# Jellyfish

> Simplifying Hot-Upgrades for Elixir Applications

[![ Version](](

Jellyfish is a library designed to streamline the management of appup and release files, enabling hot-upgrades for Elixir applications. Born from the integration of concepts and functionalities from three influential repositories:

 * [Distillery](
 * [Forecastle](
 * [Relx](

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `jellyfish` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:jellyfish, "~> 0.1.3"}

You also need to add the following lines in the mix project
  def project do
      compilers: Mix.compilers() ++ [:gen_appup, :appup],
      releases: [
        your_app_name: [
          steps: [:assemble, &Jellyfish.Releases.Copy.relfile/1, :tar]

Once the mix release file is generated, it will contain all the appup file to execute a hot-upgrade or full deployment.

# Appup file

If for any reason you need to change the order of the modules or add new commands in the appup file, you have 2 options:

 1. Use the __EDIT_APPUP__ environment variable to indicate to Jellifish that you want to edit the file before the release:
EDIT_APPUP=true MIX_ENV=prod mix release

 2. Untar the release, do the changes in the appup files and tar it again.

# Relup file

The library focuses on generating appup files and includes them in the mix release package. It doesn't create relup files directly. The relup file is typically created during a hot upgrade with the [Deployex]( application.

# Examples

Explore [Deployex](, an Elixir application showcasing Jellyfish's capabilities in deployment with hot-upgrades.

## Getting involved

🗨️ **Contact us:**
Feel free to contact me on [Linkedin](

## Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2024, Thiago Esteves.

DeployEx source code is licensed under the [MIT License](

# References

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
be found at <>.