
%%% ktn_code: functions useful for dealing with Erlang code

-elvis([{elvis_style, dont_repeat_yourself, #{min_complexity => 25}}]).
-elvis([{elvis_style, no_throw, disable}]).

-export([beam_to_string/1, beam_to_erl/2, parse_tree/1, eval/1, consult/1, to_str/1]).
%% Getters
-export([type/1, attr/2, node_attr/2, content/1]).

-export_type([tree_node/0, tree_node_type/0, beam_lib_beam/0]).

-type tree_node_type() ::
    root | function | clause | match | tuple | atom | integer | float | string | char |
    binary | binary_element | var | call | remote | 'case' | case_expr | case_clauses |
    'fun' | named_fun | query | 'try' | try_catch | try_case | try_after | 'if' | 'catch' |
    'receive' | receive_after | receive_case | nil | cons | map | map_field_assoc |
    map_field_exact | lc | lc_expr | generate | bc | bc_expr | b_generate | op |
    record_field | record_index | block | module | export | import | compile | vsn | on_load |
    behaviour | behavior | callback | record | include | include_lib | define | undef |
    ifdef | ifndef | 'else' | endif | elif | error | warning | file | line | type | opaque |
    export_type | remote_type | ann_type | paren_type | any.
-type tree_node() ::
    #{type => tree_node_type(),
      attrs => map(),
      node_attrs => map(),
      content => [tree_node()]}.
-type beam_lib_beam() :: file:filename() | binary().
% Should eventually become beam_lib:beam(), once that's exposed
% (
-type erl_syntax_annotation_or_location() :: erl_anno:anno() | erl_anno:location().
% Should eventually become erl_syntax:annotation_or_location(), once that's exposed
% (
-type erl_parse_foo() ::
     Pos :: erl_syntax_annotation_or_location(),
     Name :: erl_syntax:syntaxTree(),
     Args :: none | [erl_syntax:syntaxTree()]} |
     Pos :: erl_syntax_annotation_or_location(),
     Name :: erl_syntax:syntaxTree(),
     Args :: none | [erl_syntax:syntaxTree()]} |
    {atom, [{node, Node :: erl_syntax:syntaxTree()}], non_reversible_form}.

%%% Exported API

%% @doc If the beam was not compiled with `debug_info'
%%      the code generated by this function will look really ugly
%% @end
-spec beam_to_string(beam_lib_beam()) -> {ok, string()} | {error, beam_lib, term()}.
beam_to_string(BeamPath) ->
    case beam_lib:chunks(BeamPath, [abstract_code]) of
        {ok, {_, [{abstract_code, {raw_abstract_v1, Forms}}]}} ->
            Src = erl_prettypr:format(
            {ok, Src};
        Error ->

%% @doc If the beam was not compiled with `debug_info'
%%      the code generated by this function will look really ugly
%% @end
-spec beam_to_erl(beam_lib_beam(), string()) -> ok.
beam_to_erl(BeamPath, ErlPath) ->
    case beam_to_string(BeamPath) of
        {ok, Src} ->
            {ok, Fd} = file:open(ErlPath, [write]),
            io:fwrite(Fd, "~s~n", [Src]),
        Error ->

%% @doc Parses code in a string or binary format and returns the parse tree.
-spec parse_tree(string() | binary()) -> tree_node().
parse_tree(Source) ->
    SourceStr = to_str(Source),
    ScanOpts = [text, return_comments],
    {ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(SourceStr, {1, 1}, ScanOpts),

    IoString = ktn_io_string:new(SourceStr),
    {ok, Forms} = ktn_dodger:parse(IoString, {1, 1}, [{scan_opts, [text]}]),
    ok = file:close(IoString),

    Comments = lists:filter(fun is_comment/1, Tokens),
    Children =
         || Form <- Forms,
            %% filter forms that couldn't be parsed
            element(1, Form) =/= error],

    #{type => root,
      attrs => #{tokens => lists:map(fun token_to_map/1, Tokens)},
      content => to_map(Comments) ++ Children}.

-spec is_comment(erl_scan:token()) -> boolean().
is_comment({comment, _, _}) ->
is_comment(_) ->

-spec revert(erl_syntax:syntaxTree()) -> erl_parse_foo().
revert(Form) ->
    MaybeReverted =
            _:_ ->
    case erl_syntax:is_tree(MaybeReverted) of
        true ->
            revert(erl_syntax:type(Form), Form);
        false ->

-spec revert(atom(), erl_syntax:syntaxTree()) -> erl_parse_foo().
revert(attribute, Node0) ->
    Subs = erl_syntax:subtrees(Node0),
    Gs = [[erl_syntax:revert(X) || X <- L] || L <- Subs],
    Node = erl_syntax:update_tree(Node0, Gs),

    Name = erl_syntax:attribute_name(Node),
    Args = erl_syntax:attribute_arguments(Node),
    Pos = erl_syntax:get_pos(Node),
    {attribute, Pos, Name, Args};
revert(macro, Node0) ->
    Subs = erl_syntax:subtrees(Node0),
    Gs = [[erl_syntax:revert(X) || X <- L] || L <- Subs],
    Node = erl_syntax:update_tree(Node0, Gs),

    Name = erl_syntax:macro_name(Node),
    Args = erl_syntax:macro_arguments(Node),
    Pos = erl_syntax:get_pos(Node),
    {macro, Pos, Name, Args};
revert(_, Node) ->
    %% When a node can't be reverted we avoid failing by returning
    %% the a node for the atom 'non_reversible_form'
    {atom, [{node, Node}], non_reversible_form}.

token_to_map({Type, Attrs}) ->
    #{type => Type, attrs => #{text => get_text(Attrs), location => get_location(Attrs)}};
token_to_map({Type, Attrs, Value}) ->
    Map = token_to_map({Type, Attrs}),
    Map#{value => Value}.

%% @doc Evaluates the Erlang expression in the string provided.
-spec eval(string() | binary()) -> term().
eval(Source) ->
    eval(Source, []).

-spec eval(string() | binary(), orddict:orddict()) -> term().
eval(Source, Bindings) ->
    SourceStr = to_str(Source),
    {ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(SourceStr),
    {ok, Parsed} = erl_parse:parse_exprs(Tokens),
    {value, Result, _} = erl_eval:exprs(Parsed, Bindings),

%% @doc Like `file:consult/1' but for strings and binaries.
-spec consult(string() | binary()) -> [term()].
consult(Source) ->
    SourceStr = to_str(Source),
    {ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(SourceStr),
    Forms = split_when(fun is_dot/1, Tokens),
    ParseFun =
        fun(Form) ->
           {ok, Expr} = erl_parse:parse_exprs(Form),
    Parsed = lists:map(ParseFun, Forms),
    ExprsFun =
        fun(P) ->
           {value, Value, _} = erl_eval:exprs(P, []),
    lists:map(ExprsFun, Parsed).

%% Getters

-spec type(tree_node()) -> atom().
type(#{type := Type}) ->
type(undefined) ->

-spec attr(term(), tree_node()) -> term() | undefined.
attr(Key, #{attrs := Attrs}) ->
    case maps:is_key(Key, Attrs) of
        true ->
            maps:get(Key, Attrs);
        false ->
attr(_Key, Node) when is_map(Node) ->
attr(_Key, undefined) ->

-spec node_attr(term(), tree_node()) -> term() | undefined.
node_attr(Key, #{node_attrs := Attrs}) ->
    case maps:is_key(Key, Attrs) of
        true ->
            maps:get(Key, Attrs);
        false ->
node_attr(_Key, Node) when is_map(Node) ->
node_attr(_Key, undefined) ->

-spec content(tree_node()) -> [tree_node()].
content(#{content := Content}) ->
content(_Node) ->

-spec to_str(binary() | list() | atom() | integer()) -> string().
to_str(Arg) when is_binary(Arg) ->
    Encoding = source_encoding(Arg),
    unicode:characters_to_list(Arg, Encoding);
to_str(Arg) when is_atom(Arg) ->
to_str(Arg) when is_integer(Arg) ->
to_str(Arg) when is_list(Arg) ->

%%% Internal

-spec source_encoding(binary()) -> latin1 | utf8.
source_encoding(Source) ->
    Re = ".*\n?.*(coding *[:=] *(?<encoding>[-a-zA-Z0-9]+))",
    ReOpts = [firstline, {capture, all_names, list}],
    case re:run(Source, Re, ReOpts) of
        {match, [Encoding]} ->
            case string:to_lower(Encoding) of
                "latin-1" ->
                _ ->
        nomatch ->

-spec is_dot(tuple()) -> boolean().
is_dot({dot, _}) ->
is_dot(_) ->

%% @private
get_location(Attrs) when is_integer(Attrs) ->
    Line = Attrs,
    {Line, 1};
get_location(Attrs) when is_list(Attrs) ->
    Line = proplists:get_value(line, Attrs),
    Column = proplists:get_value(column, Attrs),
    case {Line, Column} of
        {undefined, undefined} ->
            proplists:get_value(location, Attrs, {-1, -1});
        _ ->
            {Line, Column}
get_location({_Line, _Column} = Location) ->
get_location(_Attrs) ->
    {-1, -1}.

%% @private
get_text(Attrs) when is_integer(Attrs) ->
get_text(Attrs) when is_list(Attrs) ->
    proplists:get_value(text, Attrs, "");
get_text(_Attrs) ->

%% @doc Converts a parse tree form the abstract format to a map based repr.
%% @todo Attributes are not being handled correctly.
-spec to_map(term()) -> tree_node() | [tree_node()].
to_map(ListParsed) when is_list(ListParsed) ->
    lists:map(fun to_map/1, ListParsed);
to_map({function, Attrs, Name, Arity, Clauses}) ->
    #{type => function,
      attrs =>
          #{location => get_location(Attrs),
            text => get_text(Attrs),
            name => Name,
            arity => Arity},
      content => to_map(Clauses)};
to_map({function, Name, Arity}) ->
    #{type => function, attrs => #{name => Name, arity => Arity}};
to_map({function, Module, Name, Arity}) ->
    #{type => function,
      attrs =>
          #{module => Module,
            name => Name,
            arity => Arity}};
to_map({clause, Attrs, Patterns, Guards, Body}) ->
    #{type => clause,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      node_attrs => #{pattern => to_map(Patterns), guards => to_map(Guards)},
      content => to_map(Body)};
to_map({match, Attrs, Left, Right}) ->
    #{type => match,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      content => to_map([Left, Right])};
to_map({maybe_match, Attrs, Left, Right}) ->
    #{type => maybe_match,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      content => to_map([Left, Right])};
to_map({tuple, Attrs, Elements}) ->
    #{type => tuple,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      content => to_map(Elements)};
%% Literals
to_map({Type, Attrs, Value})
    when Type == atom; Type == integer; Type == float; Type == string; Type == char ->
    #{type => Type,
      attrs =>
          #{location => get_location(Attrs),
            text => get_text(Attrs),
            value => Value}};
to_map({bin, Attrs, Elements}) ->
    #{type => binary,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      content => to_map(Elements)};
to_map({bin_element, Attrs, Value, Size, TSL}) ->
    #{type => binary_element,
      attrs =>
          #{location => get_location(Attrs),
            text => get_text(Attrs),
            type_spec_list => TSL},
      node_attrs =>
          #{value => to_map(Value),
            size =>
                case Size of
                    default ->
                        #{type => default};
                    _ ->
%% Variables
to_map({var, Attrs, Name}) ->
    #{type => var,
      attrs =>
          #{location => get_location(Attrs),
            text => get_text(Attrs),
            name => Name}};
%% Function call
to_map({call, Attrs, Function, Arguments}) ->
    #{type => call,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      node_attrs => #{function => to_map(Function)},
      content => to_map(Arguments)};
to_map({remote, Attrs, Module, Function}) ->
    #{type => remote,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      node_attrs => #{module => to_map(Module), function => to_map(Function)}};
%% case
to_map({'case', Attrs, Expr, Clauses}) ->
    CaseExpr = to_map({case_expr, Attrs, Expr}),
    CaseClauses = to_map({case_clauses, Attrs, Clauses}),
    #{type => 'case',
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      node_attrs => #{expression => to_map(Expr)},
      content => [CaseExpr, CaseClauses]};
to_map({case_expr, Attrs, Expr}) ->
    #{type => case_expr,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      content => [to_map(Expr)]};
to_map({case_clauses, Attrs, Clauses}) ->
    #{type => case_clauses,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      content => to_map(Clauses)};
%% fun
to_map({'fun', Attrs, {function, Name, Arity}}) ->
    #{type => 'fun',
      attrs =>
          #{location => get_location(Attrs),
            text => get_text(Attrs),
            name => Name,
            arity => Arity}};
to_map({'fun', Attrs, {function, Module, Name, Arity}}) ->
    #{type => 'fun',
      attrs =>
          #{location => get_location(Attrs),
            text => get_text(Attrs),
            module => Module,
            name => Name,
            arity => Arity}};
to_map({'fun', Attrs, {clauses, Clauses}}) ->
    #{type => 'fun',
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      content => to_map(Clauses)};
to_map({named_fun, Attrs, Name, Clauses}) ->
    #{type => named_fun,
      attrs =>
          #{location => get_location(Attrs),
            text => get_text(Attrs),
            name => Name},
      content => to_map(Clauses)};
%% query - deprecated, implemented for completion.
to_map({query, Attrs, ListCompr}) ->
    #{type => query,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      content => to_map(ListCompr)};
%% try..catch..after
to_map({'try', Attrs, Body, [], CatchClauses, AfterBody}) ->
    TryBody = to_map(Body),
    TryCatch = to_map({try_catch, Attrs, CatchClauses}),
    TryAfter = to_map({try_after, Attrs, AfterBody}),

    #{type => 'try',
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      node_attrs => #{catch_clauses => to_map(CatchClauses), after_body => to_map(AfterBody)},
      content => TryBody ++ [TryCatch, TryAfter]};
%% try..of..catch..after
to_map({'try', Attrs, Expr, CaseClauses, CatchClauses, AfterBody}) ->
    TryCase = to_map({try_case, Attrs, Expr, CaseClauses}),
    TryCatch = to_map({try_catch, Attrs, CatchClauses}),
    TryAfter = to_map({try_after, Attrs, AfterBody}),

    #{type => 'try',
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      content => [TryCase, TryCatch, TryAfter]};
to_map({try_case, Attrs, Expr, Clauses}) ->
    #{type => try_case,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      node_attrs => #{expression => to_map(Expr)},
      content => to_map(Clauses)};
to_map({try_catch, Attrs, Clauses}) ->
    #{type => try_catch,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      content => to_map(Clauses)};
to_map({try_after, Attrs, AfterBody}) ->
    #{type => try_after,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      content => to_map(AfterBody)};
%% maybe..end
to_map({'maybe', Attrs, Body}) ->
    MaybeBody = to_map(Body),
    #{type => 'maybe',
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      content => MaybeBody};
%% maybe..else..end
to_map({'maybe', Attrs, Body, Else}) ->
    MaybeBody = to_map(Body),
    MaybeElse = to_map(Else),
    #{type => 'maybe',
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      content => MaybeBody ++ [MaybeElse]};
to_map({'else', Attrs, Clauses}) ->
    #{type => 'else',
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      content => to_map(Clauses)};
%% if
to_map({'if', Attrs, IfClauses}) ->
    #{type => 'if',
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      content => to_map(IfClauses)};
%% catch
to_map({'catch', Attrs, Expr}) ->
    #{type => 'catch',
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      content => [to_map(Expr)]};
%% receive
to_map({'receive', Attrs, Clauses}) ->
    RecClauses = to_map({receive_case, Attrs, Clauses}),
    #{type => 'receive',
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      content => [RecClauses]};
to_map({'receive', Attrs, Clauses, AfterExpr, AfterBody}) ->
    RecClauses = to_map({receive_case, Attrs, Clauses}),
    RecAfter = to_map({receive_after, Attrs, AfterExpr, AfterBody}),
    #{type => 'receive',
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      content => [RecClauses, RecAfter]};
to_map({receive_case, Attrs, Clauses}) ->
    #{type => receive_case,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      content => to_map(Clauses)};
to_map({receive_after, Attrs, Expr, Body}) ->
    #{type => receive_after,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      node_attrs => #{expression => to_map(Expr)},
      content => to_map(Body)};
%% List
to_map({nil, Attrs}) ->
    #{type => nil, attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)}};
to_map({cons, Attrs, Head, Tail}) ->
    #{type => cons,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      content => [to_map(Head), to_map(Tail)]};
%% Map
to_map({map, Attrs, Pairs}) ->
    #{type => map,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      content => to_map(Pairs)};
to_map({map, Attrs, Var, Pairs}) ->
    #{type => map,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      node_attrs => #{var => to_map(Var)},
      content => to_map(Pairs)};
to_map({Type, Attrs, Key, Value}) when map_field_exact == Type; map_field_assoc == Type ->
    #{type => Type,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      node_attrs => #{key => to_map(Key), value => to_map(Value)}};
%% List Comprehension
to_map({lc, Attrs, Expr, GeneratorsFilters}) ->
    LcExpr = to_map({lc_expr, Attrs, Expr}),
    LcGenerators = to_map(GeneratorsFilters),
    #{type => lc,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      content => [LcExpr | LcGenerators]};
to_map({generate, Attrs, Pattern, Expr}) ->
    #{type => generate,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      node_attrs => #{pattern => to_map(Pattern), expression => to_map(Expr)}};
to_map({lc_expr, Attrs, Expr}) ->
    #{type => lc_expr,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      content => [to_map(Expr)]};
%% Binary Comprehension
to_map({bc, Attrs, Expr, GeneratorsFilters}) ->
    BcExpr = to_map({bc_expr, Attrs, Expr}),
    BcGenerators = to_map(GeneratorsFilters),
    #{type => bc,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      content => [BcExpr | BcGenerators]};
to_map({b_generate, Attrs, Pattern, Expr}) ->
    #{type => b_generate,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      node_attrs => #{pattern => to_map(Pattern), expression => to_map(Expr)}};
to_map({bc_expr, Attrs, Expr}) ->
    #{type => bc_expr,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      content => [to_map(Expr)]};
%% Map Comprehension
to_map({mc, Anno, RepE0, RepQs}) ->
    McExpr = to_map({mc_expr, Anno, RepE0}),
    McGenerators = to_map(RepQs),
    #{type => mc,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Anno), text => get_text(Anno)},
      content => [McExpr | McGenerators]};
to_map({m_generate, Anno, Pattern, RepE0}) ->
    #{type => m_generate,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Anno), text => get_text(Anno)},
      node_attrs => #{pattern => to_map(Pattern), expression => to_map(RepE0)}};
to_map({mc_expr, Anno, RepE0}) ->
    #{type => mc_expr,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Anno), text => get_text(Anno)},
      content => [to_map(RepE0)]};
%% Operation
to_map({op, Attrs, Operation, Left, Right}) ->
    #{type => op,
      attrs =>
          #{location => get_location(Attrs),
            text => get_text(Attrs),
            operation => Operation},
      content => to_map([Left, Right])};
to_map({op, Attrs, Operation, Single}) ->
    #{type => op,
      attrs =>
          #{location => get_location(Attrs),
            text => get_text(Attrs),
            operation => Operation},
      content => to_map([Single])};
%% Record
to_map({record, Attrs, Name, Fields}) ->
    #{type => record,
      attrs =>
          #{location => get_location(Attrs),
            text => get_text(Attrs),
            name => Name},
      content => to_map(Fields)};
to_map({record, Attrs, Var, Name, Fields}) ->
    #{type => record,
      attrs =>
          #{location => get_location(Attrs),
            text => get_text(Attrs),
            name => Name},
      node_attrs => #{variable => to_map(Var)},
      content => to_map(Fields)};
to_map({record_index, Attrs, Name, Field}) ->
    #{type => record_index,
      attrs =>
          #{location => get_location(Attrs),
            text => get_text(Attrs),
            name => Name},
      content => [to_map(Field)]};
to_map({record_field, Attrs, Name}) ->
    #{type => record_field,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      node_attrs => #{name => to_map(Name)}};
to_map({record_field, Attrs, Name, Default}) ->
    #{type => record_field,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      node_attrs => #{default => to_map(Default), name => to_map(Name)}};
to_map({record_field, Attrs, Var, Name, Field}) ->
    #{type => record_field,
      attrs =>
          #{location => get_location(Attrs),
            text => get_text(Attrs),
            name => Name},
      node_attrs => #{variable => to_map(Var)},
      content => [to_map(Field)]};
%% Block
to_map({block, Attrs, Body}) ->
    #{type => block,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      content => to_map(Body)};
%% Record Attribute
to_map({attribute, Attrs, record, {Name, Fields}}) ->
    #{type => record_attr,
      attrs =>
          #{location => get_location(Attrs),
            text => get_text(Attrs),
            name => Name},
      content => to_map(Fields)};
to_map({typed_record_field, Field, Type}) ->
    FieldMap = to_map(Field),
    #{type => typed_record_field,
      attrs =>
          #{location => attr(location, FieldMap),
            text => attr(text, FieldMap),
            field => FieldMap},
      node_attrs => #{type => to_map(Type)}};
%% Type
to_map({type, Attrs, 'fun', Types}) ->
    #{type => type,
      attrs =>
          #{location => get_location(Attrs),
            text => get_text(Attrs),
            name => 'fun'},
      content => to_map(Types)};
to_map({type, Attrs, constraint, [Sub, SubType]}) ->
    #{type => type,
      attrs =>
          #{location => get_location(Attrs),
            text => get_text(Attrs),
            name => constraint,
            subtype => Sub},
      content => to_map(SubType)};
to_map({type, Attrs, bounded_fun, [FunType, Defs]}) ->
    #{type => type,
      attrs =>
          #{location => get_location(Attrs),
            text => get_text(Attrs),
            name => bounded_fun},
      node_attrs => #{'fun' => to_map(FunType)},
      content => to_map(Defs)};
to_map({type, Attrs, Name, any}) ->
    to_map({type, Attrs, Name, [any]});
to_map({type, Attrs, any}) ->
    #{type => type,
      attrs =>
          #{location => get_location(Attrs),
            text => "...",
            name => '...'}};
to_map({type, Attrs, Name, Types}) ->
    #{type => type,
      attrs =>
          #{location => get_location(Attrs),
            text => get_text(Attrs),
            name => Name},
      content => to_map(Types)};
to_map({user_type, Attrs, Name, Types}) -> %% any()
    #{type => user_type,
      attrs =>
          #{location => get_location(Attrs),
            text => get_text(Attrs),
            name => Name},
      content => to_map(Types)};
to_map({type, Attrs, map_field_assoc, Name, Type}) ->
    {Location, Text} =
        case Attrs of
            Line when is_integer(Attrs) ->
                {{Line, Line}, undefined};
            Attrs ->
                {get_location(Attrs), get_text(Attrs)}
    #{type => type_map_field,
      attrs => #{location => Location, text => Text},
      node_attrs => #{key => to_map(Name), type => to_map(Type)}};
to_map({remote_type, Attrs, [Module, Function, Args]}) ->
    #{type => remote_type,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      node_attrs =>
          #{module => to_map(Module),
            function => to_map(Function),
            args => to_map(Args)}};
to_map({ann_type, Attrs, [Var, Type]}) ->
    #{type => record_field,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      node_attrs => #{var => to_map(Var), type => to_map(Type)}};
to_map({paren_type, Attrs, [Type]}) ->
    #{type => record_field,
      attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)},
      node_attrs => #{type => to_map(Type)}};
to_map(any) -> %% any()
    #{type => any};
%% Other Attributes
to_map({attribute, Attrs, type, {Name, Type, Args}}) ->
    #{type => type_attr,
      attrs =>
          #{location => get_location(Attrs),
            text => get_text(Attrs),
            name => Name},
      node_attrs => #{args => to_map(Args), type => to_map(Type)}};
to_map({attribute, Attrs, spec, {{Name, Arity}, Types}}) ->
    #{type => spec,
      attrs =>
          #{location => get_location(Attrs),
            text => get_text(Attrs),
            name => Name,
            arity => Arity},
      node_attrs => #{types => to_map(Types)}};
to_map({attribute, Attrs, Type, Value}) ->
    #{type => Type,
      attrs =>
          #{location => get_location(Attrs),
            text => get_text(Attrs),
            value => Value}};
%% Comments
to_map({comment, Attrs, _Text}) ->
    #{type => comment, attrs => #{location => get_location(Attrs), text => get_text(Attrs)}};
%% Macro
to_map({macro, Attrs, Name, Args}) ->
    Args1 =
        case Args of
            none ->
            _ ->
    NameStr = macro_name(Name),
    #{type => macro,
      attrs =>
          #{location => get_location(Attrs),
            text => get_text(Attrs) ++ NameStr,
            name => NameStr},
      content => to_map(Args1)};
%% Unhandled forms
to_map(Parsed) when is_tuple(Parsed) ->
    case erl_syntax:is_tree(Parsed) of
        true ->
        false ->
            throw({unhandled_abstract_form, Parsed})
to_map(Parsed) ->
    throw({unexpected_abstract_form, Parsed}).

-spec macro_name(erl_syntax:syntaxTree()) -> string().
macro_name(Name) ->
    case erl_syntax:type(Name) of
        atom ->
        variable ->

%% @doc Splits a list whenever an element satisfies the When predicate.
%%      Returns a list of lists where each list includes the matched element
%%      as its last one.
%%      E.g.
%%      <code>
%%        split_when(fun (X) -> $. == X end, "a.b.c") = ["a.", "b.", "c"]
%%      </code>
%%      NOTE: Copied from ktn_lists not to bring the whole erlang-katana
%%            repo as a dependency here
%% @end
-spec split_when(fun((T) -> boolean()), [T]) -> [[T]].
split_when(When, List) ->
    split_when(When, List, [[]]).

split_when(When, [], [[] | Results]) ->
    split_when(When, [], Results);
split_when(_When, [], Results) ->
    Reversed = lists:map(fun lists:reverse/1, Results),
split_when(When, [Head | Tail], [Current0 | Rest]) ->
    Current = [Head | Current0],
    Result =
        case When(Head) of
            true ->
                [[], Current | Rest];
            false ->
                [Current | Rest]
    split_when(When, Tail, Result).