%% -*- mode: erlang; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: 1; st-rulers: [70] -*-
%% vim: ts=4 sw=4 ft=erlang noet
%%% @author Andrew Bennett <potatosaladx@gmail.com>
%%% @copyright 2014-2022, Andrew Bennett
%%% @doc JSON Web Signature (JWS)
%%% See RFC 7515: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7515
%%% See RFC 7797: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7797
%%% @end
%%% Created : 21 Jul 2015 by Andrew Bennett <potatosaladx@gmail.com>
-callback from_map(Fields) -> State
Fields :: map(),
State :: any().
-callback to_map(State, Fields) -> Map
State :: any(),
Fields :: map(),
Map :: map().
%% Decode API
%% Encode API
%% API
-define(ALG_ECDSA_MODULE, jose_jws_alg_ecdsa).
-define(ALG_EDDSA_MODULE, jose_jws_alg_eddsa).
-define(ALG_HMAC_MODULE, jose_jws_alg_hmac).
-define(ALG_NONE_MODULE, jose_jws_alg_none).
-define(ALG_POLY1305_MODULE, jose_jws_alg_poly1305).
-define(ALG_RSA_PKCS1_V1_5_MODULE, jose_jws_alg_rsa_pkcs1_v1_5).
-define(ALG_RSA_PSS_MODULE, jose_jws_alg_rsa_pss).
%% Decode API functions
from(List) when is_list(List) ->
[from(Element) || Element <- List];
from({Modules, Map}) when is_map(Modules) andalso is_map(Map) ->
from_map({Modules, Map});
from({Modules, Binary}) when is_map(Modules) andalso is_binary(Binary) ->
from_binary({Modules, Binary});
from(JWS=#jose_jws{}) ->
from(Other) when is_map(Other) orelse is_binary(Other) ->
from({#{}, Other}).
from_binary(List) when is_list(List) ->
[from_binary(Element) || Element <- List];
from_binary({Modules, Binary}) when is_map(Modules) andalso is_binary(Binary) ->
from_map({Modules, jose:decode(Binary)});
from_binary(Binary) when is_binary(Binary) ->
from_binary({#{}, Binary}).
from_file({Modules, File}) when is_map(Modules) andalso (is_binary(File) orelse is_list(File)) ->
case file:read_file(File) of
{ok, Binary} ->
from_binary({Modules, Binary});
ReadError ->
from_file(File) when is_binary(File) orelse is_list(File) ->
from_file({#{}, File}).
from_map(List) when is_list(List) ->
[from_map(Element) || Element <- List];
from_map(Map) when is_map(Map) ->
from_map({#{}, Map});
from_map({Modules, Map}) when is_map(Modules) andalso is_map(Map) ->
from_map({#jose_jws{}, Modules, Map});
from_map({JWS, Modules = #{ alg := Module }, Map=#{ <<"alg">> := _ }}) ->
{ALG, Fields} = Module:from_map(Map),
from_map({JWS#jose_jws{ alg = {Module, ALG} }, maps:remove(alg, Modules), Fields});
from_map({JWS, Modules, Map=#{ <<"b64">> := B64 }}) ->
from_map({JWS#jose_jws{ b64 = B64 }, Modules, maps:remove(<<"b64">>, Map)});
from_map({JWS, Modules, Map=#{ <<"alg">> := << "Ed25519", _/binary >> }}) ->
from_map({JWS, Modules#{ alg => ?ALG_EDDSA_MODULE }, Map});
from_map({JWS, Modules, Map=#{ <<"alg">> := << "Ed448", _/binary >> }}) ->
from_map({JWS, Modules#{ alg => ?ALG_EDDSA_MODULE }, Map});
from_map({JWS, Modules, Map=#{ <<"alg">> := << "EdDSA", _/binary >> }}) ->
from_map({JWS, Modules#{ alg => ?ALG_EDDSA_MODULE }, Map});
from_map({JWS, Modules, Map=#{ <<"alg">> := << "ES", _/binary >> }}) ->
from_map({JWS, Modules#{ alg => ?ALG_ECDSA_MODULE }, Map});
from_map({JWS, Modules, Map=#{ <<"alg">> := << "HS", _/binary >> }}) ->
from_map({JWS, Modules#{ alg => ?ALG_HMAC_MODULE }, Map});
from_map({JWS, Modules, Map=#{ <<"alg">> := << "Poly1305" >> }}) ->
from_map({JWS, Modules#{ alg => ?ALG_POLY1305_MODULE }, Map});
from_map({JWS, Modules, Map=#{ <<"alg">> := << "PS", _/binary >> }}) ->
from_map({JWS, Modules#{ alg => ?ALG_RSA_PSS_MODULE }, Map});
from_map({JWS, Modules, Map=#{ <<"alg">> := << "RS", _/binary >> }}) ->
from_map({JWS, Modules#{ alg => ?ALG_RSA_PKCS1_V1_5_MODULE }, Map});
from_map({JWS, Modules, Map=#{ <<"alg">> := << "none" >> }}) ->
from_map({JWS, Modules#{ alg => ?ALG_NONE_MODULE }, Map});
from_map({#jose_jws{ alg = undefined }, _Modules, _Map}) ->
{error, {missing_required_keys, [<<"alg">>]}};
from_map({JWS, _Modules, Fields}) ->
JWS#jose_jws{ fields = Fields }.
%% Encode API functions
to_binary(List) when is_list(List) ->
[to_binary(Element) || Element <- List];
to_binary(JWS=#jose_jws{}) ->
{Modules, Map} = to_map(JWS),
{Modules, jose:encode(Map)};
to_binary(Other) ->
to_file(File, JWS=#jose_jws{}) when is_binary(File) orelse is_list(File) ->
{Modules, Binary} = to_binary(JWS),
case file:write_file(File, Binary) of
ok ->
{Modules, File};
WriteError ->
to_file(File, Other) when is_binary(File) orelse is_list(File) ->
to_file(File, from(Other)).
to_map(List) when is_list(List) ->
[to_map(Element) || Element <- List];
to_map(JWS=#jose_jws{fields=Fields}) ->
record_to_map(JWS, #{}, Fields);
to_map(Other) ->
%% API functions
compact({Modules, #{
<<"payload">> := Payload,
<<"signatures">> := Signatures }}) when is_list(Signatures) ->
{Modules, [do_compact(Map#{ <<"payload">> => Payload }) || Map <- Signatures]};
compact({Modules, Map}) when is_map(Map) ->
{Modules, do_compact(Map)};
compact({Modules, List}) when is_list(List) ->
{Modules, [do_compact(Map) || Map <- List]};
compact(Map) when is_map(Map) ->
compact({#{}, Map});
compact(List) when is_list(List) ->
compact({#{}, List});
compact(BadArg) ->
erlang:error({badarg, [BadArg]}).
expand({Modules, Binary}) when is_binary(Binary) ->
{Modules, do_expand(Binary)};
expand({Modules, List}) when is_list(List) ->
Expanded = [do_expand(Binary) || Binary <- List],
Eligible = lists:foldl(fun
(_, false) ->
(#{ <<"payload">> := Payload }, undefined) when is_binary(Payload) ->
(#{ <<"payload">> := Payload }, Payload) when is_binary(Payload) ->
(_, _) ->
end, undefined, Expanded),
case Eligible of
_ when Eligible =:= false orelse Eligible =:= undefined ->
{Modules, Expanded};
Payload ->
Signatures = [maps:remove(<<"payload">>, Map) || Map <- Expanded],
{Modules, #{
<<"payload">> => Payload,
<<"signatures">> => Signatures
expand(Binary) when is_binary(Binary) ->
expand({#{}, Binary});
expand(List) when is_list(List) ->
expand({#{}, List}).
generate_key(List) when is_list(List) ->
[generate_key(Element) || Element <- List];
generate_key(#jose_jws{alg={Module, ALG}, fields=Fields}) ->
Module:generate_key(ALG, Fields);
generate_key(Other) ->
merge(LeftJWS=#jose_jws{}, RightMap) when is_map(RightMap) ->
{Modules, LeftMap} = to_map(LeftJWS),
from_map({Modules, maps:merge(LeftMap, RightMap)});
merge(LeftOther, RightJWS=#jose_jws{}) ->
merge(LeftOther, element(2, to_map(RightJWS)));
merge(LeftOther, RightMap) when is_map(RightMap) ->
merge(from(LeftOther), RightMap).
peek(Signed) ->
peek_payload({_Modules, Signed}) when is_binary(Signed) or is_map(Signed) ->
peek_payload(SignedBinary) when is_binary(SignedBinary) ->
peek_payload(#{ <<"payload">> := Payload }) ->
peek_protected({_Modules, Signed}) when is_binary(Signed) or is_map(Signed) ->
peek_protected(SignedBinary) when is_binary(SignedBinary) ->
peek_protected(#{ <<"protected">> := Protected }) ->
peek_signature({_Modules, Signed}) when is_binary(Signed) or is_map(Signed) ->
peek_signature(SignedBinary) when is_binary(SignedBinary) ->
peek_signature(#{ <<"signature">> := Signature }) ->
sign(KeyList, PlainText, SignerList)
when is_list(KeyList)
andalso is_list(SignerList)
andalso length(KeyList) =:= length(SignerList) ->
HeaderList = [#{} || _ <- SignerList],
sign(KeyList, PlainText, HeaderList, SignerList);
sign(KeyList, PlainText, SignerList)
when is_list(KeyList)
andalso is_list(SignerList)
andalso length(KeyList) =/= length(SignerList) ->
erlang:error({badarg, [KeyList, PlainText, SignerList]});
sign(KeyOrKeyList, PlainText, JWS=#jose_jws{}) ->
sign(KeyOrKeyList, PlainText, #{}, JWS);
sign(KeyOrKeyList, PlainText, Other) ->
sign(KeyOrKeyList, PlainText, from(Other)).
sign(KeyList, PlainText, Header, Signer=#jose_jws{})
when is_list(KeyList)
andalso is_binary(PlainText)
andalso is_map(Header) ->
HeaderList = [Header || _ <- KeyList],
SignerList = [Signer || _ <- KeyList],
sign(KeyList, PlainText, HeaderList, SignerList);
sign(KeyList, PlainText, Header, SignerList)
when is_list(KeyList)
andalso is_binary(PlainText)
andalso is_map(Header)
andalso is_list(SignerList)
andalso length(KeyList) =:= length(SignerList) ->
HeaderList = [Header || _ <- KeyList],
sign(KeyList, PlainText, HeaderList, SignerList);
sign(KeyList, PlainText, HeaderList, Signer=#jose_jws{})
when is_list(KeyList)
andalso is_binary(PlainText)
andalso is_list(HeaderList)
andalso length(KeyList) =:= length(HeaderList) ->
SignerList = [Signer || _ <- KeyList],
sign(KeyList, PlainText, HeaderList, SignerList);
sign(KeyList, PlainText, HeaderList, SignerList)
when is_list(KeyList)
andalso is_binary(PlainText)
andalso is_list(HeaderList)
andalso is_list(SignerList)
andalso length(KeyList) =:= length(SignerList)
andalso length(KeyList) =:= length(HeaderList) ->
Keys = jose_jwk:from(KeyList),
Signers = from(SignerList),
Payload = jose_jwa_base64url:encode(PlainText),
Signatures = map_signatures(Keys, PlainText, HeaderList, Signers, []),
{#{}, #{
<<"payload">> => Payload,
<<"signatures">> => Signatures
sign(Key=#jose_jwk{}, PlainText, Header, JWS=#jose_jws{alg={ALGModule, ALG}})
when is_binary(PlainText)
andalso is_map(Header) ->
_ = code:ensure_loaded(ALGModule),
NewALG = case erlang:function_exported(ALGModule, presign, 2) of
false ->
true ->
ALGModule:presign(Key, ALG)
NewJWS = JWS#jose_jws{alg={ALGModule, NewALG}},
{Modules, ProtectedBinary} = to_binary(NewJWS),
Protected = jose_jwa_base64url:encode(ProtectedBinary),
Payload = jose_jwa_base64url:encode(PlainText),
SigningInput = signing_input(PlainText, Protected, NewJWS),
Signature = jose_jwa_base64url:encode(ALGModule:sign(Key, SigningInput, NewALG)),
{Modules, maps:put(<<"payload">>, Payload, signature_to_map(Protected, Header, Key, Signature))};
sign(Key=none, PlainText, Header, JWS=#jose_jws{alg={ALGModule, ALG}})
when is_binary(PlainText)
andalso is_map(Header) ->
_ = code:ensure_loaded(ALGModule),
NewALG = case erlang:function_exported(ALGModule, presign, 2) of
false ->
true ->
ALGModule:presign(Key, ALG)
NewJWS = JWS#jose_jws{alg={ALGModule, NewALG}},
{Modules, ProtectedBinary} = to_binary(NewJWS),
Protected = jose_jwa_base64url:encode(ProtectedBinary),
Payload = jose_jwa_base64url:encode(PlainText),
SigningInput = signing_input(PlainText, Protected, NewJWS),
Signature = jose_jwa_base64url:encode(ALGModule:sign(Key, SigningInput, NewALG)),
{Modules, maps:put(<<"payload">>, Payload, signature_to_map(Protected, Header, Key, Signature))};
sign(KeyList, PlainText, HeaderList, SignerList)
when (is_list(KeyList)
andalso is_list(HeaderList)
andalso length(KeyList) =/= length(HeaderList))
orelse (is_list(KeyList)
andalso is_list(SignerList)
andalso length(KeyList) =/= length(SignerList))
orelse (is_list(HeaderList)
andalso is_list(SignerList)
andalso length(HeaderList) =/= length(SignerList))
orelse (is_list(HeaderList)
andalso not is_list(KeyList)
andalso not is_list(SignerList)) ->
erlang:error({badarg, [KeyList, PlainText, HeaderList, SignerList]});
sign(KeyOrKeyList, PlainText, Header, Other)
when is_binary(PlainText)
andalso is_map(Header) ->
sign(jose_jwk:from(KeyOrKeyList), PlainText, Header, from(Other)).
%% See https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7797
signing_input(Payload, JWS=#jose_jws{}) ->
{_, ProtectedBinary} = to_binary(JWS),
Protected = jose_jwa_base64url:encode(ProtectedBinary),
signing_input(Payload, Protected, JWS);
signing_input(Payload, Other) ->
signing_input(Payload, from(Other)).
signing_input(PlainText, Protected, #jose_jws{b64=B64})
when (B64 =:= true
orelse B64 =:= undefined) ->
Payload = jose_jwa_base64url:encode(PlainText),
<< Protected/binary, $., Payload/binary >>;
signing_input(Payload, Protected, #jose_jws{b64=false}) ->
<< Protected/binary, $., Payload/binary >>.
verify(Key, SignedMap) when is_map(SignedMap) ->
verify(Key, {#{}, SignedMap});
verify(Key, SignedBinary) when is_binary(SignedBinary) ->
verify(Key, expand(SignedBinary));
verify(Key, {Modules, SignedBinary}) when is_binary(SignedBinary) ->
verify(Key, expand({Modules, SignedBinary}));
verify(Key, {Modules, #{
<<"payload">> := Payload,
<<"protected">> := Protected,
<<"signature">> := EncodedSignature}}) ->
JWS = #jose_jws{alg={ALGModule, ALG}} = from_binary({Modules, jose_jwa_base64url:decode(Protected)}),
Signature = jose_jwa_base64url:decode(EncodedSignature),
PlainText = jose_jwa_base64url:decode(Payload),
SigningInput = signing_input(PlainText, Protected, JWS),
{ALGModule:verify(Key, SigningInput, Signature, ALG), PlainText, JWS};
verify(Keys = [_ | _], {Modules, Signed=#{
<<"payload">> := _Payload,
<<"signatures">> := EncodedSignatures}})
when is_list(EncodedSignatures) ->
{Key, verify(Key, {Modules, Signed})}
end || Key <- Keys];
verify(Key, {Modules, #{
<<"payload">> := Payload,
<<"signatures">> := EncodedSignatures}})
when is_list(EncodedSignatures) ->
verify(Key, {Modules, maps:put(<<"payload">>, Payload, EncodedSignature)})
end || EncodedSignature <- EncodedSignatures].
verify_strict(Key, Allow, SignedMap) when is_map(SignedMap) ->
verify_strict(Key, Allow, {#{}, SignedMap});
verify_strict(Key, Allow, SignedBinary) when is_binary(SignedBinary) ->
verify_strict(Key, Allow, expand(SignedBinary));
verify_strict(Key, Allow, {Modules, SignedBinary}) when is_binary(SignedBinary) ->
verify_strict(Key, Allow, expand({Modules, SignedBinary}));
verify_strict(Key, Allow, {Modules, #{
<<"payload">> := Payload,
<<"protected">> := Protected,
<<"signature">> := EncodedSignature}}) ->
ProtectedMap = jose:decode(jose_jwa_base64url:decode(Protected)),
Signature = jose_jwa_base64url:decode(EncodedSignature),
PlainText = jose_jwa_base64url:decode(Payload),
case ProtectedMap of
#{ <<"alg">> := Algorithm } ->
case lists:member(Algorithm, Allow) of
false ->
{false, PlainText, ProtectedMap};
true ->
JWS = #jose_jws{alg={ALGModule, ALG}} = from_map({Modules, ProtectedMap}),
SigningInput = signing_input(PlainText, Protected, JWS),
{ALGModule:verify(Key, SigningInput, Signature, ALG), PlainText, JWS}
_ ->
{false, PlainText, ProtectedMap}
verify_strict(Keys = [_ | _], Allow, {Modules, Signed=#{
<<"payload">> := _Payload,
<<"signatures">> := EncodedSignatures}})
when is_list(EncodedSignatures) ->
{Key, verify_strict(Key, Allow, {Modules, Signed})}
end || Key <- Keys];
verify_strict(Key, Allow, {Modules, #{
<<"payload">> := Payload,
<<"signatures">> := EncodedSignatures}})
when is_list(EncodedSignatures) ->
verify_strict(Key, Allow, {Modules, maps:put(<<"payload">>, Payload, EncodedSignature)})
end || EncodedSignature <- EncodedSignatures].
%%% Internal functions
%% @private
<<"payload">> := Payload,
<<"protected">> := Protected,
<<"signature">> := Signature}) ->
Protected/binary, $.,
Payload/binary, $.,
do_compact(BadArg) ->
erlang:error({badarg, [BadArg]}).
%% @private
do_expand(Binary) when is_binary(Binary) ->
case binary:split(Binary, <<".">>, [global]) of
[Protected, Payload, Signature] ->
<<"payload">> => Payload,
<<"protected">> => Protected,
<<"signature">> => Signature
_ ->
erlang:error({badarg, [Binary]})
do_expand(BadArg) ->
erlang:error({badarg, [BadArg]}).
%% @private
map_signatures([Key | Keys], PlainText, [Header | Headers], [Signer=#jose_jws{alg={ALGModule, ALG}} | Signers], Acc) ->
_ = code:ensure_loaded(ALGModule),
NewALG = case erlang:function_exported(ALGModule, presign, 2) of
false ->
true ->
ALGModule:presign(Key, ALG)
NewSigner = Signer#jose_jws{alg={ALGModule, NewALG}},
{_Modules, ProtectedBinary} = to_binary(NewSigner),
Protected = jose_jwa_base64url:encode(ProtectedBinary),
SigningInput = signing_input(PlainText, Protected, NewSigner),
Signature = jose_jwa_base64url:encode(ALGModule:sign(Key, SigningInput, NewALG)),
map_signatures(Keys, PlainText, Headers, Signers, [signature_to_map(Protected, Header, Key, Signature) | Acc]);
map_signatures([], _PlainText, [], [], Acc) ->
%% @private
record_to_map(JWS=#jose_jws{alg={Module, ALG}}, Modules, Fields0) ->
Fields1 = Module:to_map(ALG, Fields0),
record_to_map(JWS#jose_jws{alg=undefined}, Modules#{ alg => Module }, Fields1);
record_to_map(JWS=#jose_jws{b64=B64}, Modules, Fields0) when is_boolean(B64) ->
Fields1 = Fields0#{ <<"b64">> => B64 },
record_to_map(JWS#jose_jws{b64=undefined}, Modules, Fields1);
record_to_map(_JWS, Modules, Fields) ->
{Modules, Fields}.
%% @private
signature_to_map(Protected, Header, #jose_jwk{fields=Fields}, Signature) ->
signature_to_map(Protected, Header, Fields, Signature);
signature_to_map(Protected, Header, #{ <<"kid">> := KID }, Signature) ->
<<"protected">> => Protected,
<<"header">> => maps:put(<<"kid">>, KID, Header),
<<"signature">> => Signature
signature_to_map(Protected, Header, _Fields, Signature) ->
case maps:size(Header) of
0 ->
<<"protected">> => Protected,
<<"signature">> => Signature
_ ->
<<"protected">> => Protected,
<<"header">> => Header,
<<"signature">> => Signature