%% -*- mode: erlang; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: 1; st-rulers: [70] -*-
%% vim: ts=4 sw=4 ft=erlang noet
%%% @author Andrew Bennett <potatosaladx@gmail.com>
%%% @copyright 2014-2022, Andrew Bennett
%%% @doc
%%% @end
%%% Created : 15 Jan 2016 by Andrew Bennett <potatosaladx@gmail.com>
%% jose_jwk callbacks
%% jose_jwk_kty callbacks
%% jose_jwk_use_sig callbacks
%% API
%% Macros
-define(crv, <<"Ed448">>).
-define(secretbytes, 57).
-define(publickeybytes, 57).
-define(secretkeybytes, 114).
%% Types
-type publickey() :: << _:456 >>.
-type secretkey() :: << _:912 >>.
-type key() :: publickey() | secretkey().
%% jose_jwk callbacks
from_map(F = #{ <<"kty">> := <<"OKP">>, <<"crv">> := ?crv, <<"d">> := D, <<"x">> := X }) ->
<< Secret:?secretbytes/binary >> = jose_jwa_base64url:decode(D),
<< PK:?publickeybytes/binary >> = jose_jwa_base64url:decode(X),
SK = << Secret/binary, PK/binary >>,
{SK, maps:without([<<"crv">>, <<"d">>, <<"kty">>, <<"x">>], F)};
from_map(F = #{ <<"kty">> := <<"OKP">>, <<"crv">> := ?crv, <<"x">> := X }) ->
<< PK:?publickeybytes/binary >> = jose_jwa_base64url:decode(X),
{PK, maps:without([<<"crv">>, <<"kty">>, <<"x">>], F)}.
to_key(<< PublicKey:?publickeybytes/binary >>) ->
#'jose_EdDSA448PublicKey'{ publicKey = PublicKey };
to_key(<< PrivateKey:?secretbytes/binary, PublicKey:?publickeybytes/binary >>) ->
publicKey = #'jose_EdDSA448PublicKey'{ publicKey = PublicKey },
privateKey = PrivateKey
to_map(PK = << _:?publickeybytes/binary >>, F) ->
<<"crv">> => ?crv,
<<"kty">> => <<"OKP">>,
<<"x">> => jose_jwa_base64url:encode(PK)
to_map(<< Secret:?secretbytes/binary, PK:?publickeybytes/binary >>, F) ->
<<"crv">> => ?crv,
<<"d">> => jose_jwa_base64url:encode(Secret),
<<"kty">> => <<"OKP">>,
<<"x">> => jose_jwa_base64url:encode(PK)
to_public_map(PK = << _:?publickeybytes/binary >>, F) ->
to_map(PK, F);
to_public_map(<< _:?secretbytes/binary, PK:?publickeybytes/binary >>, F) ->
to_public_map(PK, F).
to_thumbprint_map(K, F) ->
maps:with([<<"crv">>, <<"kty">>, <<"x">>], to_public_map(K, F)).
%% jose_jwk_kty callbacks
generate_key(Seed = << _:?secretbytes/binary >>) ->
{_PK, SK} = jose_curve448:eddsa_keypair(Seed),
{SK, #{}};
generate_key({okp, 'Ed448', Seed = << _:?secretbytes/binary >>}) ->
generate_key({okp, 'Ed448'}) ->
{_PK, SK} = jose_curve448:eddsa_keypair(),
{SK, #{}}.
generate_key(KTY, Fields)
when is_binary(KTY)
andalso (byte_size(KTY) =:= ?publickeybytes
orelse byte_size(KTY) =:= ?secretkeybytes) ->
{NewKTY, OtherFields} = generate_key({okp, 'Ed448'}),
{NewKTY, maps:merge(maps:remove(<<"kid">>, Fields), OtherFields)}.
key_encryptor(KTY, Fields, Key) ->
jose_jwk_kty:key_encryptor(KTY, Fields, Key).
%% jose_jwk_use_sig callbacks
sign(Message, ALG, SK = << _:?secretkeybytes/binary >>)
when ALG =:= 'Ed448' orelse ALG =:= 'EdDSA' ->
jose_curve448:ed448_sign(Message, SK).
signer(<< _:?secretkeybytes/binary >>, #{ <<"alg">> := ALG, <<"use">> := <<"sig">> }) ->
<<"alg">> => ALG
signer(<< _:?secretkeybytes/binary >>, _Fields) ->
<<"alg">> => <<"EdDSA">>
verifier(<< _:?publickeybytes/binary >>, #{ <<"alg">> := ALG, <<"use">> := <<"sig">> }) ->
verifier(<< _:?secretbytes/binary, PK:?publickeybytes/binary >>, Fields) ->
verifier(PK, Fields);
verifier(<< _:?publickeybytes/binary >>, _Fields) ->
[?crv, <<"EdDSA">>].
verify(Message, ALG, Signature, << _:?secretbytes/binary, PK:?publickeybytes/binary >>)
when ALG =:= 'Ed448' orelse ALG =:= 'EdDSA' ->
verify(Message, ALG, Signature, PK);
verify(Message, ALG, Signature, PK = << _:?publickeybytes/binary >>)
when ALG =:= 'Ed448' orelse ALG =:= 'EdDSA' ->
jose_curve448:ed448_verify(Signature, Message, PK).
%% API functions
from_der(DERBinary) when is_binary(DERBinary) ->
case jose_jwk_der:from_binary(DERBinary) of
{?MODULE, {Key, Fields}} ->
{Key, Fields}
from_der(Password, DERBinary) when is_binary(DERBinary) ->
case jose_jwk_der:from_binary(Password, DERBinary) of
{?MODULE, {Key, Fields}} ->
{Key, Fields}
from_key(#'jose_EdDSA448PrivateKey'{publicKey=#'jose_EdDSA448PublicKey'{publicKey=Public}, privateKey=Secret}) ->
{<< Secret/binary, Public/binary >>, #{}};
from_key(#'jose_EdDSA448PublicKey'{publicKey=Public}) ->
{Public, #{}}.
from_okp({'Ed448', SK = << Secret:?secretbytes/binary, PK:?publickeybytes/binary >>}) ->
case jose_curve448:eddsa_secret_to_public(Secret) of
PK ->
{SK, #{}};
_ ->
from_okp({'Ed448', PK = << _:?publickeybytes/binary >>}) ->
{PK, #{}}.
from_openssh_key({<<"ssh-ed448">>, _PK, SK, Comment}) ->
{KTY, OtherFields} = from_okp({'Ed448', SK}),
case Comment of
<<>> ->
{KTY, OtherFields};
_ ->
{KTY, maps:merge(#{ <<"kid">> => Comment }, OtherFields)}
from_pem(PEMBinary) when is_binary(PEMBinary) ->
case jose_jwk_pem:from_binary(PEMBinary) of
{?MODULE, {Key, Fields}} ->
{Key, Fields};
PEMError ->
from_pem(Password, PEMBinary) when is_binary(PEMBinary) ->
case jose_jwk_pem:from_binary(Password, PEMBinary) of
{?MODULE, {Key, Fields}} ->
{Key, Fields};
PEMError ->
to_der(SK = << _:?secretkeybytes/binary >>) ->
EdDSA448PrivateKey = to_key(SK),
jose_public_key:der_encode('EdDSA448PrivateKey', EdDSA448PrivateKey);
to_der(PK = << _:?publickeybytes/binary >>) ->
EdDSA448PublicKey = to_key(PK),
jose_public_key:der_encode('EdDSA448PublicKey', EdDSA448PublicKey).
to_der(Password, SK = << _:?secretkeybytes/binary >>) ->
EdDSA448PrivateKey = to_key(SK),
jose_jwk_der:to_binary(Password, 'EdDSA448PrivateKey', EdDSA448PrivateKey);
to_der(Password, PK = << _:?publickeybytes/binary >>) ->
EdDSA448PublicKey = to_key(PK),
jose_jwk_der:to_binary(Password, 'EdDSA448PublicKey', EdDSA448PublicKey).
to_okp(SK = << _:?secretkeybytes/binary >>) ->
{'Ed448', SK};
to_okp(PK = << _:?publickeybytes/binary >>) ->
{'Ed448', PK}.
to_openssh_key(SK = << _:?secretbytes/binary, PK:?publickeybytes/binary >>, F) ->
Comment = maps:get(<<"kid">>, F, <<>>),
jose_jwk_openssh_key:to_binary([[{{<<"ssh-ed448">>, PK}, {<<"ssh-ed448">>, PK, SK, Comment}}]]).
to_pem(SK = << _:?secretkeybytes/binary >>) ->
EdDSA448PrivateKey = to_key(SK),
PEMEntry = jose_public_key:pem_entry_encode('EdDSA448PrivateKey', EdDSA448PrivateKey),
to_pem(PK = << _:?publickeybytes/binary >>) ->
EdDSA448PublicKey = to_key(PK),
PEMEntry = jose_public_key:pem_entry_encode('EdDSA448PublicKey', EdDSA448PublicKey),
to_pem(Password, SK = << _:?secretkeybytes/binary >>) ->
EdDSA448PrivateKey = to_key(SK),
jose_jwk_pem:to_binary(Password, 'PrivateKeyInfo', EdDSA448PrivateKey);
to_pem(Password, PK = << _:?publickeybytes/binary >>) ->
EdDSA448PublicKey = to_key(PK),
jose_jwk_pem:to_binary(Password, 'EdDSA448PublicKey', EdDSA448PublicKey).
%%% Internal functions