# JishoElixir
A wrapper around Jisho.org's API (http://jisho.org).
### What is [Jisho.org](http://jisho.org/)?
It's an online Japanese to English dictionary that you can read about [here](http://jisho.org/about).
### JishoElixir currently Supports
1. Searching by word
2. Searching by tags [http://jisho.org/docs](http://jisho.org/docs)
3. Searching for verbs
4. And much more if you combine them.
## Installation
First, add JishoElixir to your mix.exs dependencies:
def deps do
{:jisho_elixir, "~> 0.1.0"}
and run $ mix deps.get
## Usage
Your best bet is to visit the hex docs, but:
JishoElixir.search("峠", ["n", "exp"], 1)
## FAQ
### What about formatting the response?
The library returns a map that's been parsed directly from json. I leave it up to you to write a wrapper around it.
### Do I need an API key?
### Where can I find documentation for the Jisho API
At the moment, just [here](http://jisho.org/forum/54fefc1f6e73340b1f160000-is-there-any-kind-of-search-api).
### What about kanji?
It's been hinted by the Jisho team that it's on the way, but for now you can search kanji the same way you search a word. The downside is kanji _tags_ (found [here](http://jisho.org/docs)) won't work.
## Thanks
Thank you to the [Jisho.org](http://jisho.org/) team, especially [Kimtaro](https://github.com/Kimtaro).