> Documentation on

This package is an Elixir implementation of **JSON Data Definition Format**. You
can use this package to:

1. Validate input data against a schema,
2. Get a list of validation errors from that input data, or
3. Build your own tooling on top of JSON Data Definition Format

## Installation

Add JDDF to your `mix.exs` dependencies:

def deps do
    {:jddf, "~> 0.1.0"}

Then update your dependencies:

mix deps.get

## Usage

See [the docs]( for more detailed usage, but at a high
level, here's how you parse schemas and validate input data against them:


schema = JDDF.Schema.from_json!(%{
  "properties" => %{
    "name" => %{"type" => "string"},
    "age" => %{"type" => "uint32"},
    "phones" => %{
      "elements" => %{"type" => "string"},

validator = %JDDF.Validator{}

# To keep this example simple, we'll construct this data by hand. But you
# could also parse this data from JSON.
# This input data is perfect. It satisfies all the schema requirements.
errors_ok = JDDF.Validator.validate!(validator, schema, %{
  "name" => "John Doe",
  "age" => 42,
  "phones" => [
    "+44 1234567",
    "+44 2345678",

# Outputs: []

# This input data has problems. "name" is missing, "age" has the wrong type,
# and "phones[1]" has the wrong type.
# To make the output predictable for this example, we'll sort the errors. You
# don't have to do this in your applications.
errors_bad = Enum.sort(JDDF.Validator.validate!(validator, schema, %{
  "age" => "42",
  "phones" => [
    "+44 1234567",

IO.inspect(length(errors_bad)) # 3

[e1, e2, e3] = errors_bad

# Outputs: %JDDF.Validator.ValidationError{instance_path: [], schema_path: ["properties", "name"]}
# This error indicates that the root is missing "name"

# Outputs: %JDDF.Validator.ValidationError{instance_path: ["age"], schema_path: ["properties", "age", "type"]}
# This error indicates that "age" has the wrong type

# Outputs: %JDDF.Validator.ValidationError{instance_path: ["phones", "1"], schema_path: ["properties", "phones", "elements", "type"]}
# This error indicates that "phones[1]" has the wrong type