# JSONAPI Elixir
A project that will render your data models into [JSONAPI Documents](http://jsonapi.org/format) and parse/verify JSONAPI query strings.
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## JSONAPI Support
This library implements [version 1.1](https://jsonapi.org/format/1.1/)
of the JSON:API spec.
- [x] Basic [JSONAPI Document](http://jsonapi.org/format/#document-top-level) encoding
- [x] Basic support for [compound documents](http://jsonapi.org/format/#document-compound-documents)
- [x] [Links](http://jsonapi.org/format/#document-links)
- [x] Relationship links
- [x] Parsing of `sort` query parameter into Ecto Query order_by
- [x] Parsing and limiting of `filter` keywords.
- [x] Handling of [sparse fieldsets](https://jsonapi.org/format/#fetching-sparse-fieldsets)
- [x] Handling of [includes](https://jsonapi.org/format/#fetching-includes)
- [x] Handling of [pagination](https://jsonapi.org/format/#fetching-pagination)
- [x] Handling of top level meta data
## Documentation
* [Full docs here](https://hexdocs.pm/jsonapi)
* [JSON API Spec (v1.1)](https://jsonapi.org/format/1.1/)
## How to use with Phoenix
### Installation
Add the following line to your `mix.deps` file with the desired verison to install `jsonapi`.
defp deps do [
{:jsonapi, "~> x.x.x"}
### Usage
Simply add `use JSONAPI.View` either to the top of your view, or to the web.ex view section and add the
proper functions to your view like so.
defmodule MyApp.PostView do
use JSONAPI.View, type: "posts"
def fields do
[:text, :body, :excerpt]
def excerpt(post, _conn) do
String.slice(post.body, 0..5)
def meta(data, _conn) do
# this will add meta to each record
# To add meta as a top level property, pass as argument to render function (shown below)
%{meta_text: "meta_#{data[:text]}"}
def relationships do
# The post's author will be included by default
[author: {MyApp.UserView, :include},
comments: MyApp.CommentView]
You can now call `render(conn, MyApp.PostView, "show.json", %{data: my_data, meta: meta})`
or `"index.json"` normally.
If you'd like to use this without Phoenix simply use the `JSONAPI.View` and call
`JSONAPI.Serializer.serialize(MyApp.PostView, data, conn, meta)`.
## Parsing and validating a JSONAPI Request
In your controller you may add
plug JSONAPI.QueryParser,
filter: ~w(name),
sort: ~w(name title inserted_at),
view: PostView
This will add a `JSONAPI.Config` struct called `jsonapi_query` to your
`conn.assigns`. If a user tries to sort, filter, include, or requests an
invalid fieldset it will raise a `Plug` error that shows the proper error
The config holds the values parsed into things that are easy to pass into an Ecto
query, for example `sort=-name` will be parsed into `sort: [desc: :name]` which
can be passed directly to the `order_by` in Ecto.
This sort of behavior is consistent for includes.
The `JSONAPI.QueryParser` plug also supports [sparse fieldsets](https://jsonapi.org/format/#fetching-sparse-fieldsets).
Please see its documentation for details.
## Camelized or Dasherized Fields
JSONAPI has recommended in the past the use of dashes (`-`) in place of underscore (`_`) as a
word separator for document member keys. However, as of [JSON API Spec (v1.1)](https://jsonapi.org/format/1.1/), it is now recommended that member names
are camelCased. This library provides various configuration options for maximum flexibility.
Transforming fields requires two steps:
1. camelCase *outgoing* fields requires you to set the `:field_transformation`
configuration option. Example:
config :jsonapi,
field_transformation: :camelize # or dasherize
2. Underscoring *incoming* params (both query and body) requires you add the
`JSONAPI.UnderscoreParameters` Plug to your API's pipeline. Your pipeline in a
Phoenix app might look something like this:
pipeline :api do
## Spec Enforcement
We include a set of Plugs to make enforcing the JSONAPI spec for requests easy. To add spec enforcement to your application, add `JSONAPI.EnsureSpec` to your pipeline:
plug JSONAPI.EnsureSpec
Under-the-hood `JSONAPI.EnsureSpec` relies on four individual plugs:
- `JSONAPI.ContentTypeNegotiation` — Requires the `Content-Type` and `Accept` headers are set correctly.
- `JSONAPI.FormatRequired` — Verifies that the JSON body matches the expected `%{data: %{attributes: attributes}}` format.
- `JSONAPI.IdRequired` — Confirm the `id` key is present in `%{data: data}` and that it matches the resource's `id` in the URI.
- `JSONAPI.ResponseContentType` — Ensures that you return the correct `Content-Type` header.
## Configuration
config :jsonapi,
host: "www.someotherhost.com",
scheme: "https",
namespace: "/api",
field_transformation: :underscore,
remove_links: false,
json_library: Jason,
paginator: nil
- **host**, **scheme**. By default these are pulled from the `conn`, but may be
- **namespace**. This optional setting can be used to configure the namespace
your resources live at (e.g. given "http://example.com/api/cars", `"/api"`
would be the namespace). See also `JSONAPI.View` for setting on the resource's
View itself.
- **field_transformation**. This option describes how your API's fields word
boundaries are marked. [JSON API Spec (v1.1)](https://jsonapi.org/format/1.1/) recommends using camelCase (e.g.
`"favoriteColor": blue`). If your API uses camelCase fields, set this value to
`:camelize`. JSON:API v1.0 recommended using a dash (e.g.
`"favorite-color": blue`). If your API uses dashed fields, set this value to
`:dasherize`. If your API uses underscores (e.g. `"favorite_color": "red"`)
set to `:underscore`.
- **remove_links**. `links` data can optionally be removed from the payload via
setting the configuration above to `true`. Defaults to `false`.
- **json_library**. Defaults to [Jason](https://hex.pm/packages/jason).
- **paginator**. Module implementing pagination links generation. Defaults to `nil`.
## Pagination
Pagination links can be generated by overriding the `JSONAPI.View.pagination_links/4` callback of your view and returning a map containing the links.
def pagination_links(data, conn, page, options) do
%{first: nil, last: nil, prev: nil, next: nil}
Alternatively you can define generic pagination strategies by implementing a module
conforming to the `JSONAPI.Paginator` behavior
defmodule PageBasedPaginator do
@moduledoc """
Page based pagination strategy
@behaviour JSONAPI.Paginator
@impl true
def paginate(data, view, conn, page, options) do
number =
|> Map.get("page", "0")
|> String.to_integer()
size =
|> Map.get("size", "0")
|> String.to_integer()
total_pages = Keyword.get(options, :total_pages, 0)
first: view.url_for_pagination(data, conn, Map.put(page, "page", "1")),
last: view.url_for_pagination(data, conn, Map.put(page, "page", total_pages)),
next: next_link(data, view, conn, number, size, total_pages),
prev: previous_link(data, view, conn, number, size)
defp next_link(data, view, conn, page, size, total_pages)
when page < total_pages,
do: view.url_for_pagination(data, conn, %{size: size, page: page + 1})
defp next_link(_data, _view, _conn, _page, _size, _total_pages),
do: nil
defp previous_link(data, view, conn, page, size)
when page > 1,
do: view.url_for_pagination(data, conn, %{size: size, page: page - 1})
defp previous_link(_data, _view, _conn, _page, _size),
do: nil
and configuring it as the global pagination logic in your `mix.config`
config :jsonapi, :paginator, PageBasedPaginator
or as the view pagination logic when using `JSONAPI.View`
use JSONAPI.View, paginator: PageBasedPaginator
Links can be generated using the `JSONAPI.Config.page` information stored in the connection assign `jsonapi_query` and by passing additional information to the `pagination_links/4` callback or your paginator module by passing `options` from your controller.
Actual pagination is expected to be handled in your application logic and is outside the scope of this library.
## Other
- Feel free to make PR's. I will do my best to respond within a day or two.
- If you want to take one of the TODO items just create an issue or PR and let me know so we avoid duplication.
- If you need help, I am on irc and twitter.
- [Example project](https://github.com/alexjp/jsonapi-testing)