# Kaguya

**A small but powerful IRC bot**

## Installation

  1. Add kaguya to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
        def deps do
          [{:kaguya, "~> x.y.z"}]

  2. Run `mix deps.get`

  3. Ensure kaguya is started before your application:
        def application do
          [applications: [:kaguya]]

  4. Configure kaguya in config.exs:
        config :kaguya,
          server: "my.irc.server",
          port: 6666,
          bot_name: "kaguya",
          channels: ["#kaguya"]

## Usage
By default Kaguya won't do much. This is an example of a module which will
perform a few simple commands:
defmodule Kaguya.Module.Simple do
  use Kaguya.Module, "simple"

  handle "PRIVMSG" do
    match "!ping", :pingHandler
    match "!say ~message", :sayHandler

  def pingHandler(message), do: reply "pong!"
  def sayHandler(message, %{message: response}), do: reply response

This module defines two commands to be handled. `!ping`, to which the bot
will respond `pong!`, and `!say [some message]` which will have
the bot echo the message the user gave. The `~` indicates a
trailing match in which all characters following `!say ` will be matched

Just by having your module use Kaguya.Module, it will automatically be added
to the module list which receives all IRC messages and is launched at start time.

You can find a more full featured example in `example/basic.ex`.