![juvet logo](https://github.com/juvet/juvet/blob/master/logo.svg)
The message platform for chat apps built on a platform designed for communication systems.
Juvet is an application framework that includes everything you need to build a chat application for all the major messaging platforms including
* [Slack RTM](https://api.slack.com/rtm) (currently implemented)
* [Slack Events API](https://api.slack.com/events-api) (coming soon)
* [Slack Incoming Webhook](https://api.slack.com/incoming-webhooks) (coming soon)
* Amazon Alexa (coming soon)
* Facebook Messenger (coming soon)
* Twillio (coming soon)
* Custom (coming soon)
* more to come...
Juvet offers all the features you need to build a scalable and maintainable chat application, including
* API Wrappers
* Message Queuing (coming soon)
* Middleware and Plugins (coming soon)
* Conversation Support (coming soon)
* NLP Support (coming soon)
* more to come...
* Add the Juvet dependencies to your `mix.exs` file
# mix.exs
def deps do
[{:juvet, "~> 0.0.1"}]
* Install the depedencies
mix deps.get
* Ensure Juvet is started before your application
# mix.exs
def application do
[application: [:juvet]]
### Configuration
You need to tell Juvet what bot module should be created when a new connection is made. You can do that with the following configuration.
# config/config.exs
config :juvet, bot: MyBot
### Slack
#### Authorizing with your Slack app
Currently Juvet does not perform any oauth functionality. That will be coming soon so it is up to your application to connect your app to Slack via OAuth. If you are using [ueberauth](https://github.com/ueberauth/ueberauth), then [ueberauth_slack](https://github.com/ueberauth/ueberauth_slack) is a good choice to get your users authorized with Slack.
Once your get the bot access token for your team, you are ready to go.
#### Connecting to your Slack app
Once you have a bot access token for your team, you can connect to Slack via:
{:ok, pid} = Juvet.ConnectionFactory.connect(:slack, %{token: "YOUR BOT ACCESS TOKEN"})
The above will create two processes for your connected bot. One process (`Juvet.Connection.SlackRTM`) is created to listen to and send messages via the [Slack RTM](https://api.slack.com/rtm) api.
The second process (`Juvet.BotServer`) is created to receive incoming messages from the Slack RTM process and pass them along to your bot.
If you want to perform any custom logic when your bot is connected, you can override the `handle_connect/2` function on your bot.
defmodule MyBot do
use Juvet.Bot
def handle_connect(platform, state) do
# Add your custom logic here
{:ok, state}
#### Handling events from Slack
You can handle messages from Slack by overriding the `handle_event/3` function on your bot. This function can use pattern matching in order to handle various events from Slack.
defmodule MyBot do
use Juvet.Bot
def handle_event(platform, %{type: "message"} = message, state) do
# Add your logic here on how to handle a message event
{:ok, state}
def handle_event(platform, %{type: "file_created"} = message, state) do
# Add your logic here on how to handle a file_created event
{:ok, state}
#### Sending messages to Slack
You can send messages back to Slack from your bot by overridding the `send_message/3` function on your bot. The second argument (`state`) should contain an (`id`) key which will be used to send the message to the correct team.
defmodule MyBot do
use Juvet.Bot
def handle_event(platform, %{type: "message", text: "Hello"} = message, %{id: id, channel: channel} = state) do
send_message(platform, state, %{type: "message", channel: channel, message: "Right back at cha!"})
{:ok, state}
### Connecting to a platform
### Receiving messages
### Responding to messages
### Contributing
1. Clone the repository `git clone https://github.com/juvet/juvet`
1. Create a feature branch `git checkout -b my-awesome-feature`
1. Codez!
1. Commit your changes (small commits please)
1. Push your new branch `git push origin my-awesome-feature`
1. Create a pull request `hub pull-request -b juvet:master -h juvet:my-awesome-feature`