%% -*- mode: erlang; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: 1; st-rulers: [70] -*-
%% vim: ts=4 sw=4 ft=erlang noet
%%% @author Andrew Bennett <potatosaladx@gmail.com>
%%% @copyright 2014-2022, Andrew Bennett
%%% @doc
%%% @end
%%% Created : 06 Jan 2016 by Andrew Bennett <potatosaladx@gmail.com>
%% Public API
%% Private API
%% Public API
expmod(B, E, M) ->
expmod_fast(B, E, M).
exprem(B, E, M) ->
exprem_fast(B, E, M).
intpow(B, E) when is_integer(B) andalso is_integer(E) andalso E >= 0 ->
case B of
0 ->
1 ->
2 ->
1 bsl E;
_ ->
intpow(B, E, 1)
mod(B, M) ->
(B rem M + M) rem M.
mod_pow(B, E, M) ->
Bytes = crypto:mod_pow(B, E, M),
Size = byte_size(Bytes),
<< ((crypto:bytes_to_integer(Bytes) + M) rem M):Size/signed-big-integer-unit:8 >>.
%% Private API
% @private
expmod_fast(B, E, M) ->
(exprem_fast(B, E, M) + M) rem M.
% @private
expmod_slow(B, E, M) ->
(exprem_slow(B, E, M) + M) rem M.
% @private
exprem_fast(B, E, M) when B < 0 andalso E rem 2 =/= 0 ->
-exprem_fast(abs(B), E, M);
exprem_fast(B, E, M) when B < 0 ->
exprem_fast(abs(B), E, M);
exprem_fast(B, E, M) ->
crypto:bytes_to_integer(crypto:mod_pow(B, E, M)).
%% @private
exprem_slow(_B, 0, _M) ->
exprem_slow(B, E, M) ->
T0 = exprem_slow(B, E div 2, M),
T = (T0 * T0) rem M,
case E rem 2 of
0 ->
T band M;
_ ->
(T * B) rem M
%%% Internal functions
%% @private
intpow(B, E, R) when (E rem 2) =:= 0 ->
intpow(B * B, E div 2, R);
intpow(B, E, R) when (E div 2) =:= 0 ->
B * R;
intpow(B, E, R) ->
intpow(B * B, E div 2, B * R).