# Kaguya

**A small but powerful IRC bot**

## Installation

1. Add kaguya to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
  [{:kaguya, "~> x.y.z"}]

2. Run `mix deps.get`

3. Ensure kaguya is started before your application:
def application do
  [applications: [:kaguya]]

4. Configure kaguya in config.exs:
config :kaguya,
  server: "my.irc.server",
  port: 6666,
  bot_name: "kaguya",
  channels: ["#kaguya"]

## Usage
By default Kaguya won't do much. This is an example of a module which will
perform a few simple commands:
defmodule Kaguya.Module.Simple do
  use Kaguya.Module, "simple"

  handle "PRIVMSG" do
    match ["!ping", "!p"], :pingHandler
    match "hi", :hiHandler
    match "!say ~message", :sayHandler

  defh pingHandler, do: reply "pong!"
  defh hiHandler(%{user: %{nick: nick}}), do: reply "hi #{nick}!"
  defh sayHandler(%{"message" => response}), do: reply response

This module defines four commands to be handled:
* `!ping` and `!p` are aliased to the same handler, which has the bot respond `pong!`.
* `hi` will cause the bot to reply saying "hi" with the persons' nick
* `!say [some message]` will have the bot echo the message the user gave.

The handler macro can accept up to two different parameters, a map which destructures a message struct, and a map which destructures a match from a command.

You can find a more full featured example in `example/basic.ex`.

## Configuration

* `server` - Hostname or IP address to connect with. String.
* `server_ip_type` - IP version to use. Can be either `inet` or `inet6`
* `port` - Port to connect on. Integer.
* `bot_name` - Name to use by bot. String.
* `channels` - List of channels to join. Format: `#<name>`. List
* `help_cmd` - Specifies command to act as help. Defaults to `.help`. String
* `use_ssl` - Specifies whether to use SSL or not. Boolean
* `reconnect_interval` - Interval for reconnection in ms. Integer. Not used.
* `server_timeout` - Timeout(ms) that determines when server gets disconnected. Integer.
                     When omitted Kaguya does not verifies connectivity with server.
                     It is recommended to set at least few minutes.