# JSONDiff

JSONDiff is an Elixir implementation of the diffing element of the JSON Patch format,
described in [RFC 6902](

This library only handles diffing. For patching, see the wonderful [JSONPatch library](

This library only supports add, replace and remove operations.

It is based on the very fast JavaScript library [JSON-Patch](

## Examples

    iex> JSONDiff.diff(%{"a" => 1}, %{"a" => 2})
    [%{"op" => "replace", "path" => "/a", "value" => 2}]

    iex> JSONDiff.diff([1], [2])
    [%{"op" => "replace", "path" => "/0", "value" => 2}]

## Installation

    # mix.exs
    def deps do
        {:json_diff, "~> 0.1.2"}

## Authorship and License

JSONDiff is released under the MIT License, available at LICENSE.txt.