# JsonSchemaValidator

**A wrapper for validating JSON using JSON schemas**

[Release Log](

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed as:

  1. Add `json_schema_validator` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

    def deps do
      [{:json_schema_validator, git: "", tag: "0.1.0"}]

  2. Run mix deps.get

##Example Usage

  alias JsonSchemaValidator.JsonSchema, as: JsonSchema

  defp example do
  #An example of the schema that we will use to validate the json
    schema = %{
        "$schema" => "",
        "type" => "object",
        "properties" => %{
          "surname" => %{"type" => "string"},
          "description" => %{"type" => "string"},
        "required" => ["surname"],
        "additionalProperties" => false

    #The json to be validated
    json_to_validate = %{
      "surname" => "elliott",
      "description" => ""

    result = JsonSchema.validate(json_to_validate, schema)

    case result do
      {:ok} -> IO.inspect("success")
      {:error, results} -> IO.inspect(results)


Success response:

Error response:
{:error,[%{error: "Schema does not allow additional properties.", property: "#/test"}]}