# JobQueue
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JobQueue is a small library for building job queues in Elixir. It is based on GenStage and erlang :queues.
The goal of the library is to simplify creation of queues with both single and multiple steps, as well as retrying of individual steps and deduplication of events.
## Example Use Case
JobQueue allows building complex workflows such as:
**Image Resizer**
* Queue a job with a link to an image to download
* Master Queue
* This queue can deduplicate urls so that it won't re-download an image that is already being processed
* This queue can also re-try if any sub-jobs fail
* This queue is broken down to the following steps:
* Step 1: Download the image
* With one download queue, this can limit the total number of simultaneous downloads
* Abort entire pipeline if download fails
* Step 2: Fan out jobs to resize the image to multiple sizes
* Limit the number of simultaneous resizes
* Abort all sizes if one resize fails
* Step 3: Upload each size to another S3 Bucket
* Limit the number of simultaneous downloads
* Retry upload on failure
* Step 4: Cleanup
* Cleanup on failures or success
* Acknowledge job to Master Queue
* Retry the whole job depending on the nature of sub-job failures
## Installation
Add `job_queue` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:job_queue, "~> 0.1.0"}
## Documentation
Full documentation can be found on hexdocs at [https://hexdocs.pm/job_queue/](https://hexdocs.pm/job_queue/)
## Quick Start
Write a Worker module to handle your events:
defmodule Worker do
use JobQueue.Worker
def handle_event(event) do
{:ok, event}
Start the Queue and Processor:
{:ok, _queue} = JobQueue.Queue.start_link(MyQueue)
{:ok, _processor} = JobQueue.Processor.start_link(MyQueue, Worker)
Add some work to the Queue:
JobQueue.Queue.add_sync(MyQueue, :done)
#=> :done
You can also start the queue and processor from a supervisor:
defmodule MyApp.Application do
@moduledoc false
use Application
def start(_type, _args) do
import Supervisor.Spec, warn: false
children = [
worker(JobQueue.Queue, [MyQueue], id: MyQueue),
worker(JobQueue.Processor, [MyQueue, MyWorker], id: MyWorker),
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)