# K8S Deploy

Library for deploying Elixir web apps to Kubernetes.  Used in combination with [`docker_build`]( library.

It will build a docker image of your app, push it and then deploy it to K8S by creating a K8S `Deployment`, `Service` and `Ingress` for your app. It will also request a *Letsencrypt* SSL cert for your app.

## Prerequisites

  * A K8S cluster
  * The K8S cluster installed and configured with [Cert manager]( to issue *Letsencrypt* SSL certificates
  * `kubectl` installed and configured to access your K8S server
  * A Docker registry available for your image.  *Gitlab* currently provides a limited
  free private registry.
  * Pull secrets configured on your cluster to access the image on the Docker registry

## Installation

Add to `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:k8s_deploy, "~> 0.1.0", runtime: false, only: :dev}

Install and configure `docker_build` to build your docker image for you.

## Basic Use

Create the following entries in `config/dev.exs`.  As you will run the `mix` tasks in the
development environment you should only add them here.

# config/dev.exs
config :k8s_deploy, K8SDeploy.Deploy,
  context: "", # The kubectl context name in kubectl
  image_pull_secrets: ["my-pull-secret"], # Unless a public docker image is used this must be set up before
  cert_manager_issuer: "letsencrypt-prod", # This needs to be set up before
  host: "" # HTTPS host

### Deploy

To build a docker image and deploy:

mix k8s.deploy

For additional options run:

mix help k8s.deploy

## Advanced usage

### Additional configuration

The following additional config values are available:

  * `:from_to_www_redirect?` - if your want the `Ingress` to perform an automatic redirection from the non-`www` version of your site to the `www` version. Defaults to `true` if the host starts with `www`.  Raises if set and host does not start with `www`.
  * `:env_vars` - Map of environment variables that will be set in the K8S `Deployment`. e.g. `%{"FOO" => "BAR"}`.  The following
  environment variables are automatically injected:
    * `PORT` - set to `4000`
    * `URL_HOST` - set to the `:host` value in the config (if set)
  * `:migrator` - Module name or mfa tuple for running migrations.  See *"Running Migrations"* below.

### Using a ConfigMap for environment variables

Instead of providing environment variables via the `:env_vars` key, you can provide a K8S `ConfigMap` in the
`deploy/k8s` folder with the name `configmap-prod.yaml`.  (If using a different environment change `prod` to match).

The name of the `ConfigMap` must match the `:app_name` key specified in the `docker_build` config, with the suffix `-configmap`.
This will be referenced using `envFrom` in the `Deployment`.

For example:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: myapp-configmap
  FOO2: BAR2

### Running migrations

To run migrations set the `:migrator` config key to either a module name, e.g `MyApp.Release` which contains a `migrate/0` function,
or a mfa, e.g. `{MyApp.Release, :migrate, []}`.  You can create the necessary code by following the recommendation
in [Phoenix](

A K8S `Job` will be created using the same docker image. It will execute the migrate function and run to completion before the deploy continutes.  Any `ConfigMap` or vars in `:env_vars` will be available in to the `Pod` container that the job creates.

### Deploying without an ingress

If you omit the `host` field, no ingress will be deployed (unless you have a custom template - see below).  You might use this if another app deploys the ingress
rules for this app.

### Deploying to multiple contexts

You can also specify `:context` as a list.  All K8S resources will then be deployed to each context in turn.

### Using a custom `Deployment`, `Service` or `Ingress` template

If you need to customise the templates beyond what the configuration options provide, you can place your
own template in your project in the location `deploy/k8s/{resource}-{environment}.yaml`.  For example
`deployment-prod.yaml` for a custom `Deployment` template.

These files can include `EEx` templating and accept the same variables as the default templates (see `priv/templates`),
e.g. `<%= @deployment_id>` or `<%= @docker_image %>` in the `Deployment` template.  N.B. The `@deployment_id`
variable is an integer so it must be quoted in your template.


* Run `git push origin master:production` after deploy
* Have option to ask for key press before deploying
* Support different environments e.g. `mix k8s.deploy staging` with an environment setting and overrides in config
* Block until deploy complete
* Support probes in deployment