# Kadena.ex


**Kadena.ex** is an open source library for Elixir that allows developers to interact with Kadena Chainweb.
## What can you do with Kadena.ex?
- Build PACT commands for transactions.
- Implement the cryptography required by the network.
- Send, test and update smart contracts.
- Interact with Chainweb endpoints: `listen, local, poll, send, spv.`
## Installation
Add `kadena` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:kadena, "~> 0.15.0"}
## Configuration
The default HTTP Client is `:hackney`. Options can be passed to `:hackney` via configuration parameters.
config :kadena, hackney_opts: [{:connect_timeout, 1000}, {:recv_timeout, 5000}]
### Custom HTTP Client
`kadena.ex` allows you to use the HTTP client of your choice. See [**Kadena.Chainweb.Client.Spec**][http_client_spec] for details.
config :kadena, :http_client_impl, YourApp.CustomClientImpl
### Custom JSON library
Following the same approach as the HTTP client, the JSON parsing library can also be configured. Defaults to [`Jason`][jason_url].
config :kadena, :json_library, YourApp.CustomJSONLibrary
## Keypairs
Curve25519 keypair of (PUBLIC,SECRET) match. Key values are base-16 strings of length 32.
### Generate a KeyPair
alias Kadena.Cryptography.KeyPair
# generate a random keypair
{:ok, keypair} = KeyPair.generate()
clist: nil,
pub_key: "37e60c00779cacaef1f0a8697387a5945ef3cb82963980db486dc26ec5f424d9",
secret_key: "e53faf1774d30e7cec2878d2e4a617c34045f53f0579eb05e127a7808aac229d"
### Derive a keyPair from a secret key
{:ok, keypair} = KeyPair.from_secret_key("e53faf1774d30e7cec2878d2e4a617c34045f53f0579eb05e127a7808aac229d")
clist: nil,
pub_key: "37e60c00779cacaef1f0a8697387a5945ef3cb82963980db486dc26ec5f424d9",
secret_key: "e53faf1774d30e7cec2878d2e4a617c34045f53f0579eb05e127a7808aac229d"
### Adding capabilities to a KeyPair
alias Kadena.Cryptography.KeyPair
alias Kadena.Types.Cap
{:ok, keypair} = KeyPair.from_secret_key("e53faf1774d30e7cec2878d2e4a617c34045f53f0579eb05e127a7808aac229d")
clist = [
Cap.new(name: "coin.GAS", args: [keypair.pub_key])
keypair_with_caps = Kadena.Types.KeyPair.add_caps(keypair, clist)
clist: [
args: [
literal: "37e60c00779cacaef1f0a8697387a5945ef3cb82963980db486dc26ec5f424d9"
name: "coin.GAS"
pub_key: "37e60c00779cacaef1f0a8697387a5945ef3cb82963980db486dc26ec5f424d9",
secret_key: "e53faf1774d30e7cec2878d2e4a617c34045f53f0579eb05e127a7808aac229d"
## PACT Commands
`kadena.ex` allows the construction of **execution** and **continuation** commands in a semantic way for developers.
alias Kadena.Cryptography.KeyPair
alias Kadena.Types.Command
alias Kadena.Pact
{:ok, keypair} = KeyPair.generate()
code = "(+ 1 2)"
{:ok, %Command{} = command} =
|> Pact.ExecCommand.set_code(code)
|> Pact.ExecCommand.add_keypair(keypair)
|> Pact.ExecCommand.build()
### Attributes
#### NetworkID
Backend-specific identifier of target network. Allowed values: `:testnet04` `:mainnet01` `:development`.
alias Kadena.Pact
network_id = :testnet04
Pact.ExecCommand.new() |> Pact.ExecCommand.set_network(network_id)
#### Code
Executable PACT code.
alias Kadena.Pact
code = "(+ 1 2)"
Pact.ExecCommand.new() |> Pact.ExecCommand.set_code(code)
#### Metadata
Public metadata for Chainweb.
alias Kadena.Pact
metadata = Kadena.Types.MetaData.new(
creation_time: 1_667_249_173,
ttl: 28_800,
gas_limit: 1000,
gas_price: 0.01,
sender: "k:37e60c00779cacaef1f0a8697387a5945ef3cb82963980db486dc26ec5f424d9",
chain_id: "0"
Pact.ExecCommand.new() |> Pact.ExecCommand.set_metadata(metadata)
#### Nonce
An arbitrary user-supplied value. Defaults to current timestamp.
alias Kadena.Pact
nonce = "2023-01-01 00:00:00.000000 UTC"
Pact.ExecCommand.new() |> Pact.ExecCommand.set_nonce(data)
#### EnvData
Environment transaction data.
alias Kadena.Pact
env_data = %{
accounts_admin_keyset: [
Pact.ExecCommand.new() |> Pact.ExecCommand.set_data(data)
#### KeyPairs
List of KeyPairs for signing.
alias Kadena.Pact
alias Kadena.Cryptography.KeyPair
{:ok, keypair1} = KeyPair.generate()
{:ok, keypair2} = KeyPair.generate()
# add a list of keypairs
Pact.ExecCommand.new() |> Pact.ExecCommand.add_keypairs([keypair1, keypair2])
# add a single keypair
Pact.ExecCommand.new() |> Pact.ExecCommand.add_keypair(keypair1)
#### Signers
List of signers for detached signatures.
alias Kadena.Pact
signer1 = Kadena.Types.Signer.new(pub_key: "37e60c00779cacaef1f0a8697387a5945ef3cb82963980db486dc26ec5f424d9")
signer2 = Kadena.Types.Signer.new(pub_key: "8567032f1fe8b99c657338cd46480d0ee1a86985626b16374099d8d406e4d313")
# add a list of signers
Pact.ExecCommand.new() |> Pact.ExecCommand.add_signers([signer1, signer2])
# add a single signer
Pact.ExecCommand.new() |> Pact.ExecCommand.add_signer(signer1)
#### Step (Continuation command)
An integer value for the multi-step transaction.
alias Kadena.Pact
step = 1
Pact.ContCommand.new() |> Pact.ContCommand.set_step(step)
#### Proof (Continuation command)
A SPV proof, required for cross-chain transfer.
alias Kadena.Pact
proof = "proof"
Pact.ContCommand.new() |> Pact.ContCommand.set_proof(proof)
#### Rollback (Continuation command)
A Boolean that indicates if the continuation is:
- rollback `true`
- cancel `false`
alias Kadena.Pact
rollback = true
Pact.ContCommand.new() |> Pact.ContCommand.set_rollback(rollback)
#### PactTxHash (Continuation command)
Continuation transaction hash.
alias Kadena.Pact
pact_tx_hash = "yxM0umrtdcvSUZDc_GSjwadH6ELYFCjOqI59Jzqapi4"
Pact.ContCommand.new() |> Pact.ContCommand.set_pact_tx_hash(pact_tx_hash)
### Building an Execution Command
alias Kadena.Cryptography
alias Kadena.Pact
# set the command attributes
{:ok, raw_keypair} = Cryptography.KeyPair.from_secret_key("99f7e1e8f2f334ae8374aa28bebdb997271a0e0a5e92c80be9609684a3d6f0d4")
caps = [
Kadena.Types.Cap.new(name: "coin.GAS", args: [raw_keypair.pub_key])
keypair = Kadena.Types.KeyPair.add_caps(raw_keypair, caps)
network_id = :testnet04
code = "(+ 1 2)"
metadata = Kadena.Types.MetaData.new(
creation_time: 1_667_249_173,
ttl: 28_800,
gas_limit: 2500,
gas_price: 0.01,
sender: "k:#{keypair.pub_key}",
chain_id: "0"
nonce = "2023-01-01 00:00:00.000000 UTC"
env_data = %{accounts_admin_keyset: [keypair.pub_key]}
# build the command
{:ok, %Kadena.Types.Command{} = command} =
|> Pact.ExecCommand.set_network(network_id)
|> Pact.ExecCommand.set_code(code)
|> Pact.ExecCommand.set_nonce(nonce)
|> Pact.ExecCommand.set_data(env_data)
|> Pact.ExecCommand.set_metadata(metadata)
|> Pact.ExecCommand.add_keypair(keypair)
|> Pact.ExecCommand.build()
"{\"meta\":{\"chainId\":\"0\",\"creationTime\":1667249173,\"gasLimit\":2500,\"gasPrice\":0.01,\"sender\":\"k:6ffea3fabe4e7fe6a89f88fc6d662c764ed1359fbc03a28afdac3935415347d7\",\"ttl\":28800},\"networkId\":\"testnet04\",\"nonce\":\"2023-01-01 00:00:00.000000 UTC\",\"payload\":{\"exec\":{\"code\":\"(+ 1 2)\",\"data\":{\"accounts_admin_keyset\":[\"6ffea3fabe4e7fe6a89f88fc6d662c764ed1359fbc03a28afdac3935415347d7\"]}}},\"signers\":[{\"addr\":null,\"clist\":[{\"args\":[\"6ffea3fabe4e7fe6a89f88fc6d662c764ed1359fbc03a28afdac3935415347d7\"],\"name\":\"coin.GAS\"}],\"pubKey\":\"6ffea3fabe4e7fe6a89f88fc6d662c764ed1359fbc03a28afdac3935415347d7\",\"scheme\":\"ED25519\"}]}",
hash: %Kadena.Types.PactTransactionHash{
hash: "ZOsqP9Wkfj5NnY9WS_XMnO9KfYv0GvK_8QMPTX6BfaA"
sigs: [
### Building a Continuation Command
alias Kadena.Cryptography
alias Kadena.Pact
# set the command attributes
{:ok, raw_keypair} = Cryptography.KeyPair.from_secret_key("99f7e1e8f2f334ae8374aa28bebdb997271a0e0a5e92c80be9609684a3d6f0d4")
caps = [
Kadena.Types.Cap.new(name: "coin.GAS", args: [raw_keypair.pub_key])
keypair = Kadena.Types.KeyPair.add_caps(raw_keypair, caps)
network_id = :testnet04
metadata = Kadena.Types.MetaData.new(
creation_time: 1_667_249_173,
ttl: 28_800,
gas_limit: 2500,
gas_price: 0.01,
sender: "k:#{keypair.pub_key}",
chain_id: "0"
nonce = "2023-01-01 00:00:00.000000 UTC"
env_data = %{accounts_admin_keyset: [keypair.pub_key]}
pact_tx_hash = "yxM0umrtdcvSUZDc_GSjwadH6ELYFCjOqI59Jzqapi4"
step = 1
rollback = true
# build the command
{:ok, %Kadena.Types.Command{} = command} =
|> Pact.ContCommand.set_network(network_id)
|> Pact.ContCommand.set_data(env_data)
|> Pact.ContCommand.set_nonce(nonce)
|> Pact.ContCommand.set_metadata(metadata)
|> Pact.ContCommand.add_keypair(keypair)
|> Pact.ContCommand.set_pact_tx_hash(pact_tx_hash)
|> Pact.ContCommand.set_step(step)
|> Pact.ContCommand.set_rollback(rollback)
|> Pact.ContCommand.build()
"{\"meta\":{\"chainId\":\"0\",\"creationTime\":1667249173,\"gasLimit\":2500,\"gasPrice\":0.01,\"sender\":\"k:6ffea3fabe4e7fe6a89f88fc6d662c764ed1359fbc03a28afdac3935415347d7\",\"ttl\":28800},\"networkId\":\"testnet04\",\"nonce\":\"2023-01-01 00:00:00.000000 UTC\",\"payload\":{\"cont\":{\"data\":{\"accounts_admin_keyset\":[\"6ffea3fabe4e7fe6a89f88fc6d662c764ed1359fbc03a28afdac3935415347d7\"]},\"pactId\":\"yxM0umrtdcvSUZDc_GSjwadH6ELYFCjOqI59Jzqapi4\",\"proof\":null,\"rollback\":true,\"step\":1}},\"signers\":[{\"addr\":null,\"clist\":[{\"args\":[\"6ffea3fabe4e7fe6a89f88fc6d662c764ed1359fbc03a28afdac3935415347d7\"],\"name\":\"coin.GAS\"}],\"pubKey\":\"6ffea3fabe4e7fe6a89f88fc6d662c764ed1359fbc03a28afdac3935415347d7\",\"scheme\":\"ED25519\"}]}",
hash: %Kadena.Types.PactTransactionHash{
hash: "DIMUpcB9NahL3746TTm1A8Wrr-JRVCT5Rk0rPdxZItg"
sigs: [
## Chainweb Pact API
Interaction with [Chainweb Pact API][chainweb_pact_api_doc] is done through the [**Kadena.Chainweb.Pact**][chainweb_pact_api] module using simple functions to access endpoints.
### Send endpoint
Retrieves the request keys of the Pact transactions sent to the network.
Kadena.Chainweb.Pact.send(cmds, network_opts \\ [network_id: :testnet04, chain_id: 0])
- `cmds`: List of [PACT commands](#pact-commands).
- `network_opts`: Network options. Keyword list with:
- `network_id` (required): Allowed values: `:testnet04` `:mainnet01`.
- `chain_id` (required): Allowed values: integer or string-encoded integer from 0 to 19.
Defaults to `[network_id: :testnet04, chain_id: 0]` if not specified.
alias Kadena.Chainweb
alias Kadena.Cryptography
alias Kadena.Pact
{:ok, keypair} =
network_id = :testnet04
metadata =
creation_time: 1_671_462_208,
ttl: 28_800,
gas_limit: 1000,
gas_price: 0.000001,
sender: "k:#{keypair.pub_key}",
chain_id: "1"
code = "(+ 1 2)"
{:ok, cmd1} =
|> Pact.ExecCommand.set_network(network_id)
|> Pact.ExecCommand.set_code(code)
|> Pact.ExecCommand.set_metadata(metadata)
|> Pact.ExecCommand.add_keypair(keypair)
|> Pact.ExecCommand.build()
code = "(+ 2 2)"
{:ok, cmd2} =
|> Pact.ExecCommand.set_network(network_id)
|> Pact.ExecCommand.set_code(code)
|> Pact.ExecCommand.set_metadata(metadata)
|> Pact.ExecCommand.add_keypair(keypair)
|> Pact.ExecCommand.build()
cmds = [cmd1, cmd2]
Chainweb.Pact.send(cmds, network_id: :testnet04, chain_id: 1)
request_keys: [
### Local endpoint
Executes a single command on the local server and retrieves the transaction result. Useful with code that queries from blockchain. It does not impact the blockchain when returning transaction results.
Kadena.Chainweb.Pact.local(cmd, network_opts \\ [network_id: :testnet04, chain_id: 0])
- `cmd`: [PACT command](#pact-commands).
- `network_opts`: Network options. Keyword list with:
- `network_id` (required): Allowed values: `:testnet04` `:mainnet01`.
- `chain_id` (required): Allowed values: integer or string-encoded integer from 0 to 19.
Defaults to `[network_id: :testnet04, chain_id: 0]` if not specified.
alias Kadena.Chainweb
alias Kadena.Cryptography
alias Kadena.Pact
{:ok, keypair} =
metadata =
creation_time: 1_671_462_208,
ttl: 28_800,
gas_limit: 1000,
gas_price: 0.000001,
sender: "k:#{keypair.pub_key}",
chain_id: "1"
code = "(+ 1 2)"
{:ok, cmd} =
|> Pact.ExecCommand.set_code(code)
|> Pact.ExecCommand.set_metadata(metadata)
|> Pact.ExecCommand.add_keypair(keypair)
|> Pact.ExecCommand.build()
Chainweb.Pact.local(cmd, network_id: :testnet04, chain_id: 1)
continuation: nil,
events: nil,
gas: 5,
logs: "wsATyGqckuIvlm89hhd2j4t6RMkCrcwJe_oeCYr7Th8",
meta_data: %{
block_height: 2_833_149,
block_time: 1_671_577_178_603_103,
prev_block_hash: "7aURwajZ0pBMGEKmOUJ9oLq9MK7QiZeiDPGPb0cXs5c",
public_meta: %{
chain_id: "1",
creation_time: 1_671_462_208,
gas_limit: 1000,
gas_price: 1.0e-6,
sender: "k:d1a361d721cf81dbc21f676e6897f7e7a336671c0d5d25f87c10933cac6d8cf7",
ttl: 28800
req_key: "8qnotzzhbfe_SSmZcDVQGDpALjQjYqzYYrHc6D-2D_g",
result: %{data: 3, status: "success"},
tx_id: nil
### Poll endpoint
Retrieves one or more transaction results per request key.
Kadena.Chainweb.Pact.poll(request_keys, network_opts \\ [network_id: :testnet04, chain_id: 0])
- `request_keys`: List of strings. A request key is the unique id of a Pact transaction consisting of its hash, it is obtained from submitting a command via the [Send endpoint](#send-endpoint).
- `network_opts`: Network options. Keyword list with:
- `network_id` (required): Allowed values: `:testnet04` `:mainnet01`.
- `chain_id` (required): Allowed values: integer or string-encoded integer from 0 to 19.
Defaults to `[network_id: :testnet04, chain_id: 0]` if not specified.
alias Kadena.Chainweb
request_keys = [
Chainweb.Pact.poll(request_keys, network_id: :testnet04, chain_id: 1)
results: [
continuation: nil,
events: [
module: %{name: "coin", namespace: nil},
module_hash: "rE7DU8jlQL9x_MPYuniZJf5ICBTAEHAIFQCB4blofP4",
name: "TRANSFER",
params: [
gas: 233,
logs: "3I4ueiuyFy2m_z6PHpOe9yqXIt9tfDjMoUlPnqg_jas",
meta_data: %{
block_hash: "Z9fszmqYV7s_rLyvvdAw5nbLqdMIj-_P4lPGFMLRy3M",
block_height: 2_829_780,
block_time: 1_671_476_220_495_690,
prev_block_hash: "9LKeJBo1REDwbVUYjxKKvbuHN4kFRDmjxEqatUUPu8g"
req_key: "gyShUgtFBk5xDoiBoLURbU_5vUG0benKroNDRhz8wqA",
result: %{data: 4, status: "success"},
tx_id: 4_272_497
continuation: nil,
events: [
module: %{name: "coin", namespace: nil},
module_hash: "rE7DU8jlQL9x_MPYuniZJf5ICBTAEHAIFQCB4blofP4",
name: "TRANSFER",
params: [
gas: 233,
logs: "P3CDVUbCSSsXukPztkmLjJL7tsxNNIuPHKyhGMD_0wE",
meta_data: %{
block_hash: "Z9fszmqYV7s_rLyvvdAw5nbLqdMIj-_P4lPGFMLRy3M",
block_height: 2_829_780,
block_time: 1_671_476_220_495_690,
prev_block_hash: "9LKeJBo1REDwbVUYjxKKvbuHN4kFRDmjxEqatUUPu8g"
req_key: "VB4ZKobzuo5Cwv5LT9kWKg-34u7KZ0Oo84jnIiujTGc",
result: %{data: 3, status: "success"},
tx_id: 4_272_500
### Listen endpoint
Retrieves the transaction result of the given request key.
Kadena.Chainweb.Pact.listen(request_key, network_opts \\ [network_id: :testnet04, chain_id: 0])
- `request_key`: String value. A request key is the unique id of a Pact transaction consisting of its hash, it is obtained from submitting a command via the [Send endpoint](#send-endpoint).
- `network_opts`: Network options. Keyword list with:
- `network_id` (required): Allowed values: `:testnet04` `:mainnet01`.
- `chain_id` (required): Allowed values: integer or string-encoded integer from 0 to 19.
Defaults to `[network_id: :testnet04, chain_id: 0]` if not specified.
alias Kadena.Chainweb
request_key = "VB4ZKobzuo5Cwv5LT9kWKg-34u7KZ0Oo84jnIiujTGc"
Chainweb.Pact.listen(request_key, network_id: :testnet04, chain_id: 1)
continuation: nil,
events: [
module: %{name: "coin", namespace: nil},
module_hash: "rE7DU8jlQL9x_MPYuniZJf5ICBTAEHAIFQCB4blofP4",
name: "TRANSFER",
params: [
gas: 233,
logs: "P3CDVUbCSSsXukPztkmLjJL7tsxNNIuPHKyhGMD_0wE",
meta_data: %{
block_hash: "Z9fszmqYV7s_rLyvvdAw5nbLqdMIj-_P4lPGFMLRy3M",
block_height: 2_829_780,
block_time: 1_671_476_220_495_690,
prev_block_hash: "9LKeJBo1REDwbVUYjxKKvbuHN4kFRDmjxEqatUUPu8g"
req_key: "VB4ZKobzuo5Cwv5LT9kWKg-34u7KZ0Oo84jnIiujTGc",
result: %{data: 3, status: "success"},
tx_id: 4_272_500
### SPV endpoint
Retrieves a SPV proof of a cross chain transaction. Request must be sent to the chain where the transaction is initiated.
Kadena.Chainweb.Pact.spv(payload, network_opts \\ [network_id: :testnet04, chain_id: 0])
- `payload`: Keyword list with:
- `request_key` (required): String value. Request Key of an initiated cross chain transaction at the source chain.
- `target_chain_id` (required): String-encoded integer from 0 to 19. Target chain id of the cross chain transaction.
- `network_opts`: Network options. Keyword list with:
- `network_id` (required): Allowed values: `:testnet04` `:mainnet01`.
- `chain_id` (required): Allowed values: integer or string-encoded integer from 0 to 19.
Defaults to `[network_id: :testnet04, chain_id: 0]` if not specified.
alias Kadena.Chainweb
payload = [request_key: "VB4ZKobzuo5Cwv5LT9kWKg-34u7KZ0Oo84jnIiujTGc", target_chain_id: "2"]
Chainweb.Pact.spv(payload, network_id: :testnet04, chain_id: 1)
## Chainweb P2P API
Interaction with [Chainweb P2P API][chainweb_p2p_api_doc] is done through different modules that implement functions to access the endpoints.
### Cut
A cut represents a distributed state of a chainweb. It references one block header for each chain, such that those blocks are pairwise concurrent.
Two blocks from two different chains are said to be concurrent if either one of them is an adjacent parent (is a direct dependency) of the other or if the blocks do not depend at all on each other.
#### Query the current cut from a Chainweb node
Kadena.Chainweb.P2P.Cut.retrieve(network_opts \\ [])
- `network_opts`: Network options. Keyword list with:
- `network_id` (required): Allowed values: `:testnet04` `:mainnet01`.
- `location` (optional): Location to access a Chainweb P2P bootstrap node. Allowed values:
- testnet: `"us1"`, `"us2"`, `"eu1"`, `"eu2"`, `"ap1"`, `"ap2"`
- mainnet: `"us-e1"`, `"us-e2"`, `"us-e3"`, `"us-w1"`, `"us-w2"`, `"us-w3"`, `"fr1"`, `"fr2"`, `"fr3"`, `"jp1"`, `"jp2"`, `"jp3"`
- `query_params` (optional): Query parameters. Keyword list with:
- `maxheight` (optional): Integer or string-encoded integer `>= 0`, represents the maximum cut height of the returned cut.
Defaults to `[network_id: :testnet04, location: nil, query_params: []]` if not specified.
alias Kadena.Chainweb.P2P.Cut
Cut.retrieve(network_id: :mainnet01, location: "jp2", query_params: [maxheight: 36543])
cut: %Kadena.Chainweb.Cut{
hashes: %{
"0": %{hash: "zkkjtWjiD68BcaISzjn5_y7-vQ3Yk2y3swhz7hm_7w8", height: 3654},
"1": %{hash: "M-tbkEAVpS0-v5dxu-rxhRkjcVZfSE1nKEBBxNvka_g", height: 3654},
"2": %{hash: "af5hWh0dUJoTGr5Bn8JxgDbAA97h6uqtclYi4SP95w8", height: 3654},
"3": %{hash: "1-XVBn9NO2-g53WFzX9YpYT-t10Rr3RWJTdydMxK7Qg", height: 3654},
"4": %{hash: "wphlMRCrkjVaIBlFNQdlTonLxGRebClL4DTHjZhgpXw", height: 3654},
"5": %{hash: "T6iaDkYwzMBIBEyXgkFQ-T4FMhS__g6DACs4C8O27gg", height: 3654},
"6": %{hash: "fX3NieTI5CjMs9VZEyfRqHg0B3ZKyxNkm7-p4TIfSZ4", height: 3654},
"7": %{hash: "ddZN5o0ZNrcgmCOaEhyWb0rmpl0QcBguwfmop6uQKpI", height: 3654},
"8": %{hash: "KEQkdXVF0nYujH43U0q-nkwDIUViZnncWol78Spoxow", height: 3654},
"9": %{hash: "qqCoe3VfCyH6vJmn22RLIzD8DrDrKKjKlPn15UQ25TU", height: 3654}
height: 36540,
id: "DeYKC0r8tXxZRYyx-S49sVzFCAZ8TZT3J1UlVSVmjCA",
instance: "mainnet01",
origin: nil,
#### Publish a cut to a Chainweb node
The receiving node will first try to obtain all missing dependencies from the node that is indicated in by the origin property before searching for the dependencies in the P2P network.
Kadena.Chainweb.P2P.Cut.publish(cut , network_opts \\ [])
- `cut`: A Cut struct which can be created with `Kadena.Chainweb.Cut.new()`
- `network_opts`: Network options. Keyword list with:
- `network_id` (required): Allowed values: `:testnet04` `:mainnet01`.
- `location` (optional): Location to access a Chainweb P2P bootstrap node. Allowed values:
- testnet: `"us1"`, `"us2"`, `"eu1"`, `"eu2"`, `"ap1"`, `"ap2"`
- mainnet: `"us-e1"`, `"us-e2"`, `"us-e3"`, `"us-w1"`, `"us-w2"`, `"us-w3"`, `"fr1"`, `"fr2"`, `"fr3"`, `"jp1"`, `"jp2"`, `"jp3"`
Defaults to `[network_id: :testnet04, location: "us1"]` if not specified. If `network_id` is set as `:mainnet01` the default `location` is `"us-e1"`
alias Kadena.Chainweb.P2P.Cut
alias Kadena.Chainweb
origin = %{
id: "SMS0rJlkg59bwR9Vm0HlZGsBjyt56rJtSD5DXzd_r0g",
address: %{
hostname: "",
port: 1788
hashes = %{
"0": %{hash: "N5oyYlCvq6VvyoqioTQClWXAudf_ap3gqXxSpr4V32w", height: 3_362_200},
"1": %{hash: "CK2XPSueEx8EdkIehFMUadEBnMKZTPOfgM5-fEyoYbw", height: 3_362_200}
height = 67_243_992
id = "PXbSJgmFjN3A4DSz37ttYWmyrpDfzCoyivVflV3VL9A"
instance = "mainnet01"
|> Chainweb.Cut.set_hashes(hashes)
|> Chainweb.Cut.set_height(height)
|> Chainweb.Cut.set_weight(weight)
|> Chainweb.Cut.set_id(id)
|> Chainweb.Cut.set_instance(instance)
|> Chainweb.Cut.set_origin(origin)
|> Cut.publish()
cut: %Kadena.Chainweb.Cut{
hashes: %{
"0": %{
hash: "N5oyYlCvq6VvyoqioTQClWXAudf_ap3gqXxSpr4V32w",
height: 3_362_200
"1": %{
hash: "CK2XPSueEx8EdkIehFMUadEBnMKZTPOfgM5-fEyoYbw",
height: 3_362_200
height: 67_243_992,
id: "PXbSJgmFjN3A4DSz37ttYWmyrpDfzCoyivVflV3VL9A",
instance: "mainnet01",
origin: %{
address: %{hostname: "", port: 1788},
id: "SMS0rJlkg59bwR9Vm0HlZGsBjyt56rJtSD5DXzd_r0g"
### BlockHash
These endpoints return block hashes from the chain database. Generally, block hashes are returned in ascending order and include hashes from orphaned blocks.
For only querying blocks that are included in the winning `branch` of the chain the branch endpoint can be used, which returns blocks in descending order starting from the leafs of branches of the blockchain.
#### Get Block Hashes
A page of a collection of block hashes in ascending order that satisfies query parameters. Any block hash from the chain database is returned. This includes hashes of orphaned blocks.
Kadena.Chainweb.P2P.BlockHash.retrieve(network_opts \\ [])
- `network_opts`: Network options. Keyword list with:
- `network_id` (required): Allowed values: `:testnet04` `:mainnet01`.
- `location` (optional): Location to access a Chainweb P2P bootstrap node. Allowed values:
- testnet: `"us1"`, `"us2"`, `"eu1"`, `"eu2"`, `"ap1"`, `"ap2"`
- mainnet: `"us-e1"`, `"us-e2"`, `"us-e3"`, `"us-w1"`, `"us-w2"`, `"us-w3"`, `"fr1"`, `"fr2"`, `"fr3"`, `"jp1"`, `"jp2"`, `"jp3"`
- `chain_id` (required): Id of the chain to which the request is sent. Allowed values: integer or string-encoded integer from 0 to 19.
- `query_params` (optional): Query parameters. Keyword list with:
- `limit` (optional): Integer (`>=0`) that represents the maximum number of records that may be returned.
- `next` (optional): String of the cursor for the next page. This value can be found as value of the next property of the previous page.
- `minheight` (optional): Integer (`>=0`) that represents the minimum block height of the returned headers.
- `maxheight` (optional): Integer (`>=0`) that represents the maximum block height of the returned headers.
Defaults to `[network_id: :testnet04, location: nil, chain_id: 0, query_params: []]` if not specified.
alias Kadena.Chainweb.P2P.BlockHash
BlockHash.retrieve(location: "eu1", query_params: [limit: 5])
items: [
limit: 5,
next: "inclusive:gmV-pRi50fUcy2i9v8cba_HDjw2_GP47RKgpKD-0av8"
#### Get Block Hash Branches
A page of block hashes from branches of the blockchain in descending order. Only blocks are returned that are ancestors of some block in the set of upper bounds and are not ancestors of any block in the set of lower bounds.
Kadena.Chainweb.P2P.BlockHash.retrieve_branches(payload \\ [], network_opts \\ [])
- `payload`: Keyword list with:
- `lower` (required): Array of strings (Block Hash), no block hashes are returned that are predecessors of any block with a hash from this array.
- `upper` (required): Array of strings (Block Hash), returned block hashes are predecessors of a block with an hash from this array. This includes blocks with hashes from this array.
Defaults to `[lower: [], upper: []]` if not specified.
- `network_opts`: Network options. Keyword list with:
- `network_id` (required): Allowed values: `:testnet04` `:mainnet01`.
- `location` (optional): Location to access a Chainweb P2P bootstrap node. Allowed values:
- testnet: `"us1"`, `"us2"`, `"eu1"`, `"eu2"`, `"ap1"`, `"ap2"`
- mainnet: `"us-e1"`, `"us-e2"`, `"us-e3"`, `"us-w1"`, `"us-w2"`, `"us-w3"`, `"fr1"`, `"fr2"`, `"fr3"`, `"jp1"`, `"jp2"`, `"jp3"`
- `chain_id` (required): Id of the chain to which the request is sent. Allowed values: integer or string-encoded integer from 0 to 19.
- `query_params` (optional): Query parameters. Keyword list with:
- `limit` (optional): Integer (`>=0`) that represents the maximum number of records that may be returned.
- `next` (optional): String of the cursor for the next page. This value can be found as value of the next property of the previous page.
- `minheight` (optional): Integer (`>=0`) that represents the minimum block height of the returned headers.
- `maxheight` (optional): Integer (`>=0`) that represents the maximum block height of the returned headers.
Defaults to `[network_id: :testnet04, location: nil, chain_id: 0, query_params: []]` if not specified.
alias Kadena.Chainweb.P2P.BlockHash
payload = [
lower: ["r21zg8E011awAbEghzNBOI4RtKUZ-wHLkUwio-5dKpE"],
upper: ["jVP-BDWC93RfDzBVQxolPJi7RcX09ax1IMg0_I_MNIk"]
BlockHash.retrieve_branches(payload, location: "us2", query_params: [limit: 4])
items: [
limit: 4,
next: nil
### BlockHeaders
These endpoints return block headers from the chain database. Generally, block headers are returned in ascending order and include headers of orphaned blocks.
For only querying blocks that are included in the winning branch of the chain the branch endpoints can be used, which return blocks in descending order starting from the leafs of branches of the block chain.
#### Get Block Headers
A page of a collection of block headers in ascending order that satisfies query parameters. Any block header from the chain database is returned. This includes headers of orphaned blocks.
Kadena.Chainweb.P2P.BlockHeader.retrieve(network_opts \\ [])
- `network_opts`: Network options. Keyword list with:
- `format` (optional): To specify the format of the returned items, the returned items could be encoded strings or decoded maps. Allowed values `:encode` and `:decode`.
- `network_id` (required): Allowed values: `:testnet04` `:mainnet01`.
- `location` (optional): Location to access a Chainweb P2P bootstrap node. Allowed values:
- testnet: `"us1"`, `"us2"`, `"eu1"`, `"eu2"`, `"ap1"`, `"ap2"`
- mainnet: `"us-e1"`, `"us-e2"`, `"us-e3"`, `"us-w1"`, `"us-w2"`, `"us-w3"`, `"fr1"`, `"fr2"`, `"fr3"`, `"jp1"`, `"jp2"`, `"jp3"`
- `chain_id` (required): Id of the chain to which the request is sent. Allowed values: integer or string-encoded integer from 0 to 19.
- `query_params` (optional): Query parameters. Keyword list with:
- `limit` (optional): Integer (`>=0`) that represents the maximum number of records that may be returned.
- `next` (optional): String of the cursor for the next page. This value can be found as value of the next property of the previous page.
- `minheight` (optional): Integer (`>=0`) that represents the minimum block height of the returned headers.
- `maxheight` (optional): Integer (`>=0`) that represents the maximum block height of the returned headers.
Defaults to `[format: :encode, network_id: :testnet04, location: nil, chain_id: 0, query_params: []]` if not specified.
alias Kadena.Chainweb.P2P.BlockHeader
BlockHeader.retrieve(format: :decode, query_params: [limit: 1])
items: [
adjacents: %{
"2": "eDSfKbJMq5CZ7F5xKrsXYvaqJTSq_A9wbc7Q2SpgCYs",
"3": "_rvcGOcdozdWaDSgaRFc_fK1n5v41BFIHF4Ji0RCGs4",
"5": "VWvtK_H_uRSjz3gDcSL5bnKsBRsVQHXirfofzAXWtZA"
chain_id: 0,
chainweb_version: "testnet04",
creation_time: 1_563_388_117_613_832,
epoch_start: 1_563_388_117_613_832,
feature_flags: 0,
hash: "r21zg8E011awAbEghzNBOI4RtKUZ-wHLkUwio-5dKpE",
height: 0,
nonce: "0",
parent: "A5qezNxf2ajEEloMIQeoJSFpZKqp-lsJNkt6WlJnsAk",
payload_hash: "nfYm3e_fk2ICws0Uowos6OMuqfFg5Nrl_zqXVx9v_ZQ",
target: "__________________________________________8",
limit: 1,
next: "inclusive:3eH11vI_wZuP3lEKcilfCx89_kZ78nFuJJbty44iNBo"
#### Get Block Header by Hash
Query a block header by its hash.
Kadena.Chainweb.P2P.BlockHeader.retrieve_by_hash(block_hash, network_opts \\ [])
- `block_hash` (required): String value. Hash of a block.
- `network_opts`: Network options. Keyword list with:
- `format` (optional): To specify the format of the returned item, the returned item could be encoded string, decoded map or a binary. Allowed values `:encode`, `:decode` and `:binary`.
- `network_id` (required): Allowed values: `:testnet04` `:mainnet01`.
- `location` (optional): Location to access a Chainweb P2P bootstrap node. Allowed values:
- testnet: `"us1"`, `"us2"`, `"eu1"`, `"eu2"`, `"ap1"`, `"ap2"`
- mainnet: `"us-e1"`, `"us-e2"`, `"us-e3"`, `"us-w1"`, `"us-w2"`, `"us-w3"`, `"fr1"`, `"fr2"`, `"fr3"`, `"jp1"`, `"jp2"`, `"jp3"`
- `chain_id` (required): Id of the chain to which the request is sent. Allowed values: integer or string-encoded integer from 0 to 19.
Defaults to `[format: :encode, network_id: :testnet04, location: nil, chain_id: 0]` if not specified.
alias Kadena.Chainweb.P2P.BlockHeader
hash = "M4doD-jMHyxi4TvfBDUy3x9VMkcLxgnpjtvbbd0yUQA"
BlockHeader.retrieve_by_hash(hash, format: :decode)
item: %{
adjacents: %{
"2": "OKrakx1LFapdQurxTNFb6qA4P-JxDu21DJuWNKzx9YQ",
"3": "o6s-Ne3AmA1EQpNYQFGm9FnuIVGJiyyeCkMKt9Pxlwo",
"5": "ihn-S5iteAEmY3B8xTFU6oN_yX6V5-YxrR6UMNJDbhY"
chain_id: 0,
chainweb_version: "testnet04",
creation_time: 1_585_882_240_125_374,
epoch_start: 1_563_388_117_613_832,
feature_flags: 0,
hash: "M4doD-jMHyxi4TvfBDUy3x9VMkcLxgnpjtvbbd0yUQA",
height: 2,
nonce: "0",
parent: "3eH11vI_wZuP3lEKcilfCx89_kZ78nFuJJbty44iNBo",
payload_hash: "R_CYH-5qSKnB9eLlXply7DRFdPUoAF02VNKU2uXR8_0",
target: "__________________________________________8",
#### Get Block Header Branches
A page of block headers from branches of the blockchain in descending order. Only blocks are returned that are ancestors of some block in the set of upper bounds and are not ancestors of any block in the set of lower bounds.
Kadena.Chainweb.P2P.BlockHeader.retrieve_branches(payload \\ [], network_opts \\ [])
- `payload`: Keyword list with:
- `lower` (required): Array of strings (Block Hash), no block are returned that are predecessors of any block with a hash from this array.
- `upper` (required): Array of strings (Block Hash), returned block headers are predecessors of a block with an hash from this array. This includes blocks with hashes from this array.
Defaults to `[lower: [], upper: []]` if not specified.
- `network_opts`: Network options. Keyword list with:
- `format` (optional): To specify the format of the returned items, the returned items could be encoded strings or decoded maps. Allowed values `:encode` and `:decode`.
- `network_id` (required): Allowed values: `:testnet04` `:mainnet01`.
- `location` (optional): Location to access a Chainweb P2P bootstrap node. Allowed values:
- testnet: `"us1"`, `"us2"`, `"eu1"`, `"eu2"`, `"ap1"`, `"ap2"`
- mainnet: `"us-e1"`, `"us-e2"`, `"us-e3"`, `"us-w1"`, `"us-w2"`, `"us-w3"`, `"fr1"`, `"fr2"`, `"fr3"`, `"jp1"`, `"jp2"`, `"jp3"`
- `chain_id` (required): Id of the chain to which the request is sent. Allowed values: integer or string-encoded integer from 0 to 19.
- `query_params` (optional): Query parameters. Keyword list with:
- `limit` (optional): Integer (`>=0`) that represents the maximum number of records that may be returned.
- `next` (optional): String of the cursor for the next page. This value can be found as value of the next property of the previous page.
- `minheight` (optional): Integer (`>=0`) that represents the minimum block height of the returned headers.
- `maxheight` (optional): Integer (`>=0`) that represents the maximum block height of the returned headers.
Defaults to `[format: :encode, network_id: :testnet04, location: nil, chain_id: 0, query_params: []]` if not specified.
alias Kadena.Chainweb.P2P.BlockHeader
payload = [
lower: ["r21zg8E011awAbEghzNBOI4RtKUZ-wHLkUwio-5dKpE"],
upper: ["jVP-BDWC93RfDzBVQxolPJi7RcX09ax1IMg0_I_MNIk"]
BlockHeader.retrieve_branches(payload, location: "us2", format: :decode, query_params: [limit: 2])
items: [
adjacents: %{
"2": "nONRGODRjMHiUwuWflk0wF4lKtdenX4DjWQ1JRFbv_w",
"3": "J4rqjk-KRUnm_CpH0YdYgU-s2mVyk5158yYrlO1z_ps",
"5": "5_yH2fMvi5YvgfWiy-CKWAX3_fb5PoRLxT-p8dR7GEQ"
chain_id: 0,
chainweb_version: "testnet04",
creation_time: 1585882245512236,
epoch_start: 1563388117613832,
feature_flags: 0,
hash: "jVP-BDWC93RfDzBVQxolPJi7RcX09ax1IMg0_I_MNIk",
height: 4,
nonce: "0",
parent: "4kaI5Wk-t3mvNZoBmVECbk_xge5SujrVh1s8S-GESKI",
payload_hash: "EZtAeZN3UdsNsHP2v8hQ3s5uPl0u_G0juWrVIu1XqQ4",
target: "__________________________________________8",
adjacents: %{
"2": "23466XpUOpH-JZHOVrRNp9ZEqreMZzHNEIf-UzQ-UsU",
"3": "x-CiDTYa1ZKYVSoAPpkKfMw_kTQykpQBXa6eWl7ZABI",
"5": "d3rPJIeypRDoJFTYB2BmKACVaFVfyd2AWTI7fCzUzFw"
chain_id: 0,
chainweb_version: "testnet04",
creation_time: 1585882245418157,
epoch_start: 1563388117613832,
feature_flags: 0,
hash: "4kaI5Wk-t3mvNZoBmVECbk_xge5SujrVh1s8S-GESKI",
height: 3,
nonce: "0",
parent: "M4doD-jMHyxi4TvfBDUy3x9VMkcLxgnpjtvbbd0yUQA",
payload_hash: "tD9gYGoTZX1TktM_V61deSQ7pi5N8DP-bPgeyOkf4cg",
target: "__________________________________________8",
limit: 2,
next: "inclusive:M4doD-jMHyxi4TvfBDUy3x9VMkcLxgnpjtvbbd0yUQA"
### BlockPayload
Raw literal Block Payloads in the form in which they are stored on the chain. By default only the payload data is returned which is sufficient for validating the blockchain Merkle Tree. It is also sufficient as input to Pact for executing the Pact transactions of the block and recomputing the outputs.
It is also possible to query the transaction outputs along with the payload data.
#### Get Block Payload
Query a block by its payload hash.
Kadena.Chainweb.P2P.BlockPayload.retrieve(payload_hash, network_opts \\ [])
- `payload_hash` (required): String value. Payload hash of a block.
- `network_opts`: Network options. Keyword list with:
- `network_id` (required): Allowed values: `:testnet04` `:mainnet01`.
- `location` (optional): Location to access a Chainweb P2P bootstrap node. Allowed values:
- testnet: `"us1"`, `"us2"`, `"eu1"`, `"eu2"`, `"ap1"`, `"ap2"`
- mainnet: `"us-e1"`, `"us-e2"`, `"us-e3"`, `"us-w1"`, `"us-w2"`, `"us-w3"`, `"fr1"`, `"fr2"`, `"fr3"`, `"jp1"`, `"jp2"`, `"jp3"`
- `chain_id` (required): Id of the chain to which the request is sent. Allowed values: integer or string-encoded integer from 0 to 19.
Defaults to `[network_id: :testnet04, location: nil, chain_id: 0]` if not specified.
alias Kadena.Chainweb.P2P.BlockPayload
payload_hash = "R_CYH-5qSKnB9eLlXply7DRFdPUoAF02VNKU2uXR8_0"
outputs_hash: "Ph2jHKpKxXh5UFOfU7L8_Zb-8I91WlQtCzfn6UTC5cU",
payload_hash: "R_CYH-5qSKnB9eLlXply7DRFdPUoAF02VNKU2uXR8_0",
transactions: [],
transactions_hash: "AvpbbrgkfNtMI6Hq0hJWZatbwggEKppNYL5rAXJakrw"
#### Get Batch of Block Payload
Query a batch for its payload hashes.
Kadena.Chainweb.P2P.BlockPayload.retrieve_batch(payload_hashes \\ [], network_opts \\ [])
- `payload_hashes` (required): Array of Strings (block payload hashes).
- `network_opts`: Network options. Keyword list with:
- `network_id` (required): Allowed values: `:testnet04` `:mainnet01`.
- `location` (optional): Location to access a Chainweb P2P bootstrap node. Allowed values:
- testnet: `"us1"`, `"us2"`, `"eu1"`, `"eu2"`, `"ap1"`, `"ap2"`
- mainnet: `"us-e1"`, `"us-e2"`, `"us-e3"`, `"us-w1"`, `"us-w2"`, `"us-w3"`, `"fr1"`, `"fr2"`, `"fr3"`, `"jp1"`, `"jp2"`, `"jp3"`
- `chain_id` (required): Id of the chain to which the request is sent. Allowed values: integer or string-encoded integer from 0 to 19.
Defaults to `[network_id: :testnet04, location: nil, chain_id: 0]` if not specified.
alias Kadena.Chainweb.P2P.BlockPayload
payload_hashes = [
batch: [
outputs_hash: "Ph2jHKpKxXh5UFOfU7L8_Zb-8I91WlQtCzfn6UTC5cU",
payload_hash: "R_CYH-5qSKnB9eLlXply7DRFdPUoAF02VNKU2uXR8_0",
transactions: [],
transactions_hash: "AvpbbrgkfNtMI6Hq0hJWZatbwggEKppNYL5rAXJakrw"
outputs_hash: "KG91xchUDjg0z9HPbe8u1_8q-aotv1e2Q1QtMIqII2c",
payload_hash: "EZtAeZN3UdsNsHP2v8hQ3s5uPl0u_G0juWrVIu1XqQ4",
transactions: [],
transactions_hash: "AvpbbrgkfNtMI6Hq0hJWZatbwggEKppNYL5rAXJakrw"
#### Get Block Payload With Outputs
Query a block with outputs by its payload hash.
Kadena.Chainweb.P2P.BlockPayload.retrieve(payload_hash, network_opts \\ [])
- `payload_hash` (required): String value. Payload hash of a block.
- `network_opts`: Network options. Keyword list with:
- `network_id` (required): Allowed values: `:testnet04` `:mainnet01`.
- `location` (optional): Location to access a Chainweb P2P bootstrap node. Allowed values:
- testnet: `"us1"`, `"us2"`, `"eu1"`, `"eu2"`, `"ap1"`, `"ap2"`
- mainnet: `"us-e1"`, `"us-e2"`, `"us-e3"`, `"us-w1"`, `"us-w2"`, `"us-w3"`, `"fr1"`, `"fr2"`, `"fr3"`, `"jp1"`, `"jp2"`, `"jp3"`
- `chain_id` (required): Id of the chain to which the request is sent. Allowed values: integer or string-encoded integer from 0 to 19.
Defaults to `[network_id: :testnet04, location: nil, chain_id: 0]` if not specified.
alias Kadena.Chainweb.P2P.BlockPayload
payload_hash = "R_CYH-5qSKnB9eLlXply7DRFdPUoAF02VNKU2uXR8_0"
outputs_hash: "Ph2jHKpKxXh5UFOfU7L8_Zb-8I91WlQtCzfn6UTC5cU",
payload_hash: "R_CYH-5qSKnB9eLlXply7DRFdPUoAF02VNKU2uXR8_0",
transactions: [],
transactions_hash: "AvpbbrgkfNtMI6Hq0hJWZatbwggEKppNYL5rAXJakrw"
#### Get Batch of Block Payload With Outputs
Query a batch with outputs for its payload hashes.
Kadena.Chainweb.P2P.BlockPayload.retrieve_batch(payload_hashes \\ [], network_opts \\ [])
- `payload_hashes` (required): Array of Strings (block payload hashes).
- `network_opts`: Network options. Keyword list with:
- `network_id` (required): Allowed values: `:testnet04` `:mainnet01`.
- `location` (optional): Location to access a Chainweb P2P bootstrap node. Allowed values:
- testnet: `"us1"`, `"us2"`, `"eu1"`, `"eu2"`, `"ap1"`, `"ap2"`
- mainnet: `"us-e1"`, `"us-e2"`, `"us-e3"`, `"us-w1"`, `"us-w2"`, `"us-w3"`, `"fr1"`, `"fr2"`, `"fr3"`, `"jp1"`, `"jp2"`, `"jp3"`
- `chain_id` (required): Id of the chain to which the request is sent. Allowed values: integer or string-encoded integer from 0 to 19.
Defaults to `[network_id: :testnet04, location: nil, chain_id: 0]` if not specified.
alias Kadena.Chainweb.P2P.BlockPayload
payload_hashes = [
batch: [
outputs_hash: "Ph2jHKpKxXh5UFOfU7L8_Zb-8I91WlQtCzfn6UTC5cU",
payload_hash: "R_CYH-5qSKnB9eLlXply7DRFdPUoAF02VNKU2uXR8_0",
transactions: [],
transactions_hash: "AvpbbrgkfNtMI6Hq0hJWZatbwggEKppNYL5rAXJakrw"
outputs_hash: "KG91xchUDjg0z9HPbe8u1_8q-aotv1e2Q1QtMIqII2c",
payload_hash: "EZtAeZN3UdsNsHP2v8hQ3s5uPl0u_G0juWrVIu1XqQ4",
transactions: [],
transactions_hash: "AvpbbrgkfNtMI6Hq0hJWZatbwggEKppNYL5rAXJakrw"
## Roadmap
The latest updated branch to target a PR is `v0.16`
You can see a big picture of the roadmap here: [**ROADMAP**][roadmap]
### What we're working on now 🎉
- [Chainweb P2P API](https://github.com/kommitters/kadena.ex/milestone/1)
### Done - What we've already developed! 🚀
<summary>Click to expand!</summary>
- [Base types](https://github.com/kommitters/kadena.ex/issues/11)
- [Keypair types](https://github.com/kommitters/kadena.ex/issues/12)
- [PactValue types](https://github.com/kommitters/kadena.ex/issues/15)
- [SignCommand types](https://github.com/kommitters/kadena.ex/issues/16)
- [ContPayload types](https://github.com/kommitters/kadena.ex/issues/28)
- [Cap types](https://github.com/kommitters/kadena.ex/issues/30)
- [ExecPayload types](https://github.com/kommitters/kadena.ex/issues/32)
- [PactPayload types](https://github.com/kommitters/kadena.ex/issues/34)
- [MetaData and Signer types](https://github.com/kommitters/kadena.ex/issues/35)
- [CommandPayload types](https://github.com/kommitters/kadena.ex/issues/36)
- [PactExec types](https://github.com/kommitters/kadena.ex/issues/40)
- [PactEvents types](https://github.com/kommitters/kadena.ex/issues/41)
- [CommandResult types](https://github.com/kommitters/kadena.ex/issues/43)
- [PactCommand types](https://github.com/kommitters/kadena.ex/issues/13)
- [PactAPI types](https://github.com/kommitters/kadena.ex/issues/17)
- [Wallet types](https://github.com/kommitters/kadena.ex/issues/18)
- [Kadena Crypto](https://github.com/kommitters/kadena.ex/issues/51)
- [Kadena Pact](https://github.com/kommitters/kadena.ex/issues/55)
- [Pact Commands Builder](https://github.com/kommitters/kadena.ex/issues/131)
- [Chainweb](https://github.com/kommitters/kadena.ex/issues/57)
## Development
- Install any Elixir version above 1.13.
- Compile dependencies: `mix deps.get`
- Run tests: `mix test`.
## Want to jump in?
Check out our [Good first issues][good-first-issues], this is a great place to start contributing if you're new to the project!
We welcome contributions from anyone! Check out our [contributing guide][contributing] for more information.
## Changelog
Features and bug fixes are listed in the [CHANGELOG][changelog] file.
## Code of conduct
We welcome everyone to contribute. Make sure you have read the [CODE_OF_CONDUCT][coc] before.
## Contributing
For information on how to contribute, please refer to our [CONTRIBUTING][contributing] guide.
## License
This library is licensed under an MIT license. See [LICENSE][license] for details.
## Acknowledgements
Made with 💙 by [kommitters Open Source](https://kommit.co)
[license]: https://github.com/kommitters/kadena.ex/blob/main/LICENSE
[coc]: https://github.com/kommitters/kadena.ex/blob/main/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
[changelog]: https://github.com/kommitters/kadena.ex/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md
[contributing]: https://github.com/kommitters/kadena.ex/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md
[roadmap]: https://github.com/orgs/kommitters/projects/5/views/3
[good-first-issues]: https://github.com/kommitters/kadena.ex/labels/%F0%9F%91%8B%20Good%20first%20issue
[http_client_spec]: https://github.com/kommitters/kadena.ex/blob/main/lib/chainweb/client/spec.ex
[jason_url]: https://github.com/michalmuskala/jason
[chainweb_pact_api_doc]: https://api.chainweb.com/openapi/pact.html
[chainweb_pact_api]: https://github.com/kommitters/kadena.ex/blob/main/lib/chainweb/pact.ex
[chainweb_p2p_api_doc]: https://api.chainweb.com/openapi/#tag/p2p_api