
%% =====================================================================
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
%% not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
%% a copy of the License at <>
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% Alternatively, you may use this file under the terms of the GNU Lesser
%% General Public License (the "LGPL") as published by the Free Software
%% Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at your option) any later version.
%% If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only under the
%% terms of the LGPL, you should delete the provisions above and replace
%% them with the notice and other provisions required by the LGPL; see
%% <>. If you do not delete the provisions
%% above, a recipient may use your version of this file under the terms of
%% either the Apache License or the LGPL.
%% @copyright 2001-2006 Richard Carlsson
%% @author Richard Carlsson <>
%% =====================================================================

%% @doc `epp_dodger' - bypasses the Erlang preprocessor.
%% <p>This module tokenises and parses most Erlang source code without
%% expanding preprocessor directives and macro applications, as long as
%% these are syntactically "well-behaved". Because the normal parse
%% trees of the `erl_parse' module cannot represent these things
%% (normally, they are expanded by the Erlang preprocessor (`epp')
%% before the parser sees them), an extended syntax tree
%% is created, using the `erl_syntax' module.</p>

%% * It's OK if the result does not parse - then at least nothing
%% strange happens, and the user can resort to full preprocessing.
%% However, we must avoid generating a token stream that is accepted by
%% the parser, but has a different meaning than the intended. A typical
%% example is when someone uses token-level string concatenation with
%% macros, as in `"foo" ?bar' (where `?bar' expands to a string). If we
%% replace the tokens `? bar' with `( ... )', to preserve precedence,
%% the result will be parsed as an application `"foo" ( ... )' and cause
%% trouble later on. We must detect such cases and report an error.
%% * It is pointless to add a mechanism for tracking which macros are
%% known to take arguments, and which are known to take no arguments,
%% since a lot of the time we will not have seen the macro definition
%% anyway (it's usually in a header file). Hence, we try to use
%% heuristics instead. In most cases, the token sequence `? foo ('
%% indicates that it is a call of a macro that is supposed to take
%% arguments, but e.g., in the context `: ? foo (', the argument list
%% typically belongs to a remote function call, as in `m:?f(...)' and
%% should be parsed as `m:(?f)(...)' unless it is actually a try-clause
%% pattern such as `throw:?f(...) ->'.
%% * We do our best to make macros without arguments pass the parsing
%% stage transparently. Atoms are accepted in most contexts, but
%% variables are not, so we use only atoms to encode these macros.
%% Sadly, the parsing sometimes discards even the line number info from
%% atom tokens, so we can only use the actual characters for this.
%% * We recognize `?m(...' at the start of a form and prevent this from
%% being interpreted as a macro with arguments, since it is probably a
%% function definition. Likewise with attributes `-?m(...'.


-format ignore.

%% We have snake_case macros here
-elvis([{elvis_style, macro_names, disable}]).
-elvis([{elvis_style, no_catch_expressions, disable}]).
-elvis([{elvis_style, no_throw, disable}]).
-elvis([{elvis_style, consistent_variable_casing, disable}]).

-export([parse_file/1, quick_parse_file/1, parse_file/2, quick_parse_file/2, parse/1,
         quick_parse/1, parse/2, quick_parse/2, parse/3, quick_parse/3, parse_form/2, parse_form/3,
         quick_parse_form/2, quick_parse_form/3, format_error/1, tokens_to_string/1]).

%% The following should be: 1) pseudo-uniquely identifiable, and 2)
%% cause nice looking error messages when the parser has to give up.

-define(macro_call, '? <macro> (').
-define(atom_prefix, "? ").
-define(var_prefix, "?,").
-define(pp_form, '?preprocessor declaration?').

%% This is a so-called Erlang I/O ErrorInfo structure; see the {@link
%% //stdlib/io} module for details.

-type errorinfo() :: {integer(), atom(), term()}.

-type option() :: atom() | {atom(), term()}.

-export_type([errorinfo/0, option/0]).

-hank([{unnecessary_function_arguments, [{no_fix, 1}, {quick_parser, 2}]}]).

%% =====================================================================
%% @equiv parse_file(File, [])

-spec parse_file(file:filename()) -> {ok, erl_syntax:forms()} | {error, errorinfo()}.
parse_file(File) ->
    parse_file(File, []).

%% @doc Reads and parses a file. If successful, `{ok, Forms}'
%% is returned, where `Forms' is a list of abstract syntax
%% trees representing the "program forms" of the file (cf.
%% `erl_syntax:is_form/1'). Otherwise, `{error, errorinfo()}' is
%% returned, typically if the file could not be opened. Note that
%% parse errors show up as error markers in the returned list of
%% forms; they do not cause this function to fail or return
%% `{error, errorinfo()}'.
%% Options:
%% <dl>
%%   <dt>{@type {no_fail, boolean()@}}</dt>
%%   <dd>If `true', this makes `epp_dodger' replace any program forms
%%   that could not be parsed with nodes of type `text' (see
%%   `erl_syntax:text/1'), representing the raw token sequence of the
%%   form, instead of reporting a parse error. The default value is
%%   `false'.</dd>
%%   <dt>{@type {clever, boolean()@}}</dt>
%%   <dd>If set to `true', this makes `epp_dodger' try to repair the
%%   source code as it seems fit, in certain cases where parsing would
%%   otherwise fail. Currently, it inserts `++'-operators between string
%%   literals and macros where it looks like concatenation was intended.
%%   The default value is `false'.</dd>
%% </dl>
%% @see parse/2
%% @see quick_parse_file/1
%% @see erl_syntax:is_form/1

-spec parse_file(file:filename(), [option()]) ->
                    {ok, erl_syntax:forms()} | {error, errorinfo()}.
parse_file(File, Options) ->
    parse_file(File, fun parse/3, Options).

%% @equiv quick_parse_file(File, [])

-spec quick_parse_file(file:filename()) ->
                          {ok, erl_syntax:forms()} | {error, errorinfo()}.
quick_parse_file(File) ->
    quick_parse_file(File, []).

%% @doc Similar to `parse_file/2', but does a more quick-and-dirty
%% processing of the code. Macro definitions and other preprocessor
%% directives are discarded, and all macro calls are replaced with
%% atoms. This is useful when only the main structure of the code is of
%% interest, and not the details. Furthermore, the quick-parse method
%% can usually handle more strange cases than the normal, more exact
%% parsing.
%% Options: see `parse_file/2'. Note however that for
%% `quick_parse_file/2', the option `no_fail' is `true' by default.
%% @see quick_parse/2
%% @see parse_file/2

-spec quick_parse_file(file:filename(), [option()]) ->
                          {ok, erl_syntax:forms()} | {error, errorinfo()}.
quick_parse_file(File, Options) ->
    parse_file(File, fun quick_parse/3, Options ++ [no_fail]).

parse_file(File, Parser, Options) ->
    case do_parse_file(utf8, File, Parser, Options) of
        {ok, Forms} = Ret ->
            case find_invalid_unicode(Forms) of
                none ->
                invalid_unicode ->
                    case epp:read_encoding(File) of
                        utf8 ->
                        _ ->
                            do_parse_file(latin1, File, Parser, Options)
        Else ->

do_parse_file(DefEncoding, File, Parser, Options) ->
    case file:open(File, [read]) of
        {ok, Dev} ->
            _ = epp:set_encoding(Dev, DefEncoding),
                Parser(Dev, 1, Options)
                ok = file:close(Dev)
        {error, Error} ->
            {error, {0, file, Error}}  % defer to file:format_error/1

find_invalid_unicode([H | T]) ->
    case H of
        {error, {_Line, file_io_server, invalid_unicode}} ->
        _Other ->
find_invalid_unicode([]) ->

%% =====================================================================
%% @equiv parse(IODevice, 1)

-spec parse(file:io_device()) -> {ok, erl_syntax:forms()}.
parse(Dev) ->
    parse(Dev, 1).

%% @equiv parse(IODevice, StartLine, [])
%% @see parse/1

-spec parse(file:io_device(), integer()) -> {ok, erl_syntax:forms()}.
parse(Dev, L) ->
    parse(Dev, L, []).

%% @doc Reads and parses program text from an I/O stream. Characters are
%% read from `IODevice' until end-of-file; apart from this, the
%% behaviour is the same as for `parse_file/2'. `StartLine' is the
%% initial line number, which should be a positive integer.
%% @see parse/2
%% @see parse_file/2
%% @see parse_form/2
%% @see quick_parse/3

-spec parse(file:io_device(), erl_anno:location(), [option()]) ->
               {ok, erl_syntax:forms()}.
parse(Dev, L0, Options) ->
    parse(Dev, L0, fun parse_form/3, Options).

%% @equiv quick_parse(IODevice, 1)

-spec quick_parse(file:io_device()) -> {ok, erl_syntax:forms()}.
quick_parse(Dev) ->
    quick_parse(Dev, 1).

%% @equiv quick_parse(IODevice, StartLine, [])
%% @see quick_parse/1

-spec quick_parse(file:io_device(), integer()) -> {ok, erl_syntax:forms()}.
quick_parse(Dev, L) ->
    quick_parse(Dev, L, []).

%% @doc Similar to `parse/3', but does a more quick-and-dirty
%% processing of the code. See `quick_parse_file/2' for details.
%% @see quick_parse/2
%% @see quick_parse_file/2
%% @see quick_parse_form/2
%% @see parse/3

-spec quick_parse(file:io_device(), integer(), [option()]) -> {ok, erl_syntax:forms()}.
quick_parse(Dev, L0, Options) ->
    parse(Dev, L0, fun quick_parse_form/3, Options).

parse(Dev, L0, Parser, Options) ->
    parse(Dev, L0, [], Parser, Options).

parse(Dev, L0, Fs, Parser, Options) ->
    case Parser(Dev, L0, Options) of
        {ok, none, L1} ->
            parse(Dev, L1, Fs, Parser, Options);
        {ok, F, L1} ->
            parse(Dev, L1, [F | Fs], Parser, Options);
        {error, IoErr, L1} ->
            parse(Dev, L1, [{error, IoErr} | Fs], Parser, Options);
        {eof, _L1} ->
            {ok, lists:reverse(Fs)}

%% =====================================================================
%% @equiv parse_form(IODevice, StartLine, [])
%% @see quick_parse_form/2

-spec parse_form(file:io_device(), non_neg_integer()) ->
                    {ok, erl_syntax:forms(), non_neg_integer()} |
                    {eof, non_neg_integer()} |
                    {error, errorinfo(), non_neg_integer()}.
parse_form(Dev, L0) ->
    parse_form(Dev, L0, []).

%% @doc Reads and parses a single program form from an I/O stream.
%% Characters are read from `IODevice' until an end-of-form
%% marker is found (a period character followed by whitespace), or until
%% end-of-file; apart from this, the behaviour is similar to that of
%% `parse/3', except that the return values also contain the
%% final line number given that `StartLine' is the initial
%% line number, and that `{eof, LineNo}' may be returned.
%% @see parse/3
%% @see parse_form/2
%% @see quick_parse_form/3

-spec parse_form(file:io_device(), integer(), [option()]) ->
                    {ok, erl_syntax:forms(), integer()} |
                    {eof, integer()} |
                    {error, errorinfo(), integer()}.
parse_form(Dev, L0, Options) ->
    parse_form(Dev, L0, fun normal_parser/2, Options).

%% @equiv quick_parse_form(IODevice, StartLine, [])
%% @see parse_form/2

-spec quick_parse_form(file:io_device(), non_neg_integer()) ->
                          {ok, erl_syntax:forms(), non_neg_integer()} |
                          {eof, non_neg_integer()} |
                          {error, errorinfo(), non_neg_integer()}.
quick_parse_form(Dev, L0) ->
    quick_parse_form(Dev, L0, []).

%% @doc Similar to `parse_form/3', but does a more quick-and-dirty
%% processing of the code. See `quick_parse_file/2' for details.
%% @see parse/3
%% @see quick_parse_form/2
%% @see parse_form/3

-spec quick_parse_form(file:io_device(), integer(), [option()]) ->
                          {ok, erl_syntax:forms(), integer()} |
                          {eof, integer()} |
                          {error, errorinfo(), integer()}.
quick_parse_form(Dev, L0, Options) ->
    parse_form(Dev, L0, fun quick_parser/2, Options).

-type pre_fixer() :: fun((erl_scan:tokens()) -> no_fix | {retry, erl_scan:tokens()}).
-type post_fixer() ::
    fun((erl_parse:abstract_form()) -> no_fix | {form, erl_parse:abstract_form()}).

        {clever = false :: boolean(),
         parse_macro_definitions = false :: boolean(),
         compact_strings = false :: boolean(),
         pre_fixer = fun no_fix/1 :: pre_fixer(),
         post_fixer = fun no_fix/1 :: post_fixer()}).

parse_form(Dev, L0, Parser, Options) ->
    NoFail = proplists:get_bool(no_fail, Options),
    Opt = #opt{clever = proplists:get_bool(clever, Options),
               parse_macro_definitions = proplists:get_bool(parse_macro_definitions, Options),
               compact_strings = proplists:get_bool(compact_strings, Options),
               pre_fixer = proplists:get_value(pre_fixer, Options, fun no_fix/1),
               post_fixer = proplists:get_value(post_fixer, Options, fun no_fix/1)},
    ScanOpts = proplists:get_value(scan_opts, Options, []),
    case io:scan_erl_form(Dev, "", L0, ScanOpts) of
        {ok, Ts, L1} ->
            case extract_escript_header(Ts) of
                no_header ->
                    parse_form(Parser, Ts, L1, NoFail, Opt);
                {LineNo, {Header, Rest}} ->
                    case parse_form(Parser, Rest, L1, NoFail, Opt) of
                        {ok, Form, L2} ->
                        Error ->
        {error, _IoErr, _L1} = Err ->
        {error, _Reason} ->
            {eof, L0}; % This is probably encoding problem
        {eof, _L1} = Eof ->

extract_escript_header([{'#', Anno}, {'!', _} | _] = Ts) ->
    LineNo = erl_anno:line(Anno),
    {LineNo, lists:splitwith(fun(Token) -> erl_scan:line(Token) == LineNo end, Ts)};
extract_escript_header(_) ->

parse_form(Parser, Ts, L1, NoFail, Opt) ->
    case catch {ok, Parser(Ts, Opt)} of
        {'EXIT', Term} ->
            {error, io_error(L1, {unknown, Term}), L1};
        {error, Term} ->
            IoErr = io_error(L1, Term),
            {error, IoErr, L1};
        {parse_error, _IoErr} when NoFail ->
                 erl_syntax:text(tokens_to_string(Ts)), start_pos(Ts, L1)),
        {parse_error, IoErr} ->
            {error, IoErr, L1};
        {ok, F} ->
            {ok, F, L1}

io_error(L, Desc) ->
    {L, ?MODULE, Desc}.

start_pos([T | _Ts], _L) ->
    erl_anno:line(element(2, T));
start_pos([], L) ->

%% Exception-throwing wrapper for the standard Erlang parser stage

parse_tokens(Ts) ->
    parse_tokens(Ts, fun no_fix/1, fun fix_form/1, fun no_fix/1).

%% @doc PreFix adjusts the tokens before parsing them.
%%      FormFix adjusts the tokens after parsing them, if erl_parse failed.
%%      PostFix adjusts the forms after parsing them, if erl_parse worked.
parse_tokens(Ts, PreFix, FormFix, PostFix) ->
    case PreFix(Ts) of
        {form, Form} ->
        {retry, Ts1} ->
            parse_tokens(Ts1, PreFix, FormFix, PostFix);
        no_fix ->
            case erl_parse:parse_form(Ts) of
                {ok, Form} ->
                    case PostFix(Form) of
                        no_fix ->
                        {form, NewForm} ->
                {error, _IoErr} ->
                    case FormFix(Ts) of
                        {form, Form} ->
                        {retry, Ts1, FormFix1} ->
                            parse_tokens(Ts1, PreFix, FormFix1, PostFix);
                        no_fix ->
                            parse_tokens_as_terms(Ts, PreFix, FormFix)

%% @doc This handles config files, app.src, etc.
%%      PreFix adjusts the tokens before parsing them.
%%      FormFix adjusts the tokens after parsing them, only if erl_parse failed.
parse_tokens_as_terms(Ts, PreFix, FormFix) ->
    case PreFix(Ts) of
        {form, Form} ->
        {retry, Ts1} ->
            parse_tokens_as_terms(Ts1, PreFix, FormFix);
        no_fix ->
            case erl_parse:parse_exprs(Ts) of
                {ok, Forms} ->
                    erl_syntax:form_list(Forms ++ [expression_dot()]);
                {error, IoErr} ->
                    case FormFix(Ts) of
                        {form, Form} ->
                        {retry, Ts1, FormFix1} ->
                            parse_tokens_as_terms(Ts1, PreFix, FormFix1);
                        no_fix ->
                            throw({parse_error, IoErr})

expression_dot() ->
        erl_syntax:text("."), [expression_dot]).

%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Quick scanning/parsing - deletes macro definitions and other
%% preprocessor directives, and replaces all macro calls with atoms.

quick_parser(Ts, _Opt) ->

quickscan_form([{'-', _L}, {atom, La, define} | _Ts]) ->
quickscan_form([{'-', _L}, {atom, La, undef} | _Ts]) ->
quickscan_form([{'-', _L}, {atom, La, include} | _Ts]) ->
quickscan_form([{'-', _L}, {atom, La, include_lib} | _Ts]) ->
quickscan_form([{'-', _L}, {atom, La, ifdef} | _Ts]) ->
quickscan_form([{'-', _L}, {atom, La, ifndef} | _Ts]) ->
quickscan_form([{'-', _L}, {'if', La} | _Ts]) ->
quickscan_form([{'-', _L}, {atom, La, elif} | _Ts]) ->
quickscan_form([{'-', _L}, {atom, La, 'else'} | _Ts]) ->
quickscan_form([{'-', _L}, {atom, La, endif} | _Ts]) ->
quickscan_form([{'-', L}, {'?', _}, {Type, _, _} = N | [{'(', _} | _] = Ts])
    when Type =:= atom; Type =:= var ->
    %% minus, macro and open parenthesis at start of form - assume that
    %% the macro takes no arguments; e.g. `-?foo(...).'
    do_quickscan_macros(N, Ts, [{'-', L}]);
quickscan_form([{'?', _L}, {Type, _, _} = N | [{'(', _} | _] = Ts])
    when Type =:= atom; Type =:= var ->
    %% macro and open parenthesis at start of form - assume that the
    %% macro takes no arguments (see scan_macros for details)
    do_quickscan_macros(N, Ts, []);
quickscan_form(Ts) ->

kill_form(L) ->
    [{atom, L, ?pp_form}, {'(', L}, {')', L}, {'->', L}, {atom, L, kill}, {dot, L}].

quickscan_macros(Ts) ->
    quickscan_macros(Ts, []).

quickscan_macros([{'?', _}, {Type, _, A} | Ts], [{string, L, S} | As])
  when Type =:= atom; Type =:= var ->
    %% macro after a string literal: change to a single string
    {_, Ts1} = skip_macro_args(Ts),
    S1 = S ++ quick_macro_string(A),
    quickscan_macros(Ts1, [{string, L, S1} | As]);
quickscan_macros([{'?', _}, {Type, _, _} = N | [{'(', _} | _] = Ts], [{':', _} | _] = As)
    when Type =:= atom; Type =:= var ->
    %% macro and open parenthesis after colon - check the token
    %% following the arguments (see scan_macros for details)
    Ts1 = case skip_macro_args(Ts) of
              {_, [{'->', _} | _] = Ts2} ->
              {_, [{'when', _} | _] = Ts2} ->
              _ ->
                  Ts    %% assume macro without arguments
    do_quickscan_macros(N, Ts1, As);
quickscan_macros([{'?', _}, {Type, _, _} = N | Ts], As)
    when Type =:= atom; Type =:= var ->
    %% macro with or without arguments
    {_, Ts1} = skip_macro_args(Ts),
    do_quickscan_macros(N, Ts1, As);
quickscan_macros([T | Ts], As) ->
    quickscan_macros(Ts, [T | As]);
quickscan_macros([], As) ->

%% (after a macro has been found and the arglist skipped, if any)
do_quickscan_macros({_Type, _, A}, [{string, L, S} | Ts], As) ->
    %% string literal following macro: change to single string
    S1 = quick_macro_string(A) ++ S,
    quickscan_macros(Ts, [{string, L, S1} | As]);
do_quickscan_macros({_Type, L, A}, Ts, As) ->
    %% normal case - just replace the macro with an atom
    quickscan_macros(Ts, [{atom, L, quick_macro_atom(A)} | As]).

quick_macro_atom(A) ->
    list_to_atom("?" ++ atom_to_list(A)).

quick_macro_string(A) ->
    "(?" ++ atom_to_list(A) ++ ")".

%% Skipping to the end of a macro call, tracking open/close constructs.

skip_macro_args([{'(', _} = T | Ts]) ->
    skip_macro_args(Ts, [')'], [T]);
skip_macro_args(Ts) ->
    {[], Ts}.

skip_macro_args([{'(', _} = T | Ts], Es, As) ->
    skip_macro_args(Ts, [')' | Es], [T | As]);
skip_macro_args([{'{', _} = T | Ts], Es, As) ->
    skip_macro_args(Ts, ['}' | Es], [T | As]);
skip_macro_args([{'[', _} = T | Ts], Es, As) ->
    skip_macro_args(Ts, [']' | Es], [T | As]);
skip_macro_args([{'<<', _} = T | Ts], Es, As) ->
    skip_macro_args(Ts, ['>>' | Es], [T | As]);
skip_macro_args([{'begin', _} = T | Ts], Es, As) ->
    skip_macro_args(Ts, ['end' | Es], [T | As]);
skip_macro_args([{'if', _} = T | Ts], Es, As) ->
    skip_macro_args(Ts, ['end' | Es], [T | As]);
skip_macro_args([{'case', _} = T | Ts], Es, As) ->
    skip_macro_args(Ts, ['end' | Es], [T | As]);
skip_macro_args([{'receive', _} = T | Ts], Es, As) ->
    skip_macro_args(Ts, ['end' | Es], [T | As]);
skip_macro_args([{'try', _} = T | Ts], Es, As) ->
    skip_macro_args(Ts, ['end' | Es], [T | As]);
skip_macro_args([{'cond', _} = T | Ts], Es, As) ->
    skip_macro_args(Ts, ['end' | Es], [T | As]);
skip_macro_args([{E, _} = T | Ts],
                As) ->                %final close
    {lists:reverse([T | As]), Ts};
skip_macro_args([{E, _} = T | Ts],
                [E | Es],
                As) ->        %matching close
    skip_macro_args(Ts, Es, [T | As]);
skip_macro_args([T | Ts], Es, As) ->
    skip_macro_args(Ts, Es, [T | As]);
skip_macro_args([], _Es, _As) ->
    throw({error, macro_args}).

filter_form({function, _, ?pp_form, _, [{clause, _, [], [], [{atom, _, kill}]}]}) ->
filter_form(T) ->

%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Normal parsing - try to preserve all information

normal_parser(Ts0, Opt) ->
    case scan_form(Ts0, Opt) of
        Ts when is_list(Ts) ->
                                      fun fix_form/1,
        Node ->

normal_parser_prefix(#opt{pre_fixer = PreFixer} = Opt) ->
    DefaultPrefix = default_prefix(Opt),
    fun(Ts) ->
       case PreFixer(Ts) of
           no_fix ->
           {retry, Ts1} ->
               case DefaultPrefix(Ts1) of
                   no_fix ->
                       {retry, Ts1};
                   Other ->

default_prefix(#opt{parse_macro_definitions = true, compact_strings = false}) ->
    fun no_fix/1;
default_prefix(#opt{parse_macro_definitions = true, compact_strings = true}) ->
    fun fix_contiguous_strings/1;
default_prefix(#opt{parse_macro_definitions = false, compact_strings = false}) ->
    fun fix_define/1;
default_prefix(#opt{parse_macro_definitions = false, compact_strings = true}) ->
    fun(Ts) ->
       case fix_contiguous_strings(Ts) of
           no_fix ->
           {retry, Ts1} ->
               case fix_define(Ts1) of
                   no_fix ->
                       {retry, Ts1};
                   Other ->

scan_form([{'-', _L}, {atom, La, define} | Ts], #opt{parse_macro_definitions = false}) ->
    [{atom, La, ?pp_form}, {'(', La}, {')', La}, {'->', La}, {atom, La, define} | Ts];
scan_form([{'-', _L}, {atom, La, define} | Ts], Opt) ->
    [{atom, La, ?pp_form}, {'(', La}, {')', La}, {'->', La}, {atom, La, define}
     | scan_macros(Ts, Opt)];
scan_form([{'-', _L}, {atom, La, undef} | Ts], Opt) ->
    [{atom, La, ?pp_form}, {'(', La}, {')', La}, {'->', La}, {atom, La, undef}
     | scan_macros(Ts, Opt)];
scan_form([{'-', _L}, {atom, La, include} | Ts], Opt) ->
    [{atom, La, ?pp_form}, {'(', La}, {')', La}, {'->', La}, {atom, La, include}
     | scan_macros(Ts, Opt)];
scan_form([{'-', _L}, {atom, La, include_lib} | Ts], Opt) ->
    [{atom, La, ?pp_form}, {'(', La}, {')', La}, {'->', La}, {atom, La, include_lib}
     | scan_macros(Ts, Opt)];
scan_form([{'-', _L}, {atom, La, ifdef} | Ts], Opt) ->
    [{atom, La, ?pp_form}, {'(', La}, {')', La}, {'->', La}, {atom, La, ifdef}
     | scan_macros(Ts, Opt)];
scan_form([{'-', _L}, {atom, La, ifndef} | Ts], Opt) ->
    [{atom, La, ?pp_form}, {'(', La}, {')', La}, {'->', La}, {atom, La, ifndef}
     | scan_macros(Ts, Opt)];
scan_form([{'-', _L}, {'if', La} | Ts], Opt) ->
    [{atom, La, ?pp_form}, {'(', La}, {')', La}, {'->', La}, {atom, La, 'if'}
     | scan_macros(Ts, Opt)];
scan_form([{'-', _L}, {atom, La, elif} | Ts], Opt) ->
    [{atom, La, ?pp_form}, {'(', La}, {')', La}, {'->', La}, {atom, La, elif}
     | scan_macros(Ts, Opt)];
scan_form([{'-', _L}, {atom, La, 'else'} | Ts], Opt) ->
    [{atom, La, ?pp_form}, {'(', La}, {')', La}, {'->', La}, {atom, La, 'else'}
     | scan_macros(Ts, Opt)];
scan_form([{'-', _L}, {atom, La, endif} | Ts], Opt) ->
    [{atom, La, ?pp_form}, {'(', La}, {')', La}, {'->', La}, {atom, La, endif}
     | scan_macros(Ts, Opt)];
scan_form([{'-', _L}, {atom, La, error} | Ts], _Opt) ->
    Desc = build_info_string("-error", Ts),
    ErrorInfo = {La, ?MODULE, {error, Desc}},
scan_form([{'-', _L}, {atom, La, warning} | Ts], _Opt) ->
    Desc = build_info_string("-warning", Ts),
    ErrorInfo = {La, ?MODULE, {warning, Desc}},
scan_form([{'-', L}, {'?', L1}, {Type, _, _} = N | [{'(', _} | _] = Ts], Opt)
    when Type =:= atom; Type =:= var ->
    %% minus, macro and open parenthesis at start of form - assume that
    %% the macro takes no arguments; e.g. `-?foo(...).'
    macro(L1, N, Ts, [{'-', L}], Opt);
scan_form([{'?', L}, {Type, _, _} = N | [{'(', _} | _] = Ts], Opt)
    when Type =:= atom; Type =:= var ->
    %% macro and open parenthesis at start of form - assume that the
    %% macro takes no arguments; probably a function declaration on the
    %% form `?m(...) -> ...', which will not parse if it is rewritten as
    %% `(?m(...)) -> ...', so it must be handled as `(?m)(...) -> ...'
    macro(L, N, Ts, [], Opt);
scan_form(Ts, Opt) ->
    scan_macros(Ts, Opt).

build_info_string(Prefix, Ts0) ->
    Ts = lists:droplast(Ts0),
    String = lists:droplast(tokens_to_string(Ts)),
    Prefix ++ " " ++ String ++ ".".

scan_macros(Ts, Opt) ->
    scan_macros(Ts, [], Opt).

scan_macros([{'?', _} = M, {Type, _, _} = N | Ts],
            [{string, L, _} = S | As],
            #opt{clever = true} = Opt)
    when Type =:= atom; Type =:= var ->
    %% macro after a string literal: be clever and insert ++
    scan_macros([M, N | Ts], [{'++', L}, S | As], Opt);
scan_macros([{'?', L}, {Type, _, _} = N | [{'(', _} | _] = Ts], [{':', _} | _] = As, Opt)
    when Type =:= atom; Type =:= var ->
    %% macro and open parentheses after colon - probably a call
    %% `m:?F(...)' so the argument list might belong to the call, not
    %% the macro - but it could also be a try-clause pattern
    %% `...:?T(...) ->' - we need to check the token following the
    %% arguments to decide
    {Args, Rest} = skip_macro_args(Ts),
    case Rest of
        [{'->', _} | _] ->
            macro_call(Args, L, N, Rest, As, Opt);
        [{'when', _} | _] ->
            macro_call(Args, L, N, Rest, As, Opt);
        _ ->
            macro(L, N, Ts, As, Opt)
scan_macros([{'?', L}, {Type, _, _} = N | [{'(', _} | _] = Ts], As, Opt)
    when Type =:= atom; Type =:= var ->
    %% macro with arguments
    {Args, Rest} = skip_macro_args(Ts),
    macro_call(Args, L, N, Rest, As, Opt);
scan_macros([{'?', L}, {Type, _, _} = N | Ts], As, Opt)
    when Type =:= atom; Type =:= var ->
    %% macro without arguments
    macro(L, N, Ts, As, Opt);
scan_macros([T | Ts], As, Opt) ->
    scan_macros(Ts, [T | As], Opt);
scan_macros([], As, _Opt) ->

%% Rewriting to a call which will be recognized by the post-parse pass
%% (we insert parentheses to preserve the precedences when parsing).

macro(L, {Type, _, A}, Rest, As, Opt) ->
    do_scan_macros([], Rest, [{atom, L, macro_atom(Type, A)} | As], Opt).

macro_call([{'(', _}, {')', _}], L, {_, Ln, _} = N, Rest, As, Opt) ->
    {Open, Close} = parentheses(As),
                  lists:reverse(Open ++ [{atom, L, ?macro_call}, {'(', L}, N, {')', Ln}] ++ Close,
macro_call([{'(', _} | Args], L, {_, Ln, _} = N, Rest, As, Opt) ->
    {Open, Close} = parentheses(As),
    %% note that we must scan the argument list; it may not be skipped
    do_scan_macros(Args ++ Close,
                  lists:reverse(Open ++ [{atom, L, ?macro_call}, {'(', L}, N, {',', Ln}], As),

macro_atom(atom, A) ->
    list_to_atom(?atom_prefix ++ atom_to_list(A));
macro_atom(var, A) ->
    list_to_atom(?var_prefix ++ atom_to_list(A)).

%% don't insert parentheses after a string token, to avoid turning
%% `"string" ?macro' into a "function application" `"string"(...)'
%% (see note at top of file)
parentheses([{string, _, _} | _]) ->
    {[], []};
parentheses(_) ->
    {[{'(', 0}], [{')', 0}]}.

%% (after a macro has been found and the arglist skipped, if any)
do_scan_macros(Args, [{string, L, _} | _] = Rest, As, #opt{clever = true} = Opt) ->
    %% string literal following macro: be clever and insert ++
    scan_macros(Args ++ [{'++', L} | Rest],  As, Opt);
do_scan_macros(Args, Rest, As, Opt) ->
    %% normal case - continue scanning
    scan_macros(Args ++ Rest, As, Opt).

rewrite_form({function, L, ?pp_form, _, [{clause, _, [], [], [{call, _, A, As}]}]}) ->
        erl_syntax:attribute(A, rewrite_list(As)), L);
rewrite_form({function, L, ?pp_form, _, [{clause, _, [], [], [A]}]}) ->
        erl_syntax:attribute(A), L);
rewrite_form(T) ->

rewrite_list([T | Ts]) ->
    [rewrite(T) | rewrite_list(Ts)];
rewrite_list([]) ->

%% Note: as soon as we start using erl_syntax:subtrees/1 and similar
%% functions, we cannot assume that we know the exact representation of
%% the syntax tree anymore - we must use erl_syntax functions to analyze
%% and decompose the data.

rewrite(Node) ->
    case erl_syntax:type(Node) of
        atom ->
            case atom_to_list(erl_syntax:atom_value(Node)) of
                ?atom_prefix ++ As ->
                    A1 = list_to_atom(As),
                    N = erl_syntax:copy_pos(Node, erl_syntax:atom(A1)),
                    erl_syntax:copy_pos(Node, erl_syntax:macro(N));
                ?var_prefix ++ As ->
                    A1 = list_to_atom(As),
                    N = erl_syntax:copy_pos(Node, erl_syntax:variable(A1)),
                    erl_syntax:copy_pos(Node, erl_syntax:macro(N));
                _ ->
        application ->
            F = erl_syntax:application_operator(Node),
            case erl_syntax:type(F) of
                atom ->
                    case erl_syntax:atom_value(F) of
                        ?macro_call ->
                            [A | As] = erl_syntax:application_arguments(Node),
                            M = erl_syntax:macro(A, rewrite_list(As)),
                            erl_syntax:copy_pos(Node, M);
                        _ ->
                _ ->
        _ ->

do_rewrite(Node) ->
    case erl_syntax:subtrees(Node) of
        [] ->
        Gs ->
            Node1 =
                    erl_syntax:type(Node), [[rewrite(T) || T <- Ts] || Ts <- Gs]),
            erl_syntax:copy_pos(Node, Node1)

%% attempting a rescue operation on a token sequence for a single form
%% if it could not be parsed after the normal treatment

fix_form([{atom, _, ?pp_form}, {'(', _}, {')', _}, {'->', _}, {atom, _, define}, {'(', _}
          | _] =
             Ts) ->
    case lists:reverse(Ts) of
        [{dot, _}, {')', _} | _] ->
            {retry, Ts, fun fix_stringyfied_macros/1};
        [{dot, L} | Ts1] ->
            Ts2 = lists:reverse([{dot, L}, {')', L} | Ts1]),
            {retry, Ts2, fun fix_stringyfied_macros/1};
        _ ->
fix_form(_Ts) ->

fix_stringyfied_macros(Ts) ->
    {retry, fix_stringyfied_macros(Ts, []), fun fix_define/1}.

fix_stringyfied_macros([], Ts) ->
fix_stringyfied_macros([{'?', Pos}, {atom, Pos, MacroName} | Rest], Ts) ->
    NextTs =
        case atom_to_list(MacroName) of
            ?var_prefix ++ Name ->
                [{atom, Pos, list_to_atom(?var_prefix ++ [$? | Name])} | Ts];
            _ ->
                [{atom, Pos, MacroName}, {'?', Pos} | Ts]
    fix_stringyfied_macros(Rest, NextTs);
fix_stringyfied_macros([Other | Rest], Ts) ->
    fix_stringyfied_macros(Rest, [Other | Ts]).

fix_define([{atom, L, ?pp_form},
            {'(', _},
            {')', _},
            {'->', _},
            {atom, La, define},
            {'(', _},
            {',', _}
            | Ts]) ->
    [{dot, _}, {')', _} | Ts1] = lists:reverse(Ts),
    S = tokens_to_string(lists:reverse(Ts1)),
    A = erl_syntax:set_pos(
            erl_syntax:atom(define), La),
    Txt = erl_syntax:set_pos(
              erl_syntax:text(S), La),
         erl_syntax:attribute(A, [N, Txt]), L)};
fix_define(_Ts) ->

fix_contiguous_strings(Ts) ->
    case fix_contiguous_strings(Ts, []) of
        Ts ->
        NextTs ->
            {retry, NextTs}

fix_contiguous_strings([], Ts) ->
fix_contiguous_strings([{string, L1, S1} = First, {string, L2, S2} = Second | Rest],
                       Ts) ->
    case {erl_anno:text(L1), erl_anno:text(L2)} of
        {T1, T2} when is_list(T1), is_list(T2) ->
            Separator =
                case {erl_anno:location(L1), erl_anno:location(L2)} of
                    {L, L} ->
                    {_, _} ->
                        $\n % different lines
            NewL = erl_anno:set_text(T1 ++ [Separator | T2], L1),
            fix_contiguous_strings([{string, NewL, S1 ++ S2} | Rest], Ts);
        _ ->
            fix_contiguous_strings([Second | Rest], [First | Ts])
fix_contiguous_strings([Other | Rest], Ts) ->
    fix_contiguous_strings(Rest, [Other | Ts]).

no_fix(_) ->

%% @doc Generates a string corresponding to the given token sequence.
%% The string can be re-tokenized to yield the same token list again.
token_to_string(T) ->
    case erl_scan:text(T) of
        undefined ->
            token_to_string(erl_scan:category(T), erl_scan:symbol(T));
        Text ->

token_to_string(atom, A) ->
token_to_string(string, S) ->
token_to_string(char, C) ->
token_to_string(float, F) ->
        io_lib:format("~p", [F]));
token_to_string(integer, N) ->
        io_lib:format("~p", [N]));
token_to_string(var, A) ->
token_to_string(dot, dot) ->
token_to_string(Same, Same) ->

-spec tokens_to_string([term()]) -> string().
tokens_to_string([T | Ts]) ->
    token_to_string(T) ++ maybe_space(erl_scan:category(T), Ts) ++ tokens_to_string(Ts);
tokens_to_string([]) ->

maybe_space(_, []) ->
maybe_space(C, [T | _]) ->
    maybe_space_between(C, erl_scan:category(T)).

maybe_space_between(dot, _) ->
    ""; % No space at the end
maybe_space_between('#', '!') ->
    ""; %  \
maybe_space_between('!', '/') ->
    ""; %   \_ No space for escript headers
maybe_space_between('/', atom) ->
    ""; %  /
maybe_space_between(atom, '/') ->
    ""; % /
maybe_space_between('#', _) ->
    ""; % No space for records and maps
maybe_space_between(atom, '{') ->
    ""; % No space for records
maybe_space_between('?', _) ->
    ""; % No space for macro names
maybe_space_between('-', atom) ->
    ""; % No space for attributes
maybe_space_between(atom, '(') ->
    ""; % No space for function calls
maybe_space_between(var, '(') ->
    ""; % No space for function calls
maybe_space_between(_, _) ->
    " ". % Space between anything else

%% @private
%% @doc Callback function for formatting error descriptors. Not for
%% normal use.

-spec format_error(term()) -> string().

format_error(macro_args) ->
    errormsg("macro call missing end parenthesis");
format_error({error, Error}) ->
format_error({warning, Error}) ->
format_error({unknown, Reason}) ->
    errormsg(io_lib:format("unknown error: ~tP", [Reason, 15])).

errormsg(String) ->
    io_lib:format("~s: ~ts", [?MODULE, String]).

%% =====================================================================