# kaa

**KAA** - support to execute jun tasks using protocol buffers
KAA is a library written in erlang to send and receive tasks to a `JUN` worker through a protocol buffers, so then any client implementing the proto files can send messages to `JUN`.
This project is under development and should not be used in production, it's not ready for that.
### Creating the environment
To create a new kaa worker (that also creates a jun worker onto it):
(kaa@hurakann)1> {ok, Key} = kaa_main_worker:start_link().
14:28:02.689 [info] initialized default modules for py pid <0.422.0>
14:28:03.042 [info] initialized jun worker pid <0.421.0>
This will create and hold the environment for kaa and jun, so kaa can now receive messages encoded into a protocol buffers and pass to the jun worker, receive the response and delivered as proto message.
### Building a proto messages
Now we are executing some tasks into jun, but using the proto messages in kaa format, so for example, let's generate a message to read a csv into dataframe:
(kaa@hurakann)2> ReadCsvInstruction = kaa_proto:read_csv_instruction("<0.421.0>", "/Users/zgbjgg/jun-nogit/file.csv").
As you can see, the returned value is a binary in a protocol buffers format (for kaa), so this can be decoded using the proto file. Let's send the proto message to the kaa worker:
(kaa@hurakann)3> {ok, Result} = kaa_main_worker:kaa_proto_in(Key, ReadCsvInstruction).
Now we have a `Result` variable with a proto message in a binary format, let's decode the message (this can be done by any client):
(kaa@hurakann)4> rr("/Users/zgbjgg/kaa/include/kaa_result.hrl").
(kaa@hurakann)5> KaaResult = kaa_result:decode_msg(Result, 'KaaResult').
#'KaaResult'{ok = "ok",
result = {dataframe,<<131,104,3,100,0,15,36,101,114,108,
### Working with dataframes
Now we have a decoded result, the dataframe read by the read_csv function, lets play with the dataframe, first to all get only the dataframe value:
(kaa@hurakann)6> {dataframe, DataFrame} = KaaResult#'KaaResult'.result.
Generate another instruction, this time we are going to sum all values of column age from dataframe:
(kaa@hurakann)7> SumAgeInstruction = kaa_proto:sum_age_instruction("<0.421.0>", DataFrame, sum, "age").
We have now the sum instruction into a proto message format, let's send to kaa and finally parse the result from proto result message:
(kaa@hurakann)8> {ok, Result2} = kaa_main_worker:kaa_proto_in(Key, SumAgeInstruction).
(kaa@hurakann)9> kaa_result:decode_msg(Result2, 'KaaResult').
#'KaaResult'{ok = "ok",result = {inumber,13}}
Ready!, if check the result we have an inumber with a value of 13 which is the correct sum of all columns!
### See also
[JUN: python pandas support for dataframes manipulation over erlang](https://github.com/zgbjgg/jun)
### Authors
@zgbjgg Jorge Garrido <zgbjgg@gmail.com>