# JequalSON
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## Usage
For example, lets check that a first user in twitter response matches a provided schema:
  # assume that you use Poison to parse responses
  response = Poison.Parser.parse!(twitter_response)

  JequalSON.match? response, "statuses[0].user", %{
    name: "Sean Cummings",
    id_str: :string,
    followers_count: :integer,
    entities: %{
      url: :object
See specs for more examples.

## Path
Path can include specific characters for collections:
 __*__ - means **all**,
 __?__ - means **any**

  # all statuses
  JequalSON.match? response, "statuses[*]", %{...}

  # any of statuses
  JequalSON.match? response, "statuses[?]", %{...}

## Schema
Matching can be done for a value ifself or for its type. Also you can define own matching function.
    hex_color = fn(v)->
      Regex.match?(~r/^[A-F0-9]{6}$/, v)
        or {:failure, "#{v} is not hex a color"}

    JequalSON.match? response, "statuses[0].user", %{
        name: "Sean Cummings",
        id_str: :string, # use the atom to specify a type
        profile_background_color: hex_color # use the func defined above

## Installation
  1. Add JequalSON to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

        def deps do
          [{:jequalson, "~> 0.1"}]

## ESpec/ExUnit matchers


## Inspirations

API testing framework [Airborne](