# KantanCluster


[![Hex version]( 'Hex version')](
[![API docs]( 'API docs')](

Form a simple Erlang cluster easily in Elixir.

- A wrapper of [`Node`] and [`Phoenix.PubSub`] with simple API
- Reconnection forever in case nodes get disconnected


## Getting started

Add `kantan_cluster` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:kantan_cluster, "~> 0.3"}

Start a node and connect it to other nodes based on specified [options].

Start `node1` in an IEx shell, then attempt to connect it to `node2` that is not started yet.

iex> KantanCluster.start(name: :"node1@", cookie: :hello, connect_to: :"node2@")

16:50:10.851 [warning] could not connect node1@ to node2@

Start `node2` in another IEx shell, then the two nodes get connected.

See what happens in `node1`, when `node2` is stopped and gets started again,

iex> KantanCluster.start(name: :"node2@", cookie: :hello)

iex(node2@> Node.list

iex(node2@> Node.stop

iex> KantanCluster.start(name: :"node2@", cookie: :hello)

Alternatively, [options] can be loaded from your `config/config.exs`.

config :kantan_cluster,
  name: :"node1@",
  cookie: :hello,
  connect_to: [:"node2@"]

`kantan_cluster` starts a server that monitors the connection per node name under a `DynamicSupervisor`.


`kantan_cluster` monitors all the connected nodes and attempts to reconnect them automatically in case they get disconnected.

You can connect to or disconnect from a node on demand.



For cleanup, just call `KantanCluster.stop/0`, which will stop the node and all the connections.

## Publish-subscribe

The publish-subscribe allows us to make a published message available from anywhere in a cluster.
Under the hood, `kantan_cluster` uses [`phoenix_pubsub`] for all the heavy-lifting.

# Somebody may publish temperature data on the topic "hello_nerves:measurements".
message = {:hello_nerves_measurements, %{temperature_c: 30.1}, node()}
KantanCluster.broadcast("hello_nerves:measurements", message)

# Anybody within the same cluster can subscribe to the topic and receive messages on the topic.

# In the subscribing process, you may receive the message using GenServer's handle_info callback.
defmodule HelloNervesSubscriber do
  use GenServer

  # ...

  @impl GenServer
  def handle_info({:hello_nerves_measurement, measurement, _node}, state) do
    {:noreply, %{state | last_measurement: measurement}}


## Acknowledgements

- This project is inspired by [nerves_pack(vintage_net含む)を使ってNerves起動時に`Node.connect()`するようにした by nishiuchikazuma](
- [Forming an Erlang cluster of Pi Zeros by underjord]( is a great hands-on tutorial for connecting multiple [Nerves] devices.
- Some code is adopted from [`livebook`].

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[Erlang magic cookie]: