# JSON:API library for Plug and Phoenix applications
Server library to build [JSON:API](http://jsonapi.org) compliant REST APIs.
## JSON:API Support
This library currently implements version `1.0` of the [JSON:API](https://jsonapi.org) specification.
## Documentation
- [Full docs here](https://hexdocs.pm/jsonapi_plug)
- [JSON API Specification (v1.0)](https://jsonapi.org/format/1.0/)
## Quickstart
### Installation
Add the following line to your `mix.deps` file with the desired version to install `jsonapi_plug`.
defp deps do [
{:jsonapi_plug, "~> 1.0"}
### Configuration
You start by declaring one or more APIs. APIs are collections of endpoints that
share a common configuration:
defmodule MyApp.API do
use JSONAPIPlug.API, otp_app: :my_app
See the `JSONAPIPlug.API` module documentation to learn how to customize your APIs
via application configuration of your app.
### Receiving requests
In order to parse `JSON:API` requests from clients you need to add the `JSONAPIPlug.Plug` plug to each of your plug pipelines or phoenix controllers handling requests for a specific resource:
defmodule MyApp.PostsController do
plug JSONAPIPlug.Plug, api: MyApp.API, resource: MyApp.PostResource
This will take care of ensuring `JSON:API` specification compliance and will return errors for invalid requests.
The `:api` option expects a module using `JSONAPI.API` for configuration.
The `:resource` option expects a module using `JSONAPIPlug.Resource` to convert to/from `JSON:API` format.
When requests are processed, the `:jsonapi_plug` connection private field is populated with the parsed request.
See the `JSONAPIPlug.Plug` module documentation for usage and options.
### Serving responses
To start serving responses, you need to have some data to return to clients:
defmodule MyApp.Post do
@type t :: %__MODULE__{id: pos_integer(), body: String.t(), title: String.t()}
@enforce_keys [:id, :body, :title]
defstruct [:id, :body, :title]
and define a resource module to render your resource:
defmodule MyApp.PostResource do
use JSONAPIPlug.Resource,
type: "post",
attributes: [
title: nil,
text: nil,
excerpt: [serialize: fn %Post{} = post, _conn -> String.slice(post.body, 0..5) end]
@impl JSONAPIPlug.Resource
def meta(%Post{} = post, _conn), do: %{slug: to_slug(post.title)}
To use the resource module in Phoenix, just call render and pass the data from your controller:
defmodule MyAppWeb.PostsController do
plug JSONAPIPlug.Plug, api: MyApp.API, resource: MyApp.PostResource
def create(%Conn{private: %{jsonapi_plug: jsonapi_plug}} = conn, params) do
post = ...create a post using jsonapi_plug parsed parameters...
render(conn, "create.json", %{data: post})
def index(%Conn{private: %{jsonapi_plug: jsonapi_plug}} = conn, _params) do
posts = ...load data using jsonapi_plug parsed parameters...
render(conn, "index.json", %{data: posts})
def show(%Conn{private: %{jsonapi_plug: jsonapi_plug} = conn, _params) do
post = ...load data using jsonapi_plug parsed parameters...
render(conn, "show.json", %{data: post})
def udate(%Conn{private: %{jsonapi_plug: jsonapi_plug}} = conn, params) do
post = ...update a post using jsonapi_plug parsed parameters...
render(conn, "update.json", %{data: post})
If you have a `Plug` application, you can call `JSONAPIPlug.Resource.render/5` to generate a `JSONAPI.Document` with your data for the client. The structure is serializable to JSON with `Jason`.
See the `JSONAPIPlug.Plug` and `JSONAPIPlug.Resource` modules documentation for more information.
## Contributing
- This project was born as a fork of the [jsonapi](https://github.com/beam-community/jsonapi)
library but has since been completely rewritten and is now a completely different project.
- PRs for new features, bug fixes, documentation and tests are welcome
- If you are proposing a large feature or change, please open an issue for discussion