# K8s

[K8s]( - Kubernetes API Client for Elixir

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## Features

* A client API for humans
* Kubernetes resources, groups, and CRDs are autodiscovered at boot time. No swagger file to include or override.
* Client supports standard HTTP calls, async batches, wait on status, and watchers
* Supports multiple clusters
* Supports multiple authentication credentials
  * serviceaccount
  * token
  * certificate
  * auth-provider
* Supports multiple kubernetes API
* Tested against kubernetes swagger specs: 1.10+ and master
* CRD support
* Kubernetes resource and version helper functions
* Kube config file parsing
* Certificate and service account based auth
* Pluggable auth providers
* Macro free; fast compile & fast startup

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `k8s` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:k8s, "~> 0.2"}

## Usage

Check out the [Usage Guide]( for in-depth examples.

Most functions are also written using doctests.

* [K8s.Client doctests](
* [K8s.Cluster doctests](
* [K8s.Conf doctests](
* [K8s.Resource doctests](
* [K8s.Version doctests](

## Testing `K8s` operations in your application

`K8s` ships with a [`K8s.Client.DynamicHTTPProvider`](./lib/k8s/client/dynamic_http_provider.ex) for stubbing HTTP responses to kubernetes API requests.

This provider is used throughout the test suite for mocking HTTP responses.

defmodule MyApp.ResourceTest do
  use ExUnit.Case, async: true

  defmodule K8sMock do
    @base_url "https://localhost:6443"
    @namespaces_url @base_url <> "/api/v1/namespaces"

    def request(:get, @namespaces_url, _, _, _) do
      namespaces = [%{"metadata" => %{"name" => "default"}}]
      body = Jason.encode!(namespaces)
      {:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 200, body: body}}

  setup do
    DynamicHTTPProvider.register(self(), __MODULE__.K8sMock)

  test "gets namespaces" do
    operation = K8s.Client.get("v1", :namespaces)
    assert {:ok, namespaces} =, :default)
    assert namespaces == [%{"metadata" => %{"name" => "default"}}]

To see advanced examples of usage, check out these examples in the test suite:

* [client/runner/base](./test/k8s/client/runner/base_test.exs)
* [client/runner/stream](./test/k8s/client/runner/stream_test.exs)
* [client/runner/watch](./test/k8s/client/runner/watch_test.exs)
* [discovery](./test/k8s/discovery_test.exs)

## Contributing

### Adding support for a new version of kubernetes

Download the swagger spec for the new version. `k8s` doesn't use swagger to define the API, but it is used to drive property tests.



Mock discovery [responses](.test/support/discovery) exist to simulate runtime API discovery using the [`FileDriver`](./lib/k8s/cluster/discover/file_driver.ex)

If new resources or APIs were added to kubernetes in the new version you will likely see one of these errors: `unsupported_api_version` and `unsupported_resource`.

### Unsupported API Version errors

This error occurs when a new API is added to kubernetes.

Example: `{:error, :unsupported_api_version, ""}`

Add the `:unsupported_api_version` to [this](test/support/discovery/resource_definitions.json) mock configuration and rerun the test suite.

A config entry looks like:

// ...
    "groupVersion": "", // add the api version
    "kind": "APIResourceList", // leave as is
    "resources": [ // add a list of resources provided by the new `groupVersion`
        "kind": "PriorityClass", // `kind` name
        "name": "priorityclasses", // plural name
        "namespaced": false, // namespaced or not
        "singularName": "",
        "verbs": [ // list of verbs supported by the new API
// ...

### Unsupported Resource errors

This error occurs when a new resource type is added to an existing API, similar to above you will need to add the `resource` to the list of `resources`.

The following config is missing `runtimeclasses` as a resource.

    "groupVersion": "",
    "kind": "APIResourceList",
    "resources": [
        "kind": "Node",
        "name": "nodes",
        "namespaced": false,
        "singularName": "",
        "verbs": [

After mocking:

    "groupVersion": "",
    "kind": "APIResourceList",
    "resources": [
        "kind": "Node",
        "name": "nodes",
        "namespaced": false,
        "singularName": "",
        "verbs": [
        "kind": "RuntimeClass",
        "name": "runtimeclasses",
        "namespaced": false,
        "singularName": "",
        "verbs": [