# Kadena.ex

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**Kadena.ex** is an open source library for Elixir that allows developers to interact with the Kadena Chainweb.

## What can you do with Kadena.ex?

- Construct commands for transactions.
- Implement cryptography required by the network.
- Interacting with public network endpoints:
  - listen, local, poll, send, spv, cut.
- Send, test and update smart contracts on the network.

## Installation

Add `kadena` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:kadena, "~> 0.8.0"}

## Roadmap

The latest updated branch to target a PR is `v0.9`

You can see a big picture of the roadmap here: [**ROADMAP**][roadmap]

### What we're working on now 🎉

- [Chainweb](
- [Pact Commands Builder](

### Done - What we've already developed! 🚀

<summary>Click to expand!</summary>

- [Base types](
- [Keypair types](
- [PactValue types](
- [SignCommand types](
- [ContPayload types](
- [Cap types](
- [ExecPayload types](
- [PactPayload types](
- [MetaData and Signer types](
- [CommandPayload types](
- [PactExec types](
- [PactEvents types](
- [CommandResult types](
- [PactCommand types](
- [PactAPI types](
- [Wallet types](
- [Kadena Crypto](
- [Kadena Pact](



## Building Commands

This library allows to build command payloads in a composable and semantic manner.
These commands are intended to be used as the request body to the Pact API endpoints.

There are two type of commands:

- [`Execution`](#execution-command)
- `Continuation`.

### Execution Command

To create an execution command is needed:

- [NetworkID](#networkid)
- [Code](#code)
- [Nonce](#nonce)
- [EnvData](#envdata) (optional)
- [MetaData](#metadata)
- [KeyPairs](#keypair)
- [Signers](#signerslist)

The following example shows how to create an execution command:

  |> Kadena.Pact.ExecCommand.set_network(network_id)
  |> Kadena.Pact.ExecCommand.set_code(code)
  |> Kadena.Pact.ExecCommand.set_nonce(nonce)
  |> Kadena.Pact.ExecCommand.set_data(env_data)
  |> Kadena.Pact.ExecCommand.set_metadata(keypair)
  |> Kadena.Pact.ExecCommand.add_keypair(keypair)
  |> Kadena.Pact.ExecCommand.add_signers(signers_list)

#### NetworkID

There are three options allowed to set a NetworkID:

- `:testnet04`
- `:mainnet01`
- `:development`

#### Code

String value that represents the Pact code to execute in the `Execution Command`.

#### Nonce

String value to ensure unique hash. You can use current timestamp.

#### EnvData

A map must be provided to create an environment data, for example:

data = %{
  accounts_admin_keyset: [

#### MetaData

To create a MetaData:

raw_metadata = [
  creation_time: 0,
  ttl: 0,
  gas_limit: 2500,
  gas_price: 1.0e-2,
  sender: "account_name",
  chain_id: "0"

#### KeyPairs

There are two ways to get a keypair:

# generate a random keypair
{:ok, %Kadena.Types.KeyPair{} = keypair} = Kadena.Cryptography.KeyPair.generate()

# derive a keypair from a secret key
secret_key = "secret_key_value"
{:ok, %Kadena.Types.KeyPair{} = keypair} = Kadena.Cryptography.KeyPair.from_secret_key(secret_key)

**KeyPairs with Capabilites**

Creating a keypair with capabilities:

clist =[
    [name: "gas", args: ["COIN.gas", 0.02]],
    [name: "transfer", args: ["COIN.transfer", "key_1", 50, "key_2"]]

keypair_values = [
  pub_key: "pub_key_value",
  secret_key: "secret_key_value",
  clist: clist

Adding capabilities to existing keypair:
clist =[
    [name: "gas", args: ["COIN.gas", 0.02]],
    [name: "transfer", args: ["COIN.transfer", "key_1", 50, "key_2"]]

secret_key = "secret_key_value"
{:ok, %Kadena.Types.KeyPair{} = keypair} = Kadena.Cryptography.KeyPair.from_secret_key(secret_key)

keypair_with_clist = Kadena.Types.KeyPair.add_caps(keypair, clist)

#### SignersList

There are two ways to create a list of signers:

# with Keywords
signer1 = [pub_key: "pub_key_1"]
signer2 = [pub_key: "pub_key_2"]

# with Signer structs
signer1 =[pub_key: "pub_key_1"])
signer2 =[pub_key: "pub_key_2"])[signer1, signer2])


## Development

- Install any Elixir version above 1.13.
- Compile dependencies: `mix deps.get`
- Run tests: `mix test`.

## Want to jump in?

Check out our [Good first issues][good-first-issues], this is a great place to start contributing if you're new to the project!

We welcome contributions from anyone! Check out our [contributing guide][contributing] for more information.

## Changelog

Features and bug fixes are listed in the [CHANGELOG][changelog] file.

## Code of conduct

We welcome everyone to contribute. Make sure you have read the [CODE_OF_CONDUCT][coc] before.

## Contributing

For information on how to contribute, please refer to our [CONTRIBUTING][contributing] guide.

## License

This library is licensed under an MIT license. See [LICENSE][license] for details.

## Acknowledgements

Made with 💙 by [kommitters Open Source](
