# K8s

[K8s]( - A Kubernetes client for Elixir

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## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `k8s` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:k8s, "~> 0.2"}

## Features

* A client API for humans
* Kubernetes resources, groups, and CRDs are autodiscovered at boot time. No swagger file to include or override.
* Client supports standard HTTP calls, async batches, wait on status, and watchers
* Supports multiple clusters
* Supports multiple authentication credentials
* Supports multiple kubernetes API
* Tested against kubernetes swagger specs: 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, and master
* CRD support
* Kubernetes resource and version helper functions
* Kube config file parsing
* Certificate and service account based auth
* Pluggable auth providers
* Macro free; fast compile & fast startup

### Non-features

* Modules for every resource. The client always return string-keyed maps.
* K8s.Client does *not* assuming "default" namespaces. Always provide a namespace when a namespace is applicable.
* Will not support the deprecated Watch API
* Connect URLs aren't currently supported
* Finalize, binding, scale, and approval subresources aren't currently supported

## Registering Clusters

Clusters can be registered via `config.exs` or directly with `K8s.Cluster.register/2`.

Clusters are referenced by name (`:default` below) when using a `K8s.Client`. Multiple clusters can be registered via config.

This library ships with Kubernetes specs 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, and 1.13.

### Registering clusters via config

Adding a cluster named `:default` using `~/.kube/config`. Defaults to `current-context`.

config :k8s,
  clusters: %{
    default: %{
      conf: "~/.kube/config"

Using an alternate context:

config :k8s,
  clusters: %{
    default: %{
      conf: "~/.kube/config"
      conf_opts: [context: "other-context"]

Setting cluster and user explicitly:

config :k8s,
  clusters: %{
    default: %{
      conf: "~/.kube/config"
      conf_opts: [user: "some-user", cluster: "prod-cluster"]

### Registering clusters directly

The below will register a cluster named `"1.13"` using `~/.kube.config` to connect. There are many options for loading a config, this will load the user and cluster from the `current-context`.

name = "1.13"
conf = K8s.Conf.from_file("~/.kube/config")
K8s.Cluster.register(name, conf)

*Note:* Kubernetes API specs can be downloaded using `mix k8s.swagger --version 1.13`.

### Adding authorization providers

config :k8s, auth_providers: [My.Custom.Provider]

Providers are checked in order, the first to return an authorization struct wins.

Custom providers are processed before default providers.

See [Certicate](lib/k8s/conf/auth/certificate.ex) and [Token](lib/k8s/conf/auth/token.ex) for protocol and behavior implementations.

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