%% -*- mode: erlang; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: 1; st-rulers: [70] -*-
%% vim: ts=4 sw=4 ft=erlang noet
%%% @author Andrew Bennett <potatosaladx@gmail.com>
%%% @copyright 2014-2022, Andrew Bennett
%%% @doc
%%% @end
%% API
%% API functions
-ifdef(JOSE_CRYPTO_OTP_23). %% "New API" for OTP 23 and higher
crypto_init(Cipher, Key, IV, FlagOrOptions) ->
crypto:crypto_init(Cipher, Key, IV, FlagOrOptions).
crypto_one_time(Cipher, Key, Data, FlagOrOptions) ->
crypto:crypto_one_time(Cipher, Key, Data, FlagOrOptions).
crypto_one_time(Cipher, Key, IV, {AAD, PlainText}, FlagOrOptions) ->
crypto:crypto_one_time_aead(Cipher, Key, IV, PlainText, AAD, FlagOrOptions);
crypto_one_time(Cipher, Key, IV, {AAD, PlainText, TagOrTagLength}, FlagOrOptions) ->
crypto:crypto_one_time_aead(Cipher, Key, IV, PlainText, AAD, TagOrTagLength, FlagOrOptions);
crypto_one_time(Cipher, Key, IV, Data, FlagOrOptions) ->
crypto:crypto_one_time(Cipher, Key, IV, Data, FlagOrOptions).
crypto_update_encrypt(State, Data) ->
Result = crypto:crypto_update(State, Data),
{State, Result}.
mac(Type, Key, Data) ->
crypto:mac(Type, Key, Data).
mac(Type, SubType, Key, Data) ->
crypto:mac(Type, SubType, Key, Data).
mac(Type, SubType, Key, Data, MacLength) ->
crypto:macN(Type, SubType, Key, Data, MacLength).
-else. %% "Old API" for OTP 22 and earlier
crypto_init(Cipher, Key, IV, _FlagOrOptions) ->
crypto:stream_init(legacy_cipher_iv(Cipher), Key, IV).
crypto_one_time(Cipher, Key, Data, true) ->
crypto:block_encrypt(legacy_cipher_no_iv(Cipher), Key, Data);
crypto_one_time(Cipher, Key, Data, false) ->
crypto:block_decrypt(legacy_cipher_no_iv(Cipher), Key, Data).
crypto_one_time(Cipher, Key, IV, Data, true) ->
crypto:block_encrypt(legacy_cipher_iv(Cipher), Key, IV, Data);
crypto_one_time(Cipher, Key, IV, Data, false) ->
crypto:block_decrypt(legacy_cipher_iv(Cipher), Key, IV, Data).
crypto_update_encrypt(State, Data) ->
crypto:stream_encrypt(State, Data).
mac(poly1305, Key, Data) ->
crypto:poly1305(Key, Data).
mac(hmac, SubType, Key, Data) ->
crypto:hmac(SubType, Key, Data).
mac(hmac, SubType, Key, Data, MacLength) ->
crypto:hmac(SubType, Key, Data, MacLength).
%%% Internal functions
legacy_cipher_no_iv(aes_128_ecb) -> aes_ecb;
legacy_cipher_no_iv(aes_192_ecb) -> aes_ecb;
legacy_cipher_no_iv(aes_256_ecb) -> aes_ecb;
legacy_cipher_no_iv(Cipher) -> Cipher.
legacy_cipher_iv(aes_128_cbc) -> aes_cbc128;
legacy_cipher_iv(aes_192_cbc) -> aes_cbc192;
legacy_cipher_iv(aes_256_cbc) -> aes_cbc256;
legacy_cipher_iv(aes_128_ctr) -> aes_ctr;
legacy_cipher_iv(aes_192_ctr) -> aes_ctr;
legacy_cipher_iv(aes_256_ctr) -> aes_ctr;
legacy_cipher_iv(Cipher) -> Cipher.