
defmodule Jellyfish.MetricsReport do
  @moduledoc nil

  @enforce_keys [:metrics]
  defstruct @enforce_keys

  @typedoc """
  Describes a WebRTC metrics report, which is periodically sent once the process subscribes for metrics events.

  The report is a map, with each entry being a `metric_name => value` pair, where value can be a boolean, number, string or a map with the same structure.

  Here is a sample report:
  metrics: %{
   "inbound-rtp.frames" => 406,
   "inbound-rtp.keyframes" => 9,
   "room_id=32b1e952-9efa-4c29-88bc-36d7a536f95a" => %{
     "endpoint_id=4354f193-e787-4f07-b445-7e246b702ba6" => %{
       "ice.protocol" => "udp",
       "track_id=4354f193-e787-4f07-b445-7e246b702ba6:cd2013a8-ea9f-4612-aa99-05149172e6a5:" => %{
         "inbound-rtp.bytes_received" => 379567,
         "inbound-rtp.bytes_received-per-second" => 68355.64435564436,
         "inbound-rtp.encoding" => "VP8",
         "rtx_stream" => %{
           "inbound-rtp.bytes_received" => 7680,
           "inbound-rtp.bytes_received-per-second" => 0.0
         "track.metadata" => %{
           "active" => true,
           "type" => "camera"
       "track_id=5ead4135-6ab2-4872-8c04-daca02f5116d:63543a41-b3ff-4a80-91fd-91cfdea13cbe" => %{
         "outbound-rtp.bytes" => 354075,
         "outbound-rtp.bytes-per-second" => 63083.91608391608,
         "outbound-rtp.variant" => "high"

  @type t :: %__MODULE__{
          metrics: map()