item should be evicted. Used for shorter TTLs, as an exception
  to a Map-level TTL, or when more precision is required than that
  offered by the Map-level TTL.
* Pub/Sub 
  * Clients can subscribe to Map events for a specific key or
  for any key,  and for write, delete or either operations
  * Clients can create and subscribe to arbitrary 'topics' and 
  broadcast arbitrary messages under those topic names
  * Clients can subscribe to node-up and node-down events 
* Interopability
  * Binary string over TCP returning JSON
  * Bridge process that accepts messages from a client indicating
    cache operations, executes the cache operations and returns the
    results to the client. This has been used with JInterface to 
    interoperate with CLOJURE and Java clients
* Fine-grained logging via Lager

###Cache Functions (jc)
* Create
  * put(Map, Key, Value, [TTLSecs]) -> {ok, Key} | {error, badarg}
  * put_all(Map, [{K,V},{K,V},...], [TTLSecs]) -> {ok, CountOfSuccessfulPuts} |
                                                  {error, badarg}
* Delete
  * evict(Map, Key) -> ok
  * evict_all_match(Criteria = "Json.Path.Match=Value") -> ok
  * evict_map_since(Map, Age_In_Secs) -> ok
  * evict_match(Map, Criteria = "Json.Path.Match=Value") -> ok
  * remove_items(Map, Keys) -> {ok, [{K, V}, ...]} for each {K, V} deleted.
* Retrieve
  * get(Map, Key) -> {ok, Value} | miss
  * get_all(Map, [K1, K2, ...]) -> {ok, {Found=[{K1,V1},...], Misses=[K2,...]}}
  * key_set(Map) -> {ok, [K1, K2, ...]} for each Key in the Map
  * values(Map) -> {ok, [V1, V2, ...]} for each Value in the Map
  * values_match(Map, Criteria="JSon.Path.Match=Value") ->
                                                  {ok, [{K1,V1}, {K2,V2}, ...]}
* Flush
  * clear(Map) -> ok
  * flush() -> ok
  * flush(silent) -> ok, Does not send alerts to subscribers
* Predicates
  * contains_key(Map, Key) -> true | false.
* Meta
  * cache_nodes() -> {{active, [Node1,... ]}, {configured, [Node1,... ]}}
  * cache_size() -> {size, [{TableName, RecordCnt, Words}],...}
  * map_size(Map) -> {records, Count}
  * maps() -> {maps, [Map1, Map2,...]}
  * up() -> {uptime, [{up_at, String},{now, String},
                      {up_time, {D, {H, M, S}}}]

### Consistency Support Functions (jc_s)
Identical to the Create and Evict family of functions of the jc module
(see above), except:

* An additional sequence parameter, which is expected to be a monotonically
  incresing integer (with respect to a given Map), used to disalow
  "out of sequence" operations
* Functions return {error, out_of_seq} if out of sequence operation is attempted
  * evict(Map, Key, Seq)
  * evict_all_match(Criteria = "Json.Path.Match=Value", Seq) 
  * evict_match(Map, Criteria = "Json.Path.Match=Value", Seq)
  * put(Map, Key, Value, [TTLSecs], Seq) 
  * put_all(Map, [{K,V},{K,V},...], [TTLSecs], Seq)
  * remove_items(Map, Keys, Seq)
* Meta functions
  * sequence() -> [{Map, HighestNnumber},... ]
  * sequence(Map) -> HightestNumber

###Eviction Manager Functions (jc_eviction_manager)
* set_max_ttl(Map, Secs) -> ok | {error, badarg}
* get_max_ttls() -> [{Map, Secs}, ...]

###Pub/Sub Functions (jc_psub)
* map_subscribe(Pid, Map, Key|any, write|delete|any) -> ok | {error, badarg}
* map_unsubscribe(Pid, Map, Key|any, write|delete|any) -> ok | {error, badarg}
  * client receives
    `{map_event, {Map, Key, delete}}`
    `{map_event, {Map, key, write, Value}`
* topic_subscribe(Pid, Topic, Value) -> ok | {error, badarg}
* topic_unsubscribe(Pid, Topic, Value) -> ok | {error, badarg}
    * client receives: {topic_event, {Topic, Value}}
* topic_event(Topic, Value) -> ok
  * Broadcasts Value to all
  subscribers of Topic
* topic_subscribe(Pid, jc_node_events, any) -> ok 
  * subscribtes the user
  to node up and node down events:
  `{jc_node_events, {nodedown, DownedNode, [ActiveNodes],[ConfiguredNodes]}}`
  `{jc_node_events, {nodeup, UppedNode, [ActiveNodes],[ConfiguredNodes]}}`

###Indexing Functions (jc_store)
  * start_indexing(Map, Path={bed,""}) -> ok |
                                               {error, no_indexes_available} |
							       {error, Term}
  * stop_indexing(Map, Path={bed,""}) -> ok
  * indexes(Map) -> {indexes, [{{Map, Path}, Position},...]} for all indexes
                                                  of given Map
  * indexes() -> {indexes, [{{Map, Path}, Position},...]} for all indexes

###Interoperability: Bridge (jc_bridge)
 * All functions from the jc, jc_s, jc_eviction_manager, jc_psub
 and jc_store are supported and are of the form:
   `{From, {Fn, P1, P2,...}}`
    for each paramater, as in 
    `jc_bridge ! {Pid, {put, Map, Key, Value}}`
* Additionally, 

  {From, {node_topic_sub}} -> ok | {error, badarg}, 
  client will recieve:
   `{jc_node_events, {nodedown, DownedNode, [ActiveNodes],[ConfiguredNodes]}}`

    `{jc_node_events, {nodeup, UppedNode, [ActiveNodes],[ConfiguredNodes]}}`

  {From, {node_topic_unsub}} -> ok.

### Interoperability: Socket Protocol
Binary-encoded, string protocol used to provide socket-based
interoperability with JC. 

All messages to JC are string representations of a tuple. All
messages form the caching system to the client are JSON

The protocol defines three message types: CONNECT, CLOSE and COMMAND all 
of which are binary strings consisting of an 8-byte size followed by the
actual command messages.

Responses are also binary strings with an 8-byte size prefix.

The CONNECT command initiates a session, 

    M = <<"{connect,{version,\"1.0\"}}">> 

    Size is 25, so the CONNECT message is:

    <<25:8, M/binary>> = 

The server will respond to a CONNECT command with either an error or
the encoded version of {"version":" "1.0"}

    <<15:8, <<"{\"version\":\"1.0\"}">> = 

The CLOSE command closes the socket, ending the session

    M = <<"{close}">>

     Size is 7 so the CLOSE message is:

COMMAND messages are string versions of the tuple-messages, which 
jc_bridge uses, without the self() parameter. For example

    {self(), {put, Map, Key, Value}} becomes 
    {put, Map, Key, Value}

The return will be an encoded version of a JSON string. A client session 
might look as follows:

    client:send("{put, evs, \"1\", \"{\\\"value:\\\":true}\"}")

    client:send("{get, evs, \"1\"}"),
    client:send("{put, evs, 1, \"{\\\"value:\\\":true}\"}")

    client:send("{get, evs, 1}"),

* Application configuration is in sys.config which is heavily
* Cookie, node-name and auto-restart of VM controlled by vm.args

###Application Modules
* jc_cluster
  * Simple, mnesia-based, cluster creation and management
* jc, jc_s, jc_store, jc_eviction_manager
  * Caching operations, Key-specific and Map-level TTLs
* jc_sequence
  * Singleton service enforcing strictly monotonic sequence 
  numbers on jc_s operations
* jc_analyzer
  * Analysis and indexing inititation of JSON query strings
* jc_protocol
  * Socket processing of messages and Erlang -> JSON
* jc_psub: 
  * Pub / Sub of cache write and delete events
  * On-demand, ad-hoc topic events
  * Predefined, *jc_node_events* topic provides subscribers
  node-up and node-down notifications
* jc_bridge
  * Server that acts as a proxy between an external process and
  jc functionality
* jc_netsplit
  * Looks for evidence of node dis/apperation and implements a recovery

###Net Split/Join Strategy
Mnesia does not merge on its own when a node joins (returns) to a mesh of nodes.
There are two situations where this is relevant:

* j_cache nodes start in a disconnected state so more than one initiates a new
cluster and then, subsequently, those nodes join into one cluster;
* A node drops out of the cluster due to some network glitch and then rejoins.

To handle these situations, whenever a cluster is created by a Node (node@123.45.67, 
for example), it creates a ClusterId - its Node name (node@123.45.67), for that cluster.

Given this ClusterId, we have the following strategy:

1. _Cluster Creation_: creates an initial ClusterId;
2. _Nodedown_: If the Node that created the cluster dissapears, a surviving Node changes the
   ClusterId such that ClusterId is now this new Node's name. In the case of a
   disconnected newtwork, one of the islands will have the original ClusterId Node 
   dissapear, and it will create a new one as described.
3. _Nodeup_ Whenever a Node appears, an arbitary Node ensures that any Nodes that report
    a different ClusterId (different than the arbitrary Node's ClusterId) are killed to be
    restarted by the hearbeat application. If any Nodes required restarting, the entire 
    cache is flushed.

###Build Instructions
* Ensure that Erlang 17 or higher is installed
* Get the Source Code from Stash

   `[root@db01] git clone`

 * Edit the sys.config and vm.args files in ./config
    * vm.args: Indicate the correct node names and cookie
    * sys.config: Adjust prarameters as neccesary.

     `[root@db01] ./rebar3 release`

     `[root@db01] ./rebar3 as prod release`


   `[root@dbo1] ./rebar3 edoc`

## Component and Sequence Diagrams

### Components




### Sequence Diagrams