defmodule Mix.Tasks.K6.Gen.Test do
@moduledoc """
Generate a new k6 test.
Tests will be placed in the `priv/k6` folder of your project by default.
This can be customized via the `:k6, :workdir` configuration.
By default a test for a generic rest-like API will be generated.
However, the template to use for the generation of tests can be specified
via the `--type` flag.
## Command line options
* `--type` - the template to use to generate the new test. Supported types are `rest` (default), `graphql`, `grpc`, `websocket`, `phoenix-channel` and `liveview`.
* `--url` - the url of the target application. When not set, the generator will try to detect it automatically.
## Examples
$ mix k6.gen.test test_name
$ mix k6.gen.test --type graphql test_name
$ mix k6.gen.test --url "http://localhost:8000" test_name
use Mix.Task
alias K6.Template
@switches [
type: :string,
url: :string
@experimental_templates ~w(phoenix-channel liveview)
@shortdoc "Generate a new k6 test"
def run(args) do
case OptionParser.parse!(args, strict: @switches, aliases: []) do
{switches, [test_name]} ->
type = Keyword.get(switches, :type, "rest")
filename = Path.join([tests_directory(), test_name <> ".js"])
do_generate(type, filename, switches)
if type in @experimental_templates, do: print_experimental_type_warning(type)
print_success_message(test_name, filename)
{_switches, _positional_args} ->
Mix.raise("Please provide a single name for your test.")
defp do_generate("rest", filename, opts), do: Template.Rest.generate_and_save(filename, opts)
defp do_generate("graphql", filename, opts),
do: Template.Graphql.generate_and_save(filename, opts)
defp do_generate("grpc", filename, opts), do: Template.Grpc.generate_and_save(filename, opts)
defp do_generate("phoenix-channel", filename, opts),
do: Template.PhoenixChannel.generate_and_save(filename, opts)
defp do_generate("liveview", filename, opts),
do: Template.Liveview.generate_and_save(filename, opts)
defp do_generate("websocket", filename, opts),
do: Template.WebSocket.generate_and_save(filename, opts)
defp do_generate(type, _, _) do
Type "#{type}" is not valid.
Sypported types are `rest` (default), `graphql`, `grpc`, `websocket`, `phoenix-channel` and `liveview`
defp print_experimental_type_warning(type) do
Please note that support for `#{type}` is currently experimental.
If you would like to contribute, or if you run into any issue, please reach out at
defp print_success_message(test_name, filename) do"""
Edit `#{filename}` to customize your load test.
Once you're done run `mix k6 run #{test_name}.js` to execute it.
For more info about running k6 see
defp tests_directory, do: Application.get_env(:k6, :workdir, "priv/k6")