# Kashka

Elixir Kafka REST proxy client for [Confluent REST Proxy](

## Examples

### Produce

{:ok, conn} = Kashka.Kafka.produce("http://localhost:8082/", "topic_name', [%{value: %{foo: "bar"}}])
:ok == Kashka.Kafka.close(conn)

See `Kashka.Kafka.produce/4` for details.

### Consume

defmodule TestModule do
  @behaviour Kashka.GenConsumer

  def init(conn, _args) do
    {:ok, conn, :state}

  def handle_message_set(conn, :state, message_set) do

    #[%{"key" => nil, "offset" => 0, "partition" => 0, "topic" => "test_name", "value" => %{"foo" => "bar"}}]

    {:ok, conn, :state}

args = [
  url: "http://localhost:8082/",
  instance_id: "my",
  consumer_group: "consumer_group",
  topics: ["topic_name"],
  module: TestModule,
  delete_on_exists: false,
  retry_on_exists: true,
  consumer_opts: %{"auto.offset.reset": :earliest, "auto.commit.enable": true},

{:ok, pid} = GenConsumer.start_link(args)

See `Kashka.GenConsumer` for details.

### More

See [tests]( for more examples.

### Kafka URL explanation

Kafka URL can be a String or a Keyword list. Keyword list can contain `url`, `headers`, `fix_schema`, `fix_port`, `fix_host` keys.


[url: "", headers: [{"host", ""}]]

With `fix_* keys`:

[url: "", fix_port: true, fix_schema: true, fix_host: true, headers: [{"host", ""}]]

`fix_*` keys used to automatically preprocess the URL returned from the consumer creation method. 

For example if `create_consumer` method returns 
`` as a `base_uri`, 
it is transformed to `` with host header ``.

It can be helpful while connecting to Kafka REST API through Nginx proxy.

`protocols:` option can be used for explicit specification of HTTP protocols negotiation with Kafka REST server.
It can take the following values: `:http1`, `:http2` or `:any` by default.

## How to run tests

1. Run `doker-compose up`.
2. Run `mix test` in separate terminal.

## Roadmap

* Make protection from endless loop in `Kashka.Http.request`.
* Correctly process other errors in `Kashka.Http.request`.

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