# Jexon

Jexon is an Elixir library designed to provide a seamless bridge between Elixir data structures and JSON, while preserving the unique Elixir types that are not directly supported in JSON. 

## Key Features

- Convert Elixir structs and maps to JSON, and vice versa, without losing data fidelity.
- Retains unique Elixir types during the conversion process.

## API

Jexon provides a simple API with three main functions:

### `to_map`

This function converts Elixir structs or maps into a map that can be serialized into JSON. This map maintains Elixir-specific types that are not directly translatable into JSON.

# simple maps
Jexon.to_map(%{foo: 1, baz: 2, bar: 3})
%{"bar" => 3, "baz" => 2, "foo" => 1}

# with key info
Jexon.to_map(%{foo: 1, baz: 2, bar: 3}, keep_key_identity: true)
%{"__atom__:bar" => 3, "__atom__:baz" => 2, "__atom__:foo" => 1}

# structs
defmodule Foo do
    defstruct ~w(foo baz bar)a

data = %Foo{foo: 1, baz: 2, bar: 3}


json = ~S/
        "__atom__:__struct__": ["__atom__", "Elixir.Foo"],
        "__atom__:foo": 1,
        "__atom__:baz": 2,
        "__atom__:bar": 3

{:ok, %Foo{bar: 3, baz: 2, foo: 1}}

### `to_json`

This function converts Elixir structs or maps into a JSON string. This JSON string includes Elixir-specific types that are not directly translatable into JSON.

dt = DateTime.utc_now()



### `from_json`

This function converts a JSON string, possibly including Elixir-specific types, back into an Elixir struct or map.

json = ~S/


{:ok, ~T[12:00:00]}

>With Jexon, you can work more effectively with JSON data in Elixir without worrying about data loss or type incompatibility issues