# Jido (自動)
自動 (Jido) - A flexible framework for building distributed Agents and Workflows in Elixir.
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## Current Status
Jido is under active development. The API of this library is usable, but not stable. We are actively working on stabilizing the current API and preparing for a 1.0 release.
We welcome feedback and contributions! Please feel free to open an issue or submit a PR.
## Features
- **Actions**: Discrete, composable units of functionality with consistent interfaces
- **Workflows**: Robust execution runtime with logging, telemetry, and error handling
- **Agents**: Stateful autonomous entities that can plan and execute workflows
- **Sensors**: Event-driven data gathering components
- **Signals**: Cloud Events-based messaging between components
- **Flexible Planning**: Pluggable planners for agent decision making
- **Comprehensive Testing**: Rich testing tools and helpers
- **Observable**: Built-in telemetry and debugging tools
## Installation
Add `jido` to your dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:jido, "~> 0.1.0"}
## Getting Started
### Creating an Action
Actions are the basic building blocks in Jido. Here's a simple arithmetic action:
defmodule MyApp.Actions.Add do
use Jido.Action,
name: "add",
description: "Adds two numbers",
schema: [
value: [type: :number, required: true],
amount: [type: :number, required: true]
@impl true
def run(%{value: value, amount: amount}, _context) do
{:ok, %{result: value + amount}}
### Creating a Simple Agent
Agents combine actions into autonomous behaviors:
defmodule MyApp.SimpleAgent do
use Jido.Agent,
name: "SimpleBot",
description: "A simple agent that performs basic tasks",
schema: [
location: [type: :atom, default: :home],
battery_level: [type: :integer, default: 100]
@impl true
def plan(%__MODULE__{} = agent) do
{:ok, [
{MyApp.Actions.Basic.Log, message: "Hello, world!"},
{MyApp.Actions.Basic.Sleep, duration: 50},
{MyApp.Actions.Basic.Log, message: "Goodbye, world!"}
### Starting an Agent Runtime
Start an agent worker under your supervision tree:
# In your application.ex
children = [
{Registry, keys: :unique, name: Jido.AgentRegistry},
{Jido.Agent.Supervisor, pubsub: MyApp.PubSub}
# Start an agent instance
{:ok, pid} = Jido.Agent.Runtime.start_link(MyApp.SimpleAgent.new())
## Contributing
We welcome contributions! Please feel free to submit a PR.
To run tests:
mix test
## License
Apache License 2.0 - See [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) for details.