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A simple ExUnit Formatter that collects test results and generates an xml report in JUnit format. This is intended to be used by tools that can produce a graphical report, mainly targeted at Jenkins and its support for JUnit.

The report is generated in `Mix.Project.app_path` folder with a default filename of test-junit-report.xml. It can be configured through application configuration on the key report_file (application junit_formatter).

## Usage

Add `JUnitFormatter` to your `ExUnit` configuration in `test/test_helper.exs` file. It should look like this:

ExUnit.configure formatters: [JUnitFormatter]

If you want to keep using the default formatter alongside the `JUnitFormatter` your `test/test_helper.exs` file should look like this:

ExUnit.configure formatters: [JUnitFormatter, ExUnit.CLIFormatter]

Then run your tests like normal:

Compiled lib/formatter.ex
Generated junit_formatter app

Finished in 0.1 seconds (0.07s on load, 0.08s on tests)
4 tests, 0 failures

Randomized with seed 600810

Your JUnit style XML report will be written to `_build/test/test-junit-report.xml`.  The report for this project looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
	<testsuite errors="0" failures="0" name="Elixir.FormatterTest" tests="4" time="82086">
		<testcase classname="Elixir.FormatterTest" name="test it counts raises as failures" time="16805"/>
		<testcase classname="Elixir.FormatterTest" name="test that an invalid test generates a proper report" time="16463"/>
		<testcase classname="Elixir.FormatterTest" name="test that a valid test generates a proper report" time="16328"/>
		<testcase classname="Elixir.FormatterTest" name="test valid and invalid tests generates a proper report" time="32490"/>

*note: this example has been reformatted for readability.*

## Options

`JUnitFormatter` accepts 2 options that can be passed in config.exs (or equivalent environment configuration for tests):

- `print_report_file` (boolean - default `false`): tells formatter if you want to see the path where the file is being written to in the console (`Logger.debug fn -> "Junit-formatter report at: #{report_path}" end`). This might help you debug where the file is. By default it writes the report to the `Mix.Project.app_path` folder. This ensures compatibility with umbrella apps.
- `report_file` (binary - default `"test-junit-report.xml"`): the name of the file to write to. It must contain the extension. 99% of the time you will want the extension to be `.xml`, but if you don't you can pass any extension (though the contents of the file will be an xml document). 

Example configuration: 

``` elixir
config :junit_formatter,
  report_file: "report_file_test.xml",
  print_report_file: true