# Johnson

[![ version](](
[![License: MIT](](LICENSE)

Decode and encode JSON without altering the key order. 

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `johnson` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:johnson, "~> 1.0.0"}

## Basic Usage

``` elixir
iex(1)> Johnson.decode!(~s({"a":"a","b":"b"}))
%Johnson{data: [{"a", "a"}, {"b", "b"}]}

iex(2)> Johnson.encode!(%Johnson{data: [{"a", "a"}, {"b", "b"}]})

iex(3)> Johnson.get(%Johnson{data: [{"a", "a"}, {"b", "b"}]}, "a")

## Documentation

The docs can be found at [](

## License

This library is released under the MIT License.

See the [COPYING](COPYING) file for full license information.