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Jerry is a TOML parser.

## Current status:

* Tables inside arrays of tables are not supported.
* For invalid TOML, the parser may either raise an exception with a cryptic error message, or falsely recognize the TOML as valid.

With these limitations in mind, Jerry should deliver correct results if the
input is valid according to the TOML 0.4 spec and does not contain any tables inside arrays of tables.
If you do find a valid TOML string that is incorrectly parsed by Jerry, please open an issue.

## Usage:

Add jerry as a dependency in your `mix.exs` file:
defp deps do
    {:jerry, "~> 0.1"}

Run `mix deps.get` to fetch the dependencies.

`Jerry.decode!` and `Jerry.decode` are the only functions you want to use, each convert a string to Elixir map:
~s([table]\nmultiline = """\na string\nspanning over\nmultiple lines.""") |> Jerry.decode!
%{"table" => %{"multiline" => "a string\nspanning over\nmultiple lines."}}
with the difference that `Jerry.decode!` raises an Exception when something goes wrong, while
`Jerry.decode` returns an `{:error, reason}` tuple instead.

## Contributing:
If you find a valid TOML string which is parsed incorrectly by Jerry, please
open an issue, unless the TOML string contains tables inside arrays of tables.
Alternatively, may also create a pull request with a failing test case. Just fork the repository, put the TOML string inside a new file in the `test/valid` directory, and create a new test case in `test/jerry_valid_test.exs`.